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Sprint adding towers..

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So, before sprint reworked its map, you'd see that sprint is adding new towers in many areas. Since these are being added while they're doing NV, does that mean it has network vision equipment already installed?


It seems like it'd be pointless to put old equipment on a tower.


Just asking. :)

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I know of some very recent towers that were added and they were not NV. I believe the reason is the amount of time it takes to get a new site done, so when the process was started they were not deploying Network Vision. I agree it doesn't seem very smart to put up new equipment that will be replaced shortly, but it's just a reality of the way Sprint works.

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I know of some very recent towers that were added and they were not NV. I believe the reason is the amount of time it takes to get a new site done, so when the process was started they were not deploying Network Vision. I agree it doesn't seem very smart to put up new equipment that will be replaced shortly, but it's just a reality of the way Sprint works.


If you're talking about the bandaid fixes then it's a waste , sure, but its part of the contract so better now then never. Any help would be useful for those stuck in a pre nv market.

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We need Robert to chime in here. I want to check out the towers but there's not many near where I live.

I don't think there is any clear cut rules from what Robert has said in the past, but the biggest thing is that if the tower was planned before October of last year most likely not, but now getting further away from it, my be getting more towards new towers with NV, but in non-NV areas you won't get 4G before the market is rolled out. this is because the core isn't ready yet.

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With new sites, it has been a mixed bag. In Network Vision active markets, most new sites have been NV ready. But there has been some exceptions. A new site in New Bedford, Mass about two months ago was not deployed with NV panels.


Most markets where NV is not really active, new sites have not been NV at install. However, last week a new site went live in West Kentucky. It was deployed with NV from the get-go.


So at this point it is still a mixed bag with new sites. But in the not too distant future, new sites will all be NV.


Robert via Moto Photon Q using Forum Runner

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Where could we see where Sprint has added new towers lately? Even if non-NV.

Also' date=' is there a way to know of any future new towers planned?






In our Sponsor maps, if you click on a site, it will say new if it has been added since Summer 2011. We don't know of future towers until they go live.


Robert via Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

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