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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. No one should count on any apps for accurate LTE site locations. I have not seen one be correct yet with LTE. Not one. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  2. I'm not ready to release final info on our radio performance article, but I can definitely say at this point the GS3 is a solid radio performer. If you are having signal problems in comparison with other devices in exactly the same settings, you may have a device problem. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  3. hot spot Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  4. I forgot about that guy. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  5. 779 have 3G only upgrades. 41 have 3G and 800 CDMA upgrades. DC is an active 3G NV deployment area. I have heard this several times, but never have been able to confirm it. I guess it makes sense, and why the 3G deployments are not occurring in Ericsson Network Vision areas yet. Robert
  6. It is a high priority to do before I leave on vacation. But it requires more data review. This market does not have a detailed schedule yet. But I do have some date info in a file. I need to to go through that file and spend a couple hours putting it together. I hope to publish Wednesday or Thursday morning. Robert
  7. I'm so proud of you guys. The responses to the article are fantastic. We are the preeminent site for wireless enthusiasts. Yeehaww! Robert
  8. What is wardriving? When it comes to modern vernacular, I can be pretty unhip. I am a major dork. Robert
  9. You guys need to tone down your comments. S4GRU is a site for our members. Commenting is a privilege. Everyone needs to stick to the facts of what they are seeing/experiencing and discuss ideas. We are not a complaint board. Sensational and dramatic comments will be removed because they do not help the dialog. We are a site for wireless enthusiasts. Robert
  10. OK. I have updated perentages: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/212-network-visionlte-deployment-running-list/ And as Boomerbubba says above, there is up to a 7-10 day delay between OEM reporting by the time it gets to me. However, I didn't really see any Sprint LTE coverages in their maps that weren't really jiving with my update from yesterday. I think we are pretty close. I believe Sprint launched early. They originally were planning launch at 50%. Then lowered to 40%. Then lowered even further still with the announced markets. Since they stuck their neck out there with a Mid 2012 date, they couldn't keep pushing out much further than July 15th. Robert
  11. The percentage is higher. I need to update those percentages. Robert
  12. No EVDO-B or EVDO on 800. Sprint's 3G improvements are largely related to slightly stronger signal through using Remote Radios at the top of the tower instead of at the base station, and using new and much faster backhaul. Robert
  13. The 6-8Mbps speeds quoted by Sprint are not so much a fully burdened network speed, but more about average speeds in the outer half of a cell. If you take a Sprint LTE site and built a heat map around it in the signal area, and tied colors to speed ranges, in an ideal site, you would see this: White = 25Mbps+ Red = 15 - 25Mbps Yellow = 8 - 15Mbps Green = 5 - 8Mbps Blue = < 5Mbps You would only have white, immediately around the site. Red would ring around that pretty tightly too. Yellow is a little larger still, but the bulk of the area around the site would be green. And the fringe would be blue. LTE performance is very signal strength dependent. Seeing the above explained, what should Sprint advertise? Should they advertise the white, or red? Heck no. It makes sense to advertise the green. They can easily support it, and a lot of the network will be in green areas...at least more than any other. There will also be a lot of yellow, especially in denser deployed areas, where the heat maps will overlap quite a bit. People who don't know what they're talking about need to shut up and get an education before they start blabbing. I think I may need a vacation.
  14. Wow! I would never have thought one of the worst article of the year awards would go to Neal. That was very, very poor. Wow. Good job, irev210!!! S4GRU members should go over there and like irev210's post en masse!!! Robert
  15. ALL: Most people have to cycle CDMA only/CDMA-LTE mode to get the LTE to appear. If the LTE signal is not strong enough, your device ignores it. People are still have problems keeping LTE connected to if their signal is not strong enough. Devices keep moving over to a stronger 3G signal. There are lots of bugs still to work out. AUSTINers: I am awaiting the couple of Austin locations that are supposed to be live from our source. We did have someone email me and say that they got a signal at a Kroger store in the Austin area. I emailed him back to find out which one. I will post any info I have when I get it. Robert
  16. I believe a lot of the issue is related to device LTE signal thresholds. It will not connect to LTE unless there is a good signal. Also, devices will not stay connected to mediocre or weak LTE signals. However, mediocre and weak LTE signals perform much better than even full signal 3G EVDO. Sprint should get with Samsung, HTC and LG right away to adjust these thresholds where you bump down to EVDO so we can get and keep lower level LTE signals. Until that happens, we will likely suffer from connectivity issues until more coverage starts to envelop launched markets. Robert
  17. Howdy y'all. Hola amigos! Hey...wuzzup? I am going to be slow to respond in many instances the next two weeks. I leave for vacation on Thursday morning and I'm extremely busy before leaving. At work and personally. I leave you in the competent hands of our Staff and Moderation Team. AJ (WiWavelength) and Roy (themuffinman) also have Moderator controls during this time to help Scott (Pyroscott), Dave (twospirits) and Deval (Deval). I will be checking in at least daily, and sometimes more often. But please be patient with me in responding to forum posts, article comments and PM's. I would really appreciate if our more senior members can help answer questions that you know the answers to. Especially market inquiries. Also, if any of our staff want access to our Facebook account, I'd be happy to give you Admin rights to the page to help me out while I'm gone. It takes more patience than dealing with the boards though. Before leaving on Thursday, here are my priorities: High Priority: Ft. Wayne/South Bend Article Miami/West Palm Premier Sponsor Map Medium Priority: July Schedule Maps Tampa and Orlando Premier Sponsor Maps Radio Performance Comparison Article Low Priority: Post/Comment Responses PM Responses Facebook/Google+/Twitter responses I plan to do any NV sites complete updates remotely, whenever they should come in. * If there is anything not on this list, but I said I would take care of, feel free to post a reply post below. And then I will prioritize it. Thanks! Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  18. Although we cannot rule out a device problem, I think for many people it is a signal strength issue. If you get a mediocre LTE signal, it is defaulting back to a stronger 3G. However, a weak LTE signal is better than a strong 3G signal in most cases. I think Sprint and the OEMs need to do some work on their transition thresholds. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  19. I'm going to close this thread. It was originally related to the storm damages. It is morphing into a general DC NV thread. You guys are welcome to set up a new DC NV Thread. Thanks! Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
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