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Please provide feedback for S4GRU Website Beta 2.0


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I'm looking forward to getting to 4G WiMax, lol. This is the most I have ever used a forum site in my life.


I'm glad we get that honor from you! :thx:

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I'm looking forward to getting to 4G WiMax, lol. This is the most I have ever used a forum site in my life.


I've never been a big forum user either. I think I have 2 posts at XDA. But this forum is totally different. I have learned more in a couple months about the wireless industry here than I learned in 10 years of using a cell phone.

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OK. I have finished a posting in The Bulletin Board that talks about the new Member Ranks and Membership Groups...


Bulletin Board Post: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/page/index.html/_/announcements/s4gru-member-ranks-and-groups-r20


Do any of you ever check out The Bulletin Board tab? It's kind of my way to post info to all members, as well as news clips and videos. Things that would be of interest to members, but not an external news article.


You should check out The Bulletin Board every day!!!


- Robert

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  • 4 weeks later...

I officially pulled S4GRU.com out of Beta today. The type of comments we are getting now are things we can handle out of Beta phase. Thanks for your help and suggestions. We are now getting to mainstream status!



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