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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. I have not seen it mentioned yet in any of the press releases, but the Framily plan was actually thought up by the late Kim Jong-il. AJ
  2. Here is another positive article. But the comments are the usual crap from the anti Sprint crowd. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57616821-94/sprints-new-framily-plans-offers-big-savings/ AJ
  3. Lawrence is well west of all of those locales. Only Topeka and Manhattan have more westernmost Hy-Vee stores. AJ
  4. You must be Breaking Backhaul. That is why your market is moving along so slowly. AJ
  5. The premium data charge was for smartphones with "unlimited" data, since smartphones tend to engender much greater data consumption than do feature phones. It no longer applies separately to any new plans -- especially as many of the new plans introduced over the last six months include tiered data by default. AJ
  6. Somebody should say to Lowell McAdam, "I'll look forward to you being fractured into pieces just like your anticompetitive mother." AJ
  7. And at least some are speaking enthusiastically of Sprint -- a rarity among the magenta laced tech press. http://gigaom.com/2014/01/07/sprint-just-turned-its-customers-into-recruiters-with-its-unique-spin-on-the-family-plan/ Yesterday and today, I discussed with Kevin some T-Mobile highway coverage weaknesses, which happen to be Sprint strengths. So, that may have helped pave the way for a positive article. AJ
  8. If Albuquerque is relying on chlorine, Colgate-Palmolive, or craigslist for backhaul, you are in for a long wait. AJ
  9. And you may be right -- that may be the best that we get from a single line standpoint. On the surface, it sounds like a better deal, but the absence of a 20 month subsidy could be difficult to stomach. AJ
  10. Has any wireless provider trademarked the phrase "there's strength in numbers" for its family/group plan? If not, I am surprised. AJ
  11. And that puts the kibosh on the potential S4GRU Framily exchange thread for almost everyone -- except, ironically, Robert. I do think, however, that Sprint will also start to offer unsubsidized individual plans at competitive rates this year. AJ
  12. As I understand it, that is correct. Now, here is a related question. The $20 "unlimited" data add on qualifies for annual upgrades. Does that mean the typical subsidized upgrades? In other words, handset upgrade cost will be roughly $200 -- instead of full price? AJ
  13. I am guessing that the Framily additions are done simply by phone number, then confirmed by the respective account holders if the lines are tied to separate accounts. After all, since the monthly charges are separately liable, no one is likely to complain about being added to a Framily group -- because monthly charges would be reduced. AJ
  14. The corporate type discounts can still be applied to the 3 GB and "unlimited" data add on charges, correct? Am I misreading that? AJ
  15. If you do not opt for an added data package, then you do not get any additional discount -- just the Framily discount. It makes sense. Otherwise, Sprint would be giving away the farm with stacked discounts. AJ
  16. From what I have read so far, the usual corporate type discounts do not apply to the standard monthly service charges. However, discounts do apply to the data portion for those who opt to purchase the 3 GB or "unlimited" data packages. AJ
  17. For that reason, I think groups of 10 would be preferable. As I understand it, the maximum monthly discount is reached at seven lines. But 10 lines would allow some leeway for up to three members to leave a group without affecting the monthly cost per line for the others. AJ
  18. Good info. That is what I expected, though the thought crossed my mind that monthly roaming quotas might have been reduced even further to T-Mobile type levels. AJ
  19. Yeah, staff is already in the midst of discussing S4GRU's policy on Framily. We might like to set up a Framily thread where members can form groups of 7-10 to get the greatest monthly discount per line. Expect an official decision relatively soon. AJ
  20. The grouped Framily accounts can be separately liable. That is a big plus. Basically, this seems like a discount for knowing others who use Sprint and encouraging them to stay within the fold. AJ
  21. Also, is there any info on the monthly voice/data roaming quotas? Have those been cut back any further than they were with the new plans last year? AJ
  22. Hmm, I am surprised that One Up is already game over. The Framily offering, though, might be attractive to S4GRU members, since groups of up to 10 here could band together for lower monthly service charges. AJ
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