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They should make the camera lens cover out of Gorilla Glass instead of plastic.


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I never noticed it before but the camera lens cover on my Samsung Mega is plastic and I believe all my other phones were too. This weekend I tried taking images of my new laptop and they all came out blurry and I checked the lens. All scratched up. I never noticed that the cover was plastic and not glass much less Gorilla glass like the front display. aarrgghh


I usually have a phone case but the camera bump is protruding a bit more than I thought even with the case, thus it would get scratched on a surface (at least that is my thinking of what happened).


Oh well, live an learn. I'll be careful the next time with a new phone and get a case that keeps the lens off the surface.





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I always thought that all phones had gorilla glass or sapphire crystal on the lens. Such a delicate piece of equipment. The finest scratch and the picture is ruined, indefinitely.

That is what I thought too. Maybe the Mega doesn't. Oh well, it won't be long before I switch phones anyway.

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The M8 has a GorillaGlass lens I thought. However, they put a plastic film on top that scratches easily and can mess up photos. I used some rubbing alcohol and a q-tip and the film went away so now my phone takes excellent photos again.

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The M8 has a GorillaGlass lens I thought. However, they put a plastic film on top that scratches easily and can mess up photos. I used some rubbing alcohol and a q-tip and the film went away so now my phone takes excellent photos again.

A film to reduce glare maybe? That's odd....
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I usually have a phone case but the camera bump is protruding a bit more than I thought...


I sometimes have a bump protruding even more than I thought.  But it is a not a camera.





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I sometimes have a bump protruding even more than I thought. But it is a not a camera.





I now feel like I need to take a shower after reading that.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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