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Will you buy the galaxy nexus? Or wait for a quad core?


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It would be between the gnex or the GSIII.

Depends on when the GSIII is announced and if the Nexus coming to sprint has any updates. It would be a really hard choice if the gnex coming to sprint for example came with the s4 chip.

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You guys see that sweepstakes Sprint is holding?




Enter to win 1 or 30 Galaxy Nexus' Ends April 5th, with winner announced on Aril 16th. Potential release date sometime around there?

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I'm hoping it'll be me! B)


Or me!! I think I'd keep the box sealed though and turn around and sell the G-Nex... And then go by the next EVO/One X or GSIII. Unless the G-Nex has some improvements (as in, its the G-Nex Plus thats been rumored), I think I'd rather get the next flagship EVO or GSIII.

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Or me!! I think I'd keep the box sealed though and turn around and sell the G-Nex... And then go by the next EVO/One X or GSIII. Unless the G-Nex has some improvements (as in, its the G-Nex Plus thats been rumored), I think I'd rather get the next flagship EVO or GSIII.


I would open mine and use it until my upgrade date in December or early next year.

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Here, here for the GNex+. If it keeps the same specs as Verizon, I may be tempted to see what the GSlll is all about if it has a reasonable launch date. Otherwise, I think the GNex especially the Plus will satisfy me for a while.

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I would open mine and use it until my upgrade date in December or early next year.


Yea.. your timing would work out pretty well. If my upgrade was that soon.. I'd probably do the same.

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I really do hope sprints nexus is updated a bit, otherwise there is no reason not to wait for new releases that will be out soon.


Im just not going to pay 200-300 for a phone thats been out for months that verizon now sales for $99.


Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

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I really do hope sprints nexus is updated a bit, otherwise there is no reason not to wait for new releases that will be out soon.


Im just not going to pay 200-300 for a phone thats been out for months that verizon now sales for $99.


Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk


Say what? Verizon sells the the Nexus for 300 bucks (not 99).


Retrieved 3/6/12 @ 2132: http://www.verizonwi...tedPhoneId=5801

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thats true and was a bit misleading on my part. the actual carriers always tend to sell for more than you can get the phones elsewhere.


Agreed! Especially Verizon... Seems like they always overprice their phones these days.

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Not to defend Verizon, but sprint still sells the epic 4g touch for the $199 it charged at launch even though Amazon is way less. There must be something lucrative about making people sign a secondary contract as Amazon does


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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Sprint is wierd in that respect. They always keep their phones for sale on the high end until it's close to EOL while everyone else is pricing them to move. . I remember the Pre was still going between $150-199 on Sprint.com when it was getting close to being a year old.

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Sprint pays more for their devices. WiMax devices don't sell in quantities that other units sell, especially GSM. They can't afford to lower the prices, because the OEMs aren't lowering for them as a product ages. When Sprint lowers the prices, its because they are trying to clear inventory at a loss.


Hopefully, this dynamic will change with LTE devices some.


Posted via Forum Runner

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Not to defend Verizon, but sprint still sells the epic 4g touch for the $199 it charged at launch even though Amazon is way less. There must be something lucrative about making people sign a secondary contract as Amazon does


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


Amazon, LetsTalk, Wirefly. They get you to basically sign 2 contracts when you sign up for a new phone through them. One with them that can last up to 6 months and if you cancel before then, they hit you with an ETF too. And the other contract is with the carrier.

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Hypothetical question... Say the GNexus, One X, Note, and Galaxy S3 were all to come out the same day what would you go for and why? Means I don't know anything other then rumors on the S3 I think I would still pick the Galaxy Nexus. I am not really the biggest Samsung software fan. I do like HTC's phones but I am still digging the idea of the Nexus. I am hoping for a better camera but it's still going to better then what I have now.

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Tough decision. I loathe Sense, but supposedly 4.0 is less involved. Touchwiz also sucks IMO, but I heard that you can elect to use the AOSP launcher on Samsung phones with ICS. If that is the casse, and the pictures I have seen of a nearly zero bezel SGS3, I might be all over that. Note would also be really tempting especially if they offer the AOSP launcher but I would have to try it out hands on to see if the size was good/bad/indifferent. Motorola could also bring a handset into the equation. Maybe something along the lines of the RAZR MAXX. But I chose the GNex over the RAZR MAXX once, and would do it again. I love my Galaxy Nexus and can easily see myself keeping the phone for a long time. Or 2 years until I can go back to Sprint.

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thats true and was a bit misleading on my part. the actual carriers always tend to sell for more than you can get the phones elsewhere.


Though if you don't have an upgrade to use your s.o.l. and carrier is best bet to get early upgrade made available...


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

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Amazon, LetsTalk, Wirefly. They get you to basically sign 2 contracts when you sign up for a new phone through them. One with them that can last up to 6 months and if you cancel before then, they hit you with an ETF too. And the other contract is with the carrier.


Ha I remember back in the Nextel days and when sprint first had them I'd call them up say I wanted to add a line and use the new line to buy the new hot phone. Then call and swap the phone numbers between the devices so my original # got put on the new device, and then cancel the added line within the trial period....new phone and no upgrade used...

premier program allowed me to not have to do that lil trick, gosh I'm gonna miss that. And ill continue to complain about it till we get something new....


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

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Hypothetical question... Say the GNexus, One X, Note, and Galaxy S3 were all to come out the same day what would you go for and why? Means I don't know anything other then rumors on the S3 I think I would still pick the Galaxy Nexus. I am not really the biggest Samsung software fan. I do like HTC's phones but I am still digging the idea of the Nexus. I am hoping for a better camera but it's still going to better then what I have now.




- Robert

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