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Apple Off-Topic Rant separated from PCMag LTE Test thread

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Um, sure it is. In fact, it's more proof of how capitalism actually works than anything.


The assertion that they shouldn't be able to protect their very significant capital investments and that they should be required to license or share their property, both intellectual as well as physical, is a whole lot closer to Communism or Socialism than anything Apple actually does. They have every right to protect anything they are able to acquire a patent for, otherwise the entire premise of patenting is useless.


Did they 'create' everything they claim ownership of? Nope. But they absolutely have developed and created plenty of things that had never seen a day on the free market before Apple turned it into something worth having. The GUI and the modern day smartphone are two examples. Apple doesn't own total credit for either device, but in both cases what they brought to market changed the paradigm for the market as a whole.


I don't have a thing against Android. In fact, if I could afford two cell phones, I'd love to have one because I realize that there is no "best" product. Sadly, I can't justify that ownership, so I stick with what works best for me. I do take issues with all these anti-Apple rants that are just as ludicrous and fact-less as the Apple fans who can't look past their device either. It makes no difference to me because in the end is simple closed mindedness and has not evidentiary value. HTC and Samsung are guilty of the same protectionism and idea theft as Apple is, but since it's an inconvenient reality, it's dismissed; That way it's easy to continue to 'justify' the hate Company A and favor company B and C.

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In fact, if I could afford two cell phones, I'd love to have one because I realize that there is no "best" product.


Bingo! And that is why massive vertical integration, extreme protectionism, and market domination -- not to mention, abject greed -- by one firm are ugly, unhealthy aspects of capitalism. Pure, unfettered capitalism does not work in a civilized society. The "invisible hand" requires the other hand of government regulation to help keep the market in check.


And I am sorry, but the rest of your post is superfluous.


In the interest of full disclosure, this post was composed on a MacBook Air and carried over the ether by an AirPort Extreme.



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So, my brother bought this really nice sony laptop. It's an ultrabook with a Core i5, metal construction and a hybrid HDD/SSD. It will cost him $550 net. I want to buy one and make it a hackintosh.


I love Apple's Mac OS X just not their hardware pricing or that their phones arent as customizable.

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So' date=' my brother bought this really nice sony laptop. It's an ultrabook with a Core i5, metal construction and a hybrid HDD/SSD. It will cost him 550 net. I want to buy one and make it a hackintosh.


I love Apple's Mac OS X just not their hardware pricing or that their phones arent as customizable.[/quote']


There is a website out there that keeps a database of which wintel machines can be hacintosh'd. It's unfortunate that I forgot the name. Not all pc's have drivers available for Linux/UNIX, since Mac OS X is UNIX based.


Sent from my LG Viper 4G LTE using Forum Runner

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Insanely mac is the site I use. It's most important to look at specs for what's supported. If the specs are similar to an existing real Mac with regards primarily to the chipset, the networking cards, sound card, and graphics then you can do it.


The only major difference between the new macbook air and my brother's sony is that the sony might have different networking and sound cards which may pose a significant problem. It also has a hybrid SSD/HDD compared to Apple's pure SSD which should be a trivial difference for hackintoshing.

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You are claiming that the original iPhone was the same as other smartphones when it came out and Apple just marketed it better? That's the biggest load I've ever heard. I suffered through a Windows Mobile phone (several actually) on Sprint for years so don't you insult my honor or demean the hell I went through :( on those pieces of s**t by claiming Apple didn't invent/reinvent the smartphone and touch UI.


I couldn't suffer through this whole post, but I just wanted to respond to this bit here. I for one actually preferred Windows Mobile crap phones over the iPhone until Android was on the scene. Winmo sucked, but at least you could multitask and be in control. To this day, when I have to use an iPhone for a few minutes for some reason, I am reminded how infuriating they are.


That is all. :)

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Lots of opinions. Not much meat. I think this thread has run its course. Closed.



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