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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Daniel...I would never delete you. But ban you, that's a whole 'nother story. You are like the annoying little brother I never wanted. You almost feel like family. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  2. Yes, a single chip is part of the solution. However, with LTE they use MIMO. At least 2x1 MIMO. Two receive and and one transmit antenna. And some LTE bands can double antennas, some cannot. So, in a device, like the EVO LTE that only has LTE on one band, it needs three LTE antennas. If you try to cram more LTE bands, you may need six or nine LTE antennas. That's a lot of real estate for antennas in a little smartphone. So regardless of how many LTE bands the chip set can support, the biggest factor in determining how many LTE bands a device can support now, is how many antennas will be needed for the bands that carrier needs and whether the device can support that many. Don't get me wrong. Your point is good news. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  3. You and me both. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  4. I think there are a lot of people who have LTE and just don't know it because their device is not cooperating. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  5. In my article today, I address both issues. The threshold issue and the difficulty of the Evo to connect to LTE. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  6. So much for getting it all done. I'm leaving for vacation now. I will check in with you guys at least once per day. I get back on Friday, July 27th! Robert
  7. A PRL update will do no good. LTE does not use PRL's. Only the CDMA portion of the phone does. LTE uses the profiles stored on the SIM card. However, the device thresholds for signal management are likely in the device firmware. An OTA adjusting these is all that would be required. I don't think it would be difficult at all. But it would need to be done by HTC, Samsung and LG. Robert
  8. And the helpful and peaceful comments we received the past 5 days are what allowed me to put this all together into one cohesive thought. If our site was run into the ground by the ranters, we would never be able to try to sort through the details and provide the info our members and readers need. Thank you for your affirmation. Robert
  9. I hope you can! I have all four LTE devices and couldn't. Robert
  10. Other than it's in Bayamon, I have no further details. Since it is only handling data from less than 300 sites, it wouldn't need to be very large. Could be in as little as 10,000 square feet, even. Robert
  11. I typically update the NV Completed Sites map on average once per week. When I do, I try to remember to update the percentages in the Running List thread. I can confirm as of our last live site update on July 15th, that Houston did only have 14% complete. Well below the normal launch target of 40%. Based on the past weekly updates, I would say on average, 5-10 sites come live every week so far in Houston. However, the master Network Vision schedule shows that sites complete every week is supposed to jump in July from the previous 5-10 to be more like 18 per week. So they are going to have to speed up deployment soon, or they will get behind the schedule that we discussed in our last Houston article: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-263-houston-network-visionlte-deployment-schedule-update/ As for the 14% coverage, you would get good in home coverage if you were within 2 miles of a site in most instances, if there wasn't the threshold issues. When complete, you should have a similar LTE signal as 3G signal in most places. Robert
  12. Autoprime...great suggestion! I should have asked you before I went to print. Robert
  13. Those of you who harp on Sprint's past performance are not taking in a full metrics for review. You are talking about 3G performance degradation, that has only been the past 12 to 18 months, depending on market. When you consider all Sprint's network performance in the past, this is an isolated moment in time. In my opinion, Sprint was slow in realizing the impacts that were occurring and then counted on Network Vision to be the solution to the problem and tried to ride out the current network until NV could save the day. However, this has proven to be a bad idea. They made a judgment error. No doubt. By the time they started to work out a deal with Apple on the iPhone and Network Vision schedule was more obvious that it was going to take longer, they did finally spring into action mode. Or should I say, reaction mode? Albeit very late. That is the work being tracked at network.sprint.com. So, if we are judging based on Sprint's past network management, and all of it, I'm not that worried. Especially when you consider with LTE, it's a different world. First off, Sprint is going to have the densest LTE network in the country. Far denser than Verizon or AT&T. They will actually have more capacity per square mile in urban areas than Verizon does now. Also, the LTE and Network Vision network offers so much more control for traffic management, that they will be able to manage and eliminate most situations dynamically as they occur. And most importantly, most of the data issues Sprint has suffered the past 12-18 months have been related to backhaul. Sprint is spending billions and billions on new scalable high capacity backhaul for the future. If looking myopically only at 3G performance in the near past, then I can understand why someone may be discouraged. But when looking at all the details in context, there is no reason to be discouraged. In fact, we pretty much have passed the worst part of the Sprint network, and every quarter from here on out it gets better and better until early 2014 and the whole network is brand new from coast to coast. Robert
  14. There are no devices on the market that are compatible with the future LTE 800 network. And likely will not until next year. The confusion lies in that the EVO LTE supports CDMA 800, which is voice and 1x Data. Robert
  15. You get prompted for a password when you go to think link? http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/212-network-visionlte-deployment-running-list/ Robert
  16. A S4GRU Member just posted a thread about how to create a shortcut on the Galaxy Nexus to LTE Only mode. Here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1597-lte-and-the-galaxy-nexus/ Robert
  17. Thanks. Excellent tip. I just added an article to The Wall discussing forcing LTE only mode. Your shortcuts are even better. Robert
  18. I think you may have missed part of the article where it says: The deployment does start in Fall 2012. Robert
  19. by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - 12:59 PM MDT As many of you already know, the ability to connect and keep connected to LTE signals in Sprint's launch markets has been problematic for Sprint customers. What's going on? Here at our forums at S4GRU, we have been busy talking with our members and trying to figure out the issue since LTE markets started going live last Thursday. Some members were able to connect early and often. Some had problems and were able to eventually connect. Some have been unable to stay connected. Some have never connected, even standing right next to a live LTE site. We have now complied a lot of data from our members and have drawn some observational conclusions. There are two main issues, connecting to LTE can be a challenge on some devices (especially the EVO LTE), and the signal thresholds are not optimum to keep connected to LTE before getting pushed back to the 3G EVDO network. I am in a confirmed LTE area with a strong signal but cannot connect Some LTE devices just do not want to connect to LTE. With the EVO LTE, some of our members have complained that they even stood next to a confirmed operating LTE site and the 4G icon would not appear. For most of these folks though, cycling from CDMA/LTE mode, back to CDMA only mode and then back to CDMA/LTE mode forces the phone to look for a LTE signal. This has worked for most people I have talked with who have an EVO LTE and know they are in a strong LTE signal area. This also seems to help some other LTE devices sometimes. There most likely is an issue where these devices are not scanning for LTE service like they should be. When you go out of CDMA/LTE mode and then come back in, the first thing the device does is scan for LTE service. Hopefully, Sprint will get an OTA out that fixes this issue soon. I can connect to LTE but it goes back to 3G EVDO Other members have discussed how they can connect to 4G LTE, whether automatically or by forcing it (as described above), but it goes back to 3G EVDO. They cannot keep a Sprint LTE connection. This may happen right away, or this may happen as they drive down the road, or after they pick up the device. By the best we can tell, this is being caused by the LTE signal thresholds programmed in the device(s). When your device is in CDMA/LTE mode, it seeks LTE first. If it finds LTE, it should connect, but if it doesn't have a strong enough signal, it shunts the user off to 3G, sometimes in seconds. The devices have a minimum LTE signal programmed in them (it appears to be somewhere in the midrange and could be slightly different between devices). If the LTE minimum signal that is programmed is maintained, the device stays connected to LTE, no problems in most instances. So if you have a strong LTE signal after you connect, you will most likely keep it. However, if you have a midrange LTE signal, you will likely get bumped back down to 3G EVDO if you should move farther away from the signal, or maybe even pick up the device. Most devices will drop a few dBm of signal when being held, and it could be enough to move you back down to 3G. If you have a weak LTE signal, then you are almost doomed. You will not likely be able to stay connected to LTE for very long and most likely be shunted back to 3G pretty quickly. An exception to this we noted is if you are also in a weak 3G area. But if you have a strong 3G signal and a weak LTE signal, you are most likely not going to be able stay connected with the current thresholds programmed. What can Sprint do? I know this is very frustrating for most of you. We all want it to work flawlessly. But this is part of the process. Sprint needs our constructive feedback so they can make changes. There are drawbacks to being early adopters. That is the point of this article. To wrap up some meaningful and thoughtful feedback from our members into a single comprehensive piece and give to Sprint for them to work on. As well as educate our members and readers into some of the information we have been able to determine. Sprint, please work with your OEM's right away on OTA's to adjust the thresholds for keeping LTE signals, as well as addressing the cycling through CDMA only mode to get devices to make initial LTE connection. One key point that I hear over and over again is that LTE customers would rather have a weak LTE signal than a strong 3G signal. Weak LTE still performs better than even good 3G in most instances. If anyone from Sprint would like to reach out to me and provide any updates of what they are doing to address the problem, I would love to receive a PM, email or Direct Message on Twitter. I will then be happy to provide an update for our members and readers. What can we do now? With WiMax devices, we could actually change the WiMax signal threshold ourselves. However, we have not been able to locate anywhere in the LTE devices where that can be done. So we are in a waiting position to see if Sprint will help us. If you absolutely cannot connect to LTE or stay connected to LTE, you can force your device into LTE only mode. If you do this, you will lose access to 3G EVDO and 1x services while in this mode. But it is reversible at any time. It requires your device's MSL code, though. You can get your MSL code by using some apps like MSL Reader, or by using a Terminal Emulator with some models. You can search the web for ways to get your MSL code of your particular device. Some people can even get it from Sprint CSR's. Once you have your MSL code, go into your phone dialer and enter ##DATA# (*#*#DATA#*#* on the Galaxy Nexus). A menu will open and ask you to select Edit or View. Select Edit. Enter your MSL number. Now in each device, there may be some variability in the next steps. Select the Others button, then choose HDR/1X selection. Select LTE Only mode. Now you will only be able to connect to LTE, no 3G or 1x. However, you will not be able to make/receive phone calls or text in this mode. Data only. Once in LTE Only mode, you will only be able to connect to LTE signals. Even weak LTE signals. And you will not have to worry about getting shoved off into 3G. This will allow you to test your LTE, and make sure your LTE is indeed working in your device. You could stay parked in this mode if you wanted to. You just wouldn't be able to use the phone or text. To restore to normal, just go back in the same way and select LTE/CDMA or LTE/CDMA/EVDO, depending on your device. If going into LTE only mode you are still unable to connect to LTE, then you are either not in LTE coverage like you thought you were, or your device has a problem. This is all we know at this time. We will update with more information as we learn it. Thank you to all who helped gather this information from the field. You guys are what make S4GRU an awesome place!
  20. Thanks Charlie. You summed up my main point succinctly in regards to forum comments. Well said. Robert
  21. Yes, I definitely was confused. Market launches are just a snapshot in time. After a launch, deployment continues at the same rate until the whole market is complete. When the Chicago market is done, LTE coverage will cover the same areas as 3G now. So even if you are in an area where LTE is not ready on launch day, it could very well be the next week or the next month it will. Hopefully this clears up some confusion. Robert
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