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Everything posted by MacinJosh

  1. Easier to navigate? Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  2. Thank you. I stand corrected. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  3. I don't think they have much for concern, because I've never heard a complaint in vegas for crappy Verizon service. Slow, probably, but overall service quality has always been decent there. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  4. And yet in vegas, the Duopoly has deployed at least 15-20 new cell towers in 2014, and I haven't finished my research yet. I still have 3 cities to look at. I've only seen the county records. That's 15-20 combined between the 2. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  5. That's a good possibility. My best friend uses them for his home internet and has problems on and off. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  6. In my recent research, in urban Las Vegas, T-Mobile has taken the microwave approach on some sites. My guess is they are having backhaul deployment issues as well. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  7. I don't care how much of a legal basis exists for eminent domain of wireless spectrum. All forms of eminent domain is just another form of control over Us the People. I don't like it one bit. And yes, I have reasons to be concerned, because eminent domain will be the only way a freeway will end up less than half a mile from my house, and: NO THANK YOU!
  8. It fits in there. Just enough room for it, at least in my case. The white plastic may be looser than the standard black.
  9. Just don't take off that glass too many times. I cracked my 2nd one removing it when I put on my Otterbox Defender. I still can't decide if I want to keep the Otterbox built in protector, or just go back to the Zagg Glass. I like the feel of the tempered glass much better, but haven't had time to take off the plastic screen protector. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  10. Special business plan for credit union customers. Very hard to find info on it. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  11. I will be buying AppleCare for my Mac before August. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  12. I was told 60 by Apple Support when I called in to add it to my 6 Plus. I'll do research to find out for sure. Edit: Confirmed. It's 60 days from date of purchase. Look at the important notes section of the AppleCare+ page: https://www.apple.com/support/products/iphone.html Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  13. I didn't have my first unit long enough to know for sure, just under 36 hours, but my 2nd unit hasn't given me any trouble with the front facing camera.
  14. Current guess is within the next month. We have been discussing it in the Flex 2 thread.
  15. Facetime uses data. You can use it on WiFi, which of course is the better option when data roaming could kill you.
  16. For all of you who are advocating that Sprint will bring back simultaneous VoLTE and data: There has been no definitive evidence of such guarantee that it will happen. Sprint can lock it down and not allow it to happen with QoS. If you really want voice and data at the same time, use VOIP. I happen to like using Facetime Audio for that very reason.
  17. 1 Line $43/mo with unlimited data (9 member Framily) ~$40/mo Easy Pay for iPhone ~$17.50/mo for 2 accessories on Easy Pay ~$105 total with taxes
  18. I have never had a chance to find Spark in Fresno yet. Hopefully someone will be able to post a speed test soon.
  19. I started in 2011 with ASL and no deposit, and despite some payments being late, it was automatically removed from my account in 2013 without me even asking. Of course, I don't agree with the fee increase, I think the program can be a benefit, but the fee needs to be dropped back down to what it was when I first started. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  20. iPhone 6 does not have WiFi calling yet on Sprint. We've been hearing we should get it by this spring. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  21. Yes, because MMS uses data. As long as she is on WiFi she can have iMessage on and send pictures.
  22. CDMA is going the way of the dodo in the next 5-10 years. It's not worth it. Once carriers have more LTE coverage that comes really close to their existing 3G/HSPA networks, then VoLTE becomes the standard, and CDMA will eventually be phased out. When the time comes for economies of scale between Softbank and Sprint, then it'll happen, or it'll be non CDMA devices.
  23. My first iPhone 3GS got wet because I was careless and caseless, the replacement got wet because I was being stupid. My LG Xenon years ago got a cracked screen, and had to replace that because I threw the phone into a seatbelt out of anger. Now I'm so overly cautious, but still clumsy. I'm just glad I haven't broke an iPhone screen ever. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  24. I'm totally with you on that. That's why I bought an Otterbox defender for my phone. I'm too paranoid out of my head that I might break it, so bulky case it stays in.
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