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ICS with working WiMax coming to the EVO Shift

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According to a post over at XDA, drob311 pointed out that because they got a working leak of ICS for the EVO Design, they can now start work on porting the ROM to the Shift. Soon I can have my ICS and my WiMax too. What an exciting day yesterday was.



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That's the great thing about developers. They bring the newest software to the older devices. Hopefully the government renews their rule that rooting/jailbreaking is legal. I'd hate to see the development community be stifled in any way.

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That's the great thing about developers. They bring the newest software to the older devices. Hopefully the government renews their rule that rooting/jailbreaking is legal. I'd hate to see the development community be stifled in any way.


Same here. Drob said that because the Shift & the Design use the same Qualcomm chipset and the same graphics, that it makes it easier to port the newer ROM over. The only major thing they have to change is the resolution settings between the 2 phones. I'm excited. WiMax was the only reason I haven't switched to ICS yet.

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lol, we got working WIMAX several month ago and we got ICS few month ago as well. There the link if you are interested in checking the development of Samsung Epic http://epiccm.blogspot.com/

Been rocking ICS on the epic for a while now..its awesome!


That's why I was excited and posted this on here. Hopefully in a short period of time WiMax will be working on the Shift too with ICS so that my crazy slider has some life left in it until my upgrade later this year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What about the original EVO? I saw there is a ICS (MIUI?) ROM for it now but WiMax doesn't work...


I really don't know if the Og EVO will get WiMax working with ICS or not. The underlying similarities between the Design and the Shift is the only reason that the Shift will get WiMax working with ICS. You should check on the EVO Q&A section over at XDA and see if someone ever asked about it and there might be hope.

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