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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. The same happens with all carriers in a place with a tens of thousands of people in one sector. I have Tmo and VZW and they are not immune from this either. VZW and ATT (and even T-Mobile) seem to be much more willing to send COWs to big events. Here in Boston I have never seen a sprint COW, but I see the other carriers at the 4th of July, marathon, NYE, etc. Same story when I was in LA at the Rose Bowl -- everyone but Sprint. The other carriers also have wifi on all their COWs around here, and from what I've seen the data speeds are pretty good. Sprint has 100's of COW's and deploys them all over the place. But no one gets to every event. I have Verizon, Sprint and Tmo and I have been to some events where Sprint was the only one that had usable data and text messages. Your mileage may vary. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  2. I've seen maps of the LA/OC Market where they show 800 being planned right up to the line. I assume it will be the same in other markets. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  3. I never thought about the limitation of WiMax distance. I assumed it was a frequency issue. Because Motorola Expedience on 2600 was the same. But I assume it was a TDD technology too. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  4. faux fur Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  5. I'm going to smoke one inch thick boneless pork chops for dinner. Yum. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  6. The same happens with all carriers in a place with a tens of thousands of people in one sector. I have Tmo and VZW and they are not immune from this either. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  7. First LTE site accepted yesterday in the Gulf Coast market. Just west of Moss Point/Pascagoula, Mississippi! Will be uploaded to Sponsor maps in a few hours. Robert
  8. Judging by the Sprint coverage map, it's the tower in Marinette.... just barely in Wisconsin. But they do show the coverage in Menominee. "Menominee!" "Do, do, do do doo!" http://www.youtube.com/#/watch?v=8N_tupPBtWQ Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  9. Sounds like the Tower of Babel to me. God will not be pleased. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  10. What windfall? Sprint stock is already trading above the Dish and SoftBank offers, so anyone that wants to cash out can simply sell their shares now. And all the people buying now are hedge funds trying to get the current deals to collapse and get a higher price. Anyone buying Sprint stock now for more than any of the offers on the table is rolling the dice on a potential bigger payoff. I think you'd have to be stupid to buy the stock at the current rate. But I'm definitely a conservative investor. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  11. I was feeling a little constipated, but nothing like a little Rick Ashtley to scare the crap right out of you. Feeling much better now. Thanks for helping me out ol' friend. Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  12. Yes, eventually. However, Sprint will have their network complete on all 37k sites before Tmo will. Heck, Sprint will have 800MHz CDMA and LTE fully deployed long before Tmo gets their network upgraded. I live next to a Tmo site with EDGE only service. The day they show up and upgrade that to even HSPA+ with appropriate backhaul, then I will be a believer. Until then, I consider it just talk that they are going to all their native sites with broadband wireless. Robert
  13. I love BBQ of all types. I enjoy eating regional BBQ wherever I go. We even have New Mexican BBQ around here. The Red Chile rubbed smoked ribs at the Ranch House are insanely good, as well as the red chile barbecue sauce at Cowgirl BBQ in Santa Fe is unique and very tasty. To take Texas pit smoked BBQ and mix KC and Texas sauces together with a little bit of heat from Louisiana hot sauce is a very magical thing. Yummm. Maybe I need to fire up the smoker tomorrow? Robert
  14. I tend to prefer privacy over safety, but that's the Libertarian in me. I'm not willing to give up my rights for anything. Not because I'm scared, or my neighbor is. It's a debate that we refuse to have, we just yell at the government out of both sides of our mouths. Keep me safe, at all costs, but keep out of my personal business. These are contradictory beliefs and must be vetted. Robert
  15. I missed it yesterday entirely, but I heard about it on the radio this morning. Robert
  16. I'm very familiar with Cedar Point. A good friend of mine grew up in Vermilion. Just to clarify, Sprint can broadcast 800 in the IBEZ. However, in reduced transmission power levels. They probably feel they need 800MHz in Ohio to help get people off 1900 for voice for the Motorola to Samsung dropped call problem. I don't know if you were following what happened in Chicago with all the problems of going from legacy Motorola equipment to new Samsung NV equipment. But it was a dropped call nightmare. My guess is that Sprint and Samsung are planning to move all voice activity in the Ohio Motorola markets to CDMA 800 to alleviate this problem when switching over. So for sites within the IBEZ, they may have felt they had to deploy with reduced power than to wait it out. A reduced power CDMA 800 would probably act similiar to a CDMA 1900 site at normal broadcast levels. We'll have to keep an eye on the situation and see what unfolds. I'm not aware of any new agreements, so I don't think this is the case. Robert
  17. No, because it will probably turn out Sprint and AT&T did it too. Robert
  18. Nothing beats perfectly smoked turkey or chicken. But only 1 out of 100 can do it right. Robert
  19. I'm waiting for it to show up in acceptance reports. Exciting times! Robert
  20. Or we can call it what I once heard Bob Azzi call it, "Two dot six." Robert
  21. It's my understanding the time slot for the upload was limited to a speed that could not support more than 1.5Mbps. And the upload slots were increased accordingly to allow for more data throughput. It was actually limited to 1Mbps and increased to 1.5Mpbs over time. Robert
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