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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. I am glad that I can still recall many of my almost 9000 posts. Here is the relevant thread from about a year ago. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3291-gm-repalces-verizon-with-att-on-onstar/ AJ
  2. When you get the Brian Klug endorsement, you know that you are doing something right. And I know from my discussions with Brian that he values engineering screen type metrics as much as I do. We have long needed a quasi engineering screen app that is handset agnostic -- because so many non Sprint handsets have their engineering screens blocked or removed. SignalCheck Pro nicely fills that niche. Mike, I noticed that you have surpassed the 1000 download mark. Would you feel comfortable sharing with us how well you have done? You certainly deserve whatever you have reaped. AJ
  3. Did VZW lose the OnStar contract to AT&T? I seem to recall reading that. We probably even discussed it here. AJ
  4. I am now being compared to Mr. Burns. Doh! AJ
  5. I see that my brainwashing has succeeded. AJ
  6. I love it. Legere is the wireless Pied Piper to the immature, media obsessed Millennials. Everybody gets a magenta ribbon. AJ
  7. That song was an Alltel marketing theme. I am not kidding. AJ
  8. No. A big fat no. You are misunderstanding roaming agreements. AJ
  9. The affiliates generally used Sprint licensed spectrum under contract. That effectively kept them in the fold by the letter of the FCC, since Sprint remained the licensee of record. Of course, that proved problematic following the Nextel merger because of non compete clauses, as Nextel brought spectrum and network to many of those affiliate areas. The rural alliance partners generally used their own spectrum or Sprint partitioned/disaggregated spectrum. In other words, Sprint did not have control or relinquished control over the spectrum. And that proved problematic when turncoats, such as Pioneer Wireless, got suckered into or just opened their legs wide to the VZW LTE in Rural America "Trojan horse." AJ
  10. Right. I intended to post this earlier today, but you beat me to the punch. T-Mobile USA champions itself as the "little guy." A lot of other truly little guys, such as rural telcos, hold Lower 700 MHz A block licenses. If T-Mobile actually has designs on rural expansion, look for it to purchase A block licenses from those license holders. Additionally and more likely, though, "little guy" T-Mobile will use its status among the big four national operators to legitimize an A block ecosystem, which has yet to materialize. Sprint has long used affiliates and rural alliance partners. T-Mobile could do likewise. Will it do so? AJ
  11. Why would T-Mobile care about rural areas? It practically admits that it does not, that urban/suburban areas are its bread and butter. T-Mobile already has significant GSM footprint across many rural areas. It could update that rural footprint to W-CDMA and/or LTE in its existing spectrum. But it has opted not to do so. Lack of <1 GHz spectrum is not really the issue. No, T-Mobile's Lower 700 MHz A block move is a hedge against doing much, if anything in the 600 MHz auction, which may get delayed for several more years and is unlikely to produce enough spectrum for a truly "big play" for any licensee. AJ
  12. It is the directional "cantenna" that you firmly attach to a pole. No, it is not? Oh, then it is just a stupid name. AJ
  13. MOAR! We want a 64-boob, octo-mom processor. AJ
  14. Also, you should not be worried by -100 dBm RSRP. That is fine signal strength and is not greatly affecting your LTE speeds. Plus, you have little reason to not be satisfied with 5 Mbps. AJ
  15. Typically, the FDD "gap" is at least 10 MHz. AJ
  16. Whether symmetric or asymmetric FDD, the uplink and downlink cannot be directly adjacent to one another. Out of band emissions would cause catastrophic self interference between the two links. AJ
  17. Oh, I understood what you meant about the FierceWireless article as possible news. I was just commenting on the 10 day delay in between our article and their article. I guess FierceWireless took off the weeks before and after Christmas. AJ
  18. The emerging band 26 LTE 800 rollout is somewhat old news to all of us at S4GRU but apparently not to FierceWireless. However, FierceWireless sourcing my article on The Wall is news to me. So, thanks for finding it and sharing it. AJ
  19. If the handset is sitting right next to the paperclip antenna, the uplink RSSI is probably around 0 dBm, while the downlink RSSI is probably in the neighborhood of -90 dBm. AJ
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