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Galaxy S4 in March '13?


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The Korea Times reported Sunday that an unnamed Samsung official confirmed the company would be unveiling a new Galaxy smartphone at next year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, and will have the new phone to market by March.



That would make it a very short product cycle for the Galaxy S III, which the company released in May.


According to the report, the S4 will be, in all ways, bigger and better than its predecessor. It will reportedly have a 5-inch screen, quad-core processors and, the report said, Samsung is considering integrating its flexible display technology, which would allow the phone to be very, very thin.

Source: http://www.washingto...8a4a_story.html

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This rumor has been officially debunked! Sorry. :(




This morning, the Korean company took to Twitter and stated (in Korean) that the speculation being spread by the media is not true.
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