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Everything posted by nocturnal

  1. Still getting slow downloads and CDMA EvDo rev A:6 at Hardin valley area What part of Knoxville did you find this?
  2. I want to say you can go to the Apple Store and get the device uncontracted for $600, as for signing up for the service, I believe the posts above are correct. You have to sign up for a 2 Year Agreement even if you already have the phone. Other carriers like T-Mobile will allow you to add their Monthly-4G without signing a contract, or at least that's what I have been told. You can always call Sprint and ask, maybe, just maybe, (highly unlikely) you will get lucky.
  3. Northern Jersey is lit up with eHRPD, getting around 800kbps -1.2 MB there. Still no eHRPD in Knoxville =(
  4. No matter what happens, I am 100% sure Google wouldn't announce a phone in today's society without LTE. That would be such a disappointment. Only problem for me is, is that every lg phone I've owned had serious problems.
  5. I'm sure they will announce this with the nexus 7 32 gig. I'm just wondering what the price will be. I wonder what jelly bean enchantments they will show off.
  6. I still think this is a bad idea. I'm not so sure of what will happen to Sprint after this. You could say Sprint will get more money for NV and they won't remove Unlimited Data, but I'm gonna go for the worst here and say that they will raise prices and remove Unlimited Data shortly after. All in all, I'm a bit upset they sold out.
  7. With T-Mobile USA offering it back, it shows that it attracts customers, I would say it will last forever as long as Sprint plays a role as the 2nd or 3rd player. It's the only thing that attracts customers to them over AT&T and Verizon. And I'm sure Sprint will never replace them as being top dogs.
  8. I really hope Sprint doesn't accept this offer, if anything, I want Sprint to buy them out, haha. But in all seriousness. I want them to focus on NV and not a buyout. Also I have no clue if this will impact the "Unlimited" Data issue. I have been 100% with Sprint until this came out, now I'm 60% and if they lose Unlimited Data off to AT&T or Verzion.
  9. I wouldn't say AT&T invented evil. I would say they both try to best each other in who is the most evilest company. Every time Verizon does something bad AT&T follows and everytime AT&T does something bad Verizon follows. They kinda live off each other. They wait for the other company to do something that makes more money for them and then they follow because they know people can't go to the other network to escape it. They know they own a large amount of the market. IMHO, I've been with Verizon and AT&T and while Verizon's phone quality is better, AT&T's speeds in my area are usually way faster, at least in the areas I've lived. I believe AT&T still offers single phone contracts, unlike Verizon which forces you to go to a Family Plan. So in my data experience, I would need a ton of data for myself, haha.
  10. I believe Memphis and Knoxville were both on the list for the 100 cities from Sprint. We hopefully should be seeing something soon. I haven't seen any people upgrading the towers here in Knoxville, but I always check, haha.
  11. I go to a lot of forums and a lot of them block link posting in their rules. Sometimes I forget which ones don't, haha.
  12. There is an official Sprint TV Galaxy Nexus app on the Market I would post the link but I am not sure if I am allowed to. Search: SprintTV & Movies Galaxy Nexus in the market and you will find it.
  13. I'm sorry if I had misread this or just don't understand, but does the coming months account for this year and next year? Or just this year.
  14. I cannot order off the website, I see no notifications in my info center, and I keep looping. They really want me to buy another Galaxy Nexus. When you order off the website is the total 6.50 with some tax or is it the same as ordering over the phone. Because they wanted 20 bucks on the phone.
  15. Still comes out to $20 bucks to ship with tax. Can't even add it to my Sprint bill.
  16. Actually, this battery problem occured when I bought the phone and I reset it the very next day to no avail. The only choice is to go to Sprint and ask for a new Battery or wait for Jelly Bean or custom rom it. My last experience at Sprint for a battery was a simple "Just reset your firmware". Well anyways thanks for your help - Nocturnal
  17. I've already looked into resetting it, however I keep saying that the previous times I've never been successful. I also keep holding off saying... oh Jelly Bean will be out soon anyways... - Nocturnal
  18. I've done so many factory resets in my life, and they have never done anything. If you mention a factory reset to a person who owned a G2X you would get the same response... lol. This is older but it was around the 2 hour mark the other day. It shows 81 on charger...
  19. Stock and unrooted, I dream of battery life like that. I was in the car on my way to Nashville I used my phone on and off and had to recharge about 6 times that day. (Car Charger) Another weird fact, I can put my phone on the charger for about 20 minutes and gain 30%. Not sure if that is normal.. I highly doubt it's reading it wrong. - Nocturnal
  20. 3h 22m 59s on battery Phone idle 15% Screen 4% cell standby 9% Android System 4% Android OS 4% Wi-Fi 5%
  21. My signal is -76 dBm 4 asu / EvDo-rev.A:8. I empty my multi-tasking screen and I have even used apps like Advanced Task Killer to free up memory so nothing is being used. My phone just loses battery massively in idle mode. I am currently considering buying the extended battery, considering college starts very soon, I need it. - Nocturnal
  22. Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me. Standby for 2 hours and I'm at 82%... I would love to take it to Sprint and ask for a new one, but I'm not sure what I'll get, and my previous visits haven't been that amazing. - Nocturnal
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