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  1. My Gf has this device it runs great and screen looks good
  2. Haven't been around for awhile... Life had been busy lol. Anyway This has been happening for over 2 years.... I am .06 of a mile from the tower which was "Upgraded" over 2 yrs ago. Before the upgrade 3G speeds were great. Sprint continues to act like everything is working on the new equipment.... Not sure how much longer I can deal with this BS. Everybody else is happy or waiting to be happy with lte.... I'm just trying to get decent 3G speeds back for now..... http://arstechnica.com/business/2015/06/sprint-stops-throttling-heavy-users-to-avoid-net-neutrality-complaints/ Hope they don't throttle me or I will just have to turn data off when not near WiFi [emoji23]
  3. I have been mia ( sorta ) for awhile but I have been sitting on an upgrade and waiting on a "big screen" HTC for over a yr. So I am going to wait a couple weeks and see what the real world reviews are and if it doesn't have any major issues I am all in! The reason I skipped the One was because its the same size screen as this piece of crap I already have...( I am HTC all the way but the evo lte is junk as far as battery life and reception ) just my 2 cents. I still use my evo4g for areas where signal is iffy ;-) ()()
  4. Says sdcard slot here too. http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/htc-one-max-branding-leaked-13-09-2013/ ()()
  5. +1 on power button on top but I do wish they would have left the usb port on the bottom
  6. That was On BadSeed Tranquillity Rom.
  7. I was at best buy 2 weeks ago and they told me the Evo lte was going to be free the following week on deal of the day. They just happened to have 3 white ones so I got it for $49 and went back the following week and got my money back on price match. I can connect to lte with no issues and stay connected all day even inside at work.
  8. I dont post alot anymore but the "out on the farm" comment was uncalled for. Yes I live out in the country and on a farm so what. By some miracle I have comcast dish and directv to choose from so keep in mind all areas are different! Competition is what keeps prices down.
  9. Just tried out lte in Ranson WV. https://www.box.com/shared/7l9n9skej9cp5k811c5e https://www.box.com/shared/rj5l0tkawgsg2wvlzjq6 https://www.box.com/shared/6mz8e0hgkcki1kwgu1il Sorry about the links it wouldnt let me post pics with tapa.
  10. http://www.phonearena.com/news/Snapdragon-S4-Pro-Unleashing-the-beast_id34139 Still on the OG EVO!!!!
  11. Interesting- http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/47781/sharp-production-full-hd-5-inch-displays
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