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tower in queue for upgrade

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hello all i have a question ... a rep said my tower is in qeue .. whats dose it mean.....


It could mean anything. There's not much you can take away from that. A rep will tell you any tower is in queue to get you off the phone. And technically, they'd be right since every tower will get upgraded at some point. Without any sort of 60-90-180 day timeline, it doesn't really meany anything.

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Any tower not 4g/3g/800/ and 2600 accepted is in the queue for upgrade. That's the great news! Bad news is, it could be anytime from tomorrow to January 1 2015.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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hello all i have a question ... a rep said my tower is in qeue .. whats dose it mean.....

My old boss would say its in the queue when he forgot to order something I needed to get work my done and reminded him for like the 3rd time. 


It translated into "don't ask me again"

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