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Forgetting a elevator in a skyscrapper.. lol


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This building is 47 stories tall.. No elevator.. and people will live in those apartments..
Would you walk and carry your stuff up 47 floors? or 40? or 30? or 20?


I wouldn't mind walking up and down.. But carrying stuff up... no thank you lol

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I imagine there will be a lot of people in tip top shape living in those apartments.

Tip top of tip tops. It'd be alot of working getting stuff up there like couches ect

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This building is 47 stories tall.. No elevator.. and people will live in those apartments..

Would you walk and carry your stuff up 47 floors? or 40? or 30? or 20?


I wouldn't mind walking up and down.. But carrying stuff up... no thank you lol

I would honestly be pissed if I was the pizza delivery guy and had to deliver there, or any delivery service haha
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All joked aside, good luck having adequate safety. Need a cop, fireman or paramedic? Good luck. If you have ever worn fire gear, air pack, carried your tools/hose up even 10 floors, you know how slow going that is.


This place is literally a death trap with no elevator. May as well rip it down.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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Forgetting a "n" in the word "an"...





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Sounds like a lot of cheap real estate to me.  In the days before elevators, the higher the floor, the less desirable the office/living space.  The top floor office was literally the cheapest spot you could get.  When elevators came along, that was precisely reversed.

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Forgetting a "n" in the word "an"...



And the "skyscrapper," is that the sky's crapper? I think we call that a tornado.





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