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Everything posted by MacinJosh

  1. I'm glad you did too. Too bad it was Parallels being the problem. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  2. That's why I use VMWare Fusion. Doesn't adversely affect my system. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  3. In some cases, yes, especially when they were franchises. I saw prices drop when my local Radio Shack franchise was closed and a corporate store came in a few years later to replace it. Got my Linksys Router for a good price there too.
  4. 2nd update: Based on what I am reading on Sprint's International Roaming page for Canada, CDMA roaming is no longer available. The only roaming networks that are listed now are:
  5. Update: According to Sprint's International roaming page, all text messages are plan, with no messaging charges when traveling in Canada.
  6. I'm thinking it's included in Framily, but I don't really know for sure.
  7. I have an extra phone that is a dedicated Ting phone, my old HTC EVO Shift 4G. However, Ting's new GSM service could be an option as long as roaming rates for Canada are still the same as the CDMA rates, and also another thing to consider is Telus' impending shutdown of their CDMA Network this year: TELUS aims to shut down its CDMA network in 2015. Bell stated that January 1, 2017 will be their CDMA Shutdown date, as stated here.
  8. Want a really good deal? Ting! My friend uses Ting when she goes to Canada. $.15/min, texts are included in plan. Data is $.50/MB though. I will say that WiFi is your friend when you are up there Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1
  9. I prefer to buy my devices in store. When I bought my LG Viper back in 2012 from Amazon Wireless, somehow they screwed something up and the activation was botched. It took a few hours and got resolved by Sprint Tech Support over the phone. All my other phones were bought in store, and Phone Connect & my iPad were the only other Sprint devices I bought online. Of course, on the flip side, we helped my friends brother upgrade his iPhone 4S to a 6 Plus at the end of November in store, and we are still suffering from that, so I can partially see where you are coming from.
  10. Most people only need 3 options, like me. But they could have offered more options if the need facilitates.
  11. Nope, haven't seen that on my 6+ yet. Of course, you have a cord attached to the headphone jack, which may be the only reason it doesn't show up.
  12. You are correct. Sprint is doing this intentionally to make Band 41 the priority LTE band. That was the whole purpose of Network Vision 2.0 was the broad deployment of Band 41 and make devices prefer it in radio performance too. It was a very good idea too.
  13. I was glad to get back into the LCV tonight. I spent the Afternoon and evening in Santa Barbara/Ventura area, and the network sure has a lot of work to go there, kinda like where this area was just even a year ago.
  14. I'm pulling the 3.1.1 update from my Time Machine backup on my Mac. Even the 3.2.1 update is too ugly for me. Sent from my Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.2.1
  15. As far as I know, Sprint does not bring any COW's to Vegas. As for DAS, I do believe there is one at the LVCC. There are also a few Macrosites that serve the Convention Center, and some of those have been upgraded. Nothing inside the LVCC has been upgraded that I know of. Yes, those are strong, but there is a macrosite or 3 nearby, and any of them or all of them could be broadcasting Band 41 LTE. I would have to confirm that.
  16. The USCC variant also specifically mentions Band 17 inclusion, so is an AT&T or Rogers roaming agreement in the works, or this was just a customary filing?
  17. Single Transmission path for CDMA/LTE. No SVLTE on this phone. USCC just still isn't ready to join the CCA/RRPP program. I'm kinda surprised, because the program is really an advantage for any small carrier.
  18. Well, something disappointing to many of us. It appears the US Cellular version was approved by the FCC OET on Thursday. Only Band 25 LTE is included. They even stripped CDMA BC10 from it. https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/ViewExhibitReport.cfm?mode=Exhibits&RequestTimeout=500&calledFromFrame=N&application_id=922265&fcc_id=ZNFUS995
  19. Nope, not for sure, but the Sprint model includes USCC LTE compatibility, so I assume the models are the same.
  20. US Cellular has announced that it to will carry the Flex 2. http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=15109
  21. Such a nice beautiful phone. Nice processor too. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk
  22. It's a no go. Parse error at forum load, and Thread doesn't exist errors when trying to load threads, which you can only do from the recents tab. [emoji53] Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk
  23. The only time my phone has been on 1x800 voice was today, on New Years Eve, in Taft, CA. Thank you big oil for getting 5 new Sprint sites along CA 33 back at the beginning of Network Vision. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk
  24. I don't know if still does. I should reinstall it and find out. Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk
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