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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I do not believe there are any GMO sites in the LA Metro market. And very few in other Southern California markets, except up in Ventura to San Luis Obispo corridor.
  2. OK, I'm glad you guys like Sprint LTE performance. I do too. However, this thread will encourage people to repeatedly run and post speed test results. That is problematic to me. We do not want to host a thread where people just post screen shots and videos of speed tests. Thread closed. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  3. It's nice to say things should be free. But nothing is free, someone has to pay for it, because things actually cost money. This website costs about $1200 - $1500 per month to keep operating. Our members chose to have those costs be paid by donations, rather then advertising. That is the revenue model of this site. You are welcome to only use the public content of this site, and that's fine. Sponsorship is not for everyone. And it helps us to keep the riff-raff out our Sponsor forums. We offer a NV Running List thread which shows market percentages complete for the public: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/212-network-visionlte-deployment-running-list/ However, maps are located in our Sponsor sections. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  4. Over in our Sponsor section, we have maps that show sites that have been completed in the Philly Metro market, as well as all markets nationwide. You guys don't need to depend on comments from members who say they've talked to someone. Become a sponsor and go check them out yourselves! Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  5. business attire Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  6. age appropriate Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  7. As of Friday, there were no Sprint sites with LTE accepted in the Palm Springs/Indio area, including La Quinta. However, there are several sites in the area where work has started. It may not be very long at all before the first Sprint LTE site goes live in the area. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  8. It shows only the sites that have received a maintenance upgrade or Network Vision upgrade in the past six months. If the site hasn't had work in the past six months, it is not shown. The only place to look at all Sprint site locations is the S4GRU Sponsor sections. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  9. Work was not supposed to even begin until the end of Winter in your market. There will be nothing new until then. And since most markets have started late, this one may not be any different. Please use the market thread for future discussion: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2509-network-visionlte-tucsonyuma-market/ Thread closed. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  10. trump card Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  11. Each site has two or three sectors. Each sector has it's own panel facing in a different direction. On an LTE site, each sector has a Cell ID. Each sector number from the same site is exactly 169 apart. So, digiblur is saying that he can tell the two Cell ID numbers you referenced are coming from the same exact site. One from one panel, one from another. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  12. Other than possibly a Windows Phone or Blackberry device, I'm holding off on any future Sprint devices until future band support. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  13. I can tell you that the Sprint panels are at 120' above ground level at this site, and the legacy panel model is RR65-18-02DP. Which look like this: http://www.alphaequipmentcompany.com/equipment/09A/wx/wxrr65-18-02dp.jpg Robert
  14. It probably is a Sprint site. I'm not saying that. I'd guess that Sprint is on the bottom, but I just don't know for certain. PM me the Site ID and I can look the site up in the database and I can tell you what elevation the Sprint panels are mounted. I do believe the second from the top is Verizon, looking at the before and after pics. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  15. I can't tell which one is Sprint. There are no panels visible that look like any Sprint legacy panels around here. The second from the top, middle panel looks like the narrow beam VZW LTE panels used around here. However, it doesn't look like the connections have been made yet. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  16. Yes, your hypothesis is likely correct. If you have a weak LTE signal, it would cause a noticeable drop in battery life. It will improve when closer sites get enabled with LTE. Robert
  17. Verizon only thinly covered most markets with LTE. They are still going back and adding more sites for more density in most urban markets. Robert
  18. This is what I remember. That's why I was suspect of this new 20MHz channels with only 60Mbps downlink speeds Prusch was recently touting. That is significantly lower than their trials. Maybe they are thinking they need mondo upload speeds now, and are adjusting their time slots on the 20MHz TDD channels that would result in a slow down to 60Mbps unburdened? However, I'm guessing the drop to 60Mbps is more of a backhaul thing. I think Erik is setting expectations around 60Mbps, because they aren't going to get backhaul that will support 90-100Mbps at every site. Under promise, over deliver comes to mind here. I think that they will have sites that will perform near 100Mbps on a 20MHz channel. But since that will be nowhere near consistent, and many sites will never get backhaul to support that, let's start talking about something more reasonable and consistent...like 60Mbps. That's my two cents on the whole thing. Robert
  19. A third site was accepted on Friday afternoon, on US 10 going toward Bay City. But as far as in the Midland city area, just two so far.
  20. On another note, this thread has served its usefulness. It was created before we had individual market threads. I'm going to close it down now, as it draws in its share of trolls who enjoy the fact that is followed by so many members. If you have LTE to report, you can find the market thread that it belongs to and report it there: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/forum/39-markets/ Thread closed. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  21. Deployment is probably a few months from getting started in the STL Metro Area. There will be some sporadic Missouri market work in other areas in the interim, like Joplin, Springfield and Branson. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
  22. What is there to talk about? Deployment is just really getting underway. The reach of LTE 1900 and building penetration is the same as their 3G, except at the edge of service because of the fragile nature of the LTE airlink. But that's also the same as VZW LTE 750 reach and building penetration is the same as VZW 3G on 850, except at the edge of service because of the fragile nature of the LTE airlink. Do not accuse me of not talking about the issues. I have thousands and thousands of hours of discussing the issues here on our boards. Just because some smarmy new member comes in and starts lambasting how VZW is the cats meow, and I do not write a dissertation response to every minute point made, doesn't mean I don't want to discuss the issues. I don't have the time to respond to every Negative Nancy that comes in here and has an unfounded comment. Do your research, read our site and get informed. Or stay ignorant, that's your choice. But you will not be allowed to spew your ignorance on our boards. This is not the Sprint community forums. You either need to get in line with our posting guidelines, or you can take your trolling elsewhere: http://s4gru.com/ind...-aka-the-rulez/ VZW may work well for you in your area. And if it does, go for it. No one will hold you back here. But VZW LTE performance is dropping, that is a fact. I've watched it occur here in New Mexico, Texas, Colorado and South Dakota. And no one knows where the performance hits will bottom out. Verizon cannot deploy any more LTE 750 carriers. That spectrum is all used up. They will add AWS LTE within the next year, but have no device ecosystem that can even use it. I personally wouldn't buy another VZW LTE device until it supports AWS, because their 750 network will continue to degrade. They don't have many short term options to shore up their LTE, only mid term and long term. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
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