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Everything posted by MacinJosh

  1. Their internal systems do strange things with IB tags. I missed the iPhone 6/6+ pre-orders because of that. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  2. I would not state false or miscalculated. Unforeseen bumps can bump a launch date back. The other thing is, it may take an iOS update to enable it, and Apple still hasn't released 8.2, and has already been working on 8.3, with 8.2 rumored to be released with Apple Watch. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  3. I now have the 10% credit union discount, so I save $2/mo on my unlimited data upgrade. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  4. Sprint Surcharges: ~$3/mo of course, that's 1 line on Framily Unlimited with an iPhone on EasyPay and my Otterbox for my iPhone on EasyPay. So ~$93/mo. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  5. Better than going from 25% to 0% discount. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  6. That was meant to be my first step. I knew I had forgotten something.
  7. As I'm looking, I'm finding a lot of Clear sites that could be converted to Sprint sites for massive fill in in the Las Vegas Valley.
  8. ALU has already filed for a Clearwire conversion to a full build Sprint site in Las Vegas. The first one is on top of The Westin on East Flamingo.
  9. Based on the fact that it only mentions LTE connectivity, I'd say it's the right tablet.
  10. It should just be easy as walk in, explain what's wrong, and they shouldn't have a problem replacing it.
  11. http://www.bidnessetc.com/35687-sprint-corp-to-expand-network-with-9000-new-lte-sites-across-the-nation/ Bidnessetc.com mentioned S4GRU too.
  12. Get it replaced. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  13. I'm already planning to compile a list of sites in the Las Vegas Market they can expand to, as well as the Lower Central Valley market.
  14. I know of a few sites I'd like to see be iDEN conversions.
  15. Not sure, but diversification can lead to problems in the end. I personally think they are crazy for having that many prepaid brands.
  16. Let's put it the nice way about 1x800. Here in Vegas this afternoon, my friends 5S dropped a call, and more than 1 time the voice quality went to crap while on a call. It's hit and miss at times, but sure a far cry better than me dropping calls at home in Pahrump with PCS 1x.
  17. I don't think it'll be in a real world way. They will probably do it percentage wise per market. LA, NYC, and a few other major markets receiving the largest portion of new sites. Of course, this is all speculation. I wouldn't at all mind if they added 50 new sites in just the Las Vegas Market alone.
  18. That'll be awesome when it hits the iPhone 6+. My friends 5S hasn't dropped a call today, and I've dropped one, and almost the 2nd one. And all these problems started with the rain we got here yesterday and the day before. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  19. Any iPhone 6/6+ users able to pull PRL 55022 to their phones? It certainly fixed the dropped calls/blocked calls issues my friend was having yesterday. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  20. My 6+ is still stuck on 51104 Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  21. Look what got added to Change your Services on MySprint. Talk about FINALLY! It appears that the Japan Roaming for $5/mo is a promo for business accounts. According to this brochure, it ends on March 12th. https://shop.sprint.com/global/pdf/shop/japan_roaming_add_on.pdf
  22. Remember, the inclusion and expansion of Public CoreTelephony API's wasn't greeted with fanfare. It was pretty quietly added. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  23. Remember, 9 is this year, and 10 is next year. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  24. Every year, Apple has opened things that were jailbreak only. By even allowing apps to access certain parts of CoreTelophony since iOS 7, I believe that by iOS 10 we should have this app available in the App Store as is. At least, I hope it will be. Of course, I wouldn't mind if Apple opened it up enough in iOS 9. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
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