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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. ceramic bisque Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  2. Napolean Dynamite Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  3. I was able to figure it out based on your email. You are now upgraded. Thank you for supporting S4GRU. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  4. Daddy Warbucks Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  5. Sprint is installing 800 1x/voice this year in Network Vision deployments where iDEN clearing is complete. Sprint will start deploying 800 LTE in Mid 2013. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  6. Too many store employees are comfortable making guesses based on poor assumptions. There are trucks in the South Texas market adding additional T1 lines, additional EVDO carriers and voice carriers. These are the ones shown at network.sprint.com. The South Texas Sprint market is not scheduled for NV/LTE in 2012. The planning and design for this market isn't even completed yet. If Sprint changed its mind tomorrow about South Texas, it would still take almost six months to expedite it at this point. Next time you see this store employee, you should recommend him to check out S4GRU. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  7. I don't have a Femtocell because I live 250' from a Sprint site. However, my buddy does, and no one in his house uses data on it, because of WiFi. Only guests who happen to be Sprint customers use the data on it. Which is pretty much just me and my wife. If he had LTE, he would still use WiFi for data on his devices. And since he has 6Mbps DSL, his LTE wouldn't be faster than that anyway. It would just be for my use basically when I come over with a LTE device. Now commercial femtocells is a whole different animal. It will be great when they start supporting LTE. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  8. red rum Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  9. sea sick Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  10. I've heard people say never. But I have been able to do it occasionally in places where there is solid overlapping coverage a few times. The biggest problems with the WiMax network is that there are so many coverage holes and shadows with 2600 spectrum. And WiMax devices by default have a horrible 3 minute rescan set up and -85dBm signal threshold. I believe the resan can be lowered on most devices if you know how to set it up. Mine is set to 5 seconds. And I raise my WiMax signal threshold to the maximum. -110dBm. So, if during a WiMax to WiMax hand off, there is the slightest glitch, it drops you and waits 3 minutes to rescan. However, in my device, if there is a problem handing off, it rescans in 5 seconds. And since my signal threshold is higher, Im more likely to have overlapping WiMax signal. A fast reconnect may be able to keep streaming going, depending on what you are doing and how far buffered ahead you are. However, the bigger issue isn't WiMax to WiMax hand offs, but rather WiMax to EVDO. At the edge of a WiMax cell you are much more likely to get shunted to EVDO than WiMax. And you will not be able to continue streaming through that. Because of the weakness of the 2600 signal at the edge, its just really hard to do WiMax to WiMax. Most handoffs are WiMax to EVDO to WiMax. The LTE network will be better in this regard because eHRPD will be there to help provide seamless transfers between LTE and EVDO. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  11. Windstream DSL here. I have the maximum plan offered. 12Mbps down and 600kbps up. The best results ever: 12.9Mbps down and 760kbps up. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  12. S4GRU

    WiMax & rain

    I had this issue at my old house in New Mexico. When it rained, speed slowed way down and packet loss skyrocketed. And it would stay that way for a day or two after the rain. This was on DSL. Windstream said over and over again there were no problems when I complained. I asked them to come out and check the line, but they refused. Later, Windstream needed an easement across my property and I refused to sign it until they checked out the rain problem. They sent out an engineer who found the issue in 10 minutes. Two parcels down from me, a neighbors tree root had grown into the Windstream box and popped the top just enough that when it rained, water ran into the box and puddled. So DSL speed was affected until the water evaporated in a day or two. Never had issues again after that. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  13. It is possible to use the WiFi antenna to run 2500/2600 LTE if the chipset/radio are designed for it in the device. Of course, you wouldn't be able to run WiFi at the same time. But who needs that? The new iPhone will be 95% ready to support LTE 2500. Will Apple want to take it that last little bit further to support Clearwire's upcoming TD-LTE network? We will see. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  14. I'm considering making a 30 day schedule map. A map showing all the sites scheduled in the next 30 days to come online. But it will take a little work to set that database up. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  15. Depends on how you would use it. If you do lots of streaming of audio and/or video in a car or commuter rail, I would not recommend WiMax. WiMax hand off between sites is very poor. So if you are staying on 3G anyway, you should go with a LTE device. However, if you would only largely use WiMax in stationary situations, then it may be OK for you. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  16. S4GRU

    WiMax & rain

    I tether on WiMax, no problem. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  17. Just upgraded! Thanks for supporting S4GRU. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  18. error proof Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  19. Our mission statement at S4GRU is: "To provide a forum for discussion and education about wireless spectrum, networks, and Sprint Network Vision, in particular, in an online community that is mature, intelligent, and free from uncritical negativity." Please keep this in mind. This thread is careening in to "uncritical negativity." The thread is not about poor speeds. It's asking about who has seen improved 3G speeds. Please help to keep this on topic. Thanks. Robert
  20. Sprint now has 627 Network Vision sites up and running in 13 markets. Below is a screen shot of the Completed Network Vision map that we keep in our Sponsors section. Sponsors can follow this link to the interactive map and zoom in and pan around and look at all the completed sites. This is one of several advantages of being a sponsor of S4GRU. Not to mention you get to help pay the finances and keep online one of the most valuable Sprint resources ever created! You should consider becoming a Sponsor today. Our PayPal donation link is located in the upper right hand corner of the Forums page.
  21. Yeah. I live on my DEBUG screen!!! I'm going through withdrawals. Robert
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