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Everything posted by PedroDaGr8

  1. Per /u/revik2 (a verified Sprint Corporate Employee) over on Reddit: As for my opinions on the device so far. It seems like a solid incremental improvement over my Note20Ultra: The modem is clearly significantly better with my deivce showing a stronger signal and faster data speeds. These speeds get even a bit faster with n71/n41 aggregation . WiFi6 performance is about 100Mbit faster (400-600 rather than 200-400). The display is notably snappier with QHD/120Hz I wasn't expecting much improvement on the camera but rather surprisingly, the new 100x zoom is actually really damn usable. Edit: Another thing, the fingerprint reader is much much faster than on my old N20U. This is a HUGE improvent.
  2. Just received my phone, time to start transferring everything and getting it setup.
  3. Someone posted this over at Reddit, n41 small cell site plans for LA. Looks like they will be using the AIR 4435 for the B41/n41 portion. https://epicla.lacounty.gov/energov_prod/SelfService/#/plan/2a27f8d0-790f-49b2-807d-dc7bfb935370?tab=attachments
  4. This is one of the first times I have seen them explicitly mentioning 24GHz deployment.
  5. From what I understand, this has been true for a bunch of the 5G phones per the start of 2021H2
  6. T-mobile lists the bands as follows: GSM: 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz; LTE: 2, 4, 5, 12, 46, 48, 66, 71; LTE Roaming: 1, 3, 7, 8, 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 38, 39, 40, 41; UMTS: Band I (2100), Band II (1900), Band IV (1700/2100), Band V (850); 5G: n5, n25, n41, n66, n71, n260, n261 I have also heard that the bands you mention will roll out as a software update because they just got FCC approval.
  7. Same here, I was quite surprised. The value for my N20U was double the Swappa value.
  8. Trade-in offers will not show until the device is paid off. My N20U is fully paid off and my offer for the S22U is $8ish per month.
  9. Also, the tower at NE 116th in. Kirkland just got the full suite of upgrades. The addition of B71/n71 and n41 should dramatically improve coverage/performance in the Forbes Creek area.
  10. That's a great question, hopefully Rev can chime in. Also, the permit for the Motel 6 in Totem Lake just got approved last week. Looks like they are pushing ahead with the full B2/B12/B41/N41/B66/B71/N71 upgrade: http://permits.kirklandwa.gov/WebDocs/2020121224/1d9365f9-f6c7-4c3d-9e87-8e14d89ef198.pdf Interesting that this one has no mention of n2 or n66 in the configuration frequency map.
  11. Huh, interesting. Never expected to be a first in something like that. Someone in Michigan mapped a bunch of n78 but nothing else. I guess I'm the first showing they are at least broadcasting n2/n5/n66-SA, even if you can't fully connect to it.
  12. You were damn fast, I had just got home and went to go map them and boom they were almost all done.
  13. That's so strange, the N20U got it a week or so ago.
  14. Not sure if this is on your list but someone at /r/CellMapper indicated the tower at 2080 1st Avenue NY NY 10029 is gig+ https://www.reddit.com/r/cellmapper/comments/s8poyo/n41_speeds_at_home_and_no_ca_isnt_on_not_bad_for/?sort=confidence
  15. I'll try to get some readings tomorrow when I go get my COVID test. Been working from home due to an exposure.
  16. Seems to have worked, the bug just got upgraded from P3 priority to P1 (the second highest priority). Per Google, a P1 bug is defined as follows: "An issue that needs to be addressed quickly. Such an issue significantly impacts a large percentage of users; if there is a workaround it is partial or overly painful. The impact of the issue is to a core organizational function, or fundamentally impedes another team."
  17. Maybe I didn't explained, we have had B41/n41 for quite a while a well. That being said, my phone would almost never connect to B41 instead preferring B2 or B66. Just in the past couple of days, B41 appears to now have a priority much closer to B2 and B66.
  18. I've noticed my phone connecting to T-Mobile 4G B41 a lot more often the past few days. I wonder if this has anything to do with them really starting to push forward with B41/n41.
  19. That's actually really useful information when trying to locate/map these. On CellMapper, if I look for B46 it cuts through a lot of th noise.
  20. Breaking this info out from my private messages with RAvirani, so that others can learn about these as well I am almost 100% certain the following eNB are all strand mount gear for T-Mobile: 177502, 177503, 177343, 177344, 178670, 178671, 178673, 178681, 178682, 178683, 178685, 178686, 178687, 178688, 178689, 178690, 178691, 178692 Being stand mount, each cell ID pair (B66/B2) is at a different location. For example, see the following (click on the link to go to Google StreetView): 177502-3/13 (off NE 45th St)177502-6/16 (South one on 25th St.)177502-7/17 (North one on 25th St.)177503-1/11 (South one on 25th St.)177503-2/12 (North one on 25th St.) For each of the above eNB I was able to locate the strand mount equipment for at least one of the sectors. I have a feeling the missing eNB (178674-178680 and 178684) are there but have just not been scanned yet. Furthermore these strand mount eNB can be spread over a wide area having up to 9 different locations (limit based on number of Cell ID pairs and fact that T-Mobile doesn't seem to use Cell ID 0 for these). 7-9 locations does appear to be common but I'm not sure if it is the norm.
  21. When I drove by the 5/405 interchange today, they had started upgrading this tower. There was a crane and workers on the Sprint rack. It looked like all of the Sprint equipment had been removed from the rack.
  22. While you are fixing that, LTE site logs still only export in hexadecimal irrespective of the setting in preferences.
  23. FYI, when I exported site logs it still has the old NCI format.
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