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S4GRU on Search Engines


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I just did a Google Image search for LTE and 8 of the first 15 photos are from S4GRU!


Quite a big feat for 2 months online! Very impressive!


Thanks Robert and all the contributors for this wonderful site!


Here is a link to the pdf I made: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6340907/lte%20-%20Google%20Search.pdf

Edited by Macinjosh
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Thanks for the info. I am enjoying watching the rise of S4GRU. You guys (and a few gals) are all making it possible. Thanks!


- Robert


Posted via Forum Runner

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I definitely will not be posting any newsworthy items to other sites. I like the civility and intelligence here. Now, if Robert could have just chosen a better name for the site...


I like the name of the site.

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All this attention for S4GRU and not a single LTE market is live yet. No LTE phones have been released either so there are no Sprint sales people lying to customers about when they will actually be able to use their new feature. This site will blow up once the non techies start looking for information.

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All this attention for S4GRU and not a single LTE market is live yet. No LTE phones have been released either so there are no Sprint sales people lying to customers about when they will actually be able to use their new feature. This site will blow up once the non techies start looking for information.


True but unfortunately when this site does blow up all the civility, respect and kindness on these forums will be long gone once it fills up with the regular idiots around the web. But I am sure Robert will select excellent mods to keep things under control if it ever gets to that point.

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I'm not big on the name either. Over time, we will have to adapt to keep relevant. 4G Rollout Updates will only be relevant to people until their market is deployed. If this is to be a permanent forum and alternative news site into the future, we will have to consider a name transition. Duffman is right about this. But we are not going to make changes in the next few months.


If and when the site "blows up", we will definitely need quality mods. This will never be like the other forums. We don't need another place of sprint hating trolls hiding under our bridges, waiting to flame us every time we post something.


I'm a big free speech advocate. But S4GRU needs to be the alternative place for Sprint users seeking Sprint info. The other forums have gotten polluted and stale. And what's the point if we just let S4GRU repeat the same cycle?


Its OK to be critical of Sprint. Its OK to have a well thought out discussion on negative aspects of Sprint. But negative comments need to be well thought and explained.


And I think for the most part, you all will help frame these discussions. By corralling flamers immediately and countering their flames with sound and reasonable discussions. I already have a few people I'm keeping a close eye on. One in particular I think is close to just posting something bonkers. Especially on article comments.


I think one of the best testimonies to our site is that we have several Verizon customers who hang out here and contribute. And they are awesome posters. And we all peacefully coexist in our nerdy wireless social commune. And I will need all of your help to maintain that flavor. You all have set the tone of this site.


Thanks to you all for your contributions to our online community. You all have made it possible. Without you, I would be sitting alone in a virtual corner. I am excited to consider what this place will be just six months from now.




Posted via Forum Runner

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The culture of a community is set by its leaders. Robert has always been civil even on other hostile sites. I suspect we will have no issues here. My own behavior is tempered by his leadership.

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And I think for the most part, you all will help frame these discussions. By corralling flamers immediately and countering their flames with sound and reasonable discussions. I already have a few people I'm keeping a close eye on. One in particular I think is close to just posting something bonkers. Especially on article comments.


You know me too well already. LOL


I think one of the best testimonies to our site is that we have several Verizon customers who hang out here and contribute. And they are awesome posters. And we all peacefully coexist in our nerdy wireless social commune. And I will need all of your help to maintain that flavor. You all have set the tone of this site.


I don't consider myself a Verizon customer, I'm just alleviating the Sprint network congestion until Network Vision is complete. And from the tone of the rollouts it looks like my contract will be well expired by the time NV is complete in my area. Still not announced...

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I'm just alleviating the Sprint network congestion until Network Vision is complete.




It will take about 25,000 more Sprint customers in STC area to jump off to make it effective!

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