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Everything posted by Odell

  1. Odell

    NYC LTE updates?

    I can confirm that attachment is available. Oh, and thank you for hunting this down!
  2. This is where I believe Apple is better than anyone else in the industry and why I believe that their Google/Android related tactics are unnecessary and harmful. Even if Samsung's S-Voice is a graphical imitation of Siri, it's not Siri. No one who wants Siri is going to choose a Samsung device because S-Voice sorta looks like Siri. Apple's target demo is going to choose them not just for a Siri-like experience, not just for a high-res display but for everything else that is Apple. When you are an innovative company like Apple you have to realize that your visions are what will be driving the market for years to come but by the time someone copies something you do, your next thing will already be surpassing your own original vision, much more so any copy. Source: http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/12/opinion/brownlee-apple-secret/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  3. Man, those TecTiles are nice. I would love to have a couple of those. I love the SG3 and if I could convince my wife to take the Evo LTE then I would use her upgrade and get the Samsung. Sadly, she refuses to give up her Blackberry Curve.
  4. Odell


    I noticed the same thing recently but I attributed it to the fact that since I don't have to swap out batteries with this like my OG Evo, I rarely reboot the phone. Once I rebooted the performance was back up. Now I just turn it off and turn it back on every couple of days and I have no issues.
  5. Odell

    EVO LTE Heat

    Other than the instances where the radio has to work harder, this phone runs very cool. For instance, the restrooms in one area of our shop get very poor reception. I tried sending a text just moments before I entered that area. I was visiting the facilities for an extended period of time (can you say Chipotle for lunch?) and the phone was trying to send the text the whole time. The back of the phone was very warm by the time I returned to a good signal area. Within 10 minutes or so the temperature was back to normal. Under normal conditions I have no problems with the temp of this phone. I would say it's on par with my OG Evo. This new one does get noticeably warmer if I am charging and running navigation at the same time. The OG Evo didn't really have that problem. At least not while I was running stock before rooting.
  6. Apple operates in a different space than other manufacturers. Even if someone else uses their technology, it won't really matter to their customer base because those folks go to Apple for more than the specs. As for me, I would never buy the new Macbook because of the price. It's starts at over 2 grand and that one only has 256 GB of flash storage. That wouldn't work for me. My new laptop cost me just over $800 and other than the display it works better for my needs spec for spec. I kind of figured this would happen when I started this thread. Apple devotees tend to see the company and it's products as above reproach and without spot or blemish. There is no way to have an objective discussion with them. I agree that Apple does make some very nice products. I own an iPod touch and it does what I need it to do better than the other options in the category. I believe that many of their other products are too expensive for what they offer spec-wise but I understand that they have positioned themselves in the marketplace such that their customer base will bear those prices. I can respect that. This issue with hindering Android products coming to market is another thing altogether and I don't think it's healthy for competition or for Apple as a company. If you are touting yourselves as the producers of "magical" products then you should not even be worried if other companies borrow your "ideas". They can't borrow your magical-ness and that is what makes you unique, right? So keep being magical and let the others continue to be ordinary.
  7. By that logic then tap to click is a gesture that can be patented. This is all quite ridiculous. If these were legitimate patent arguments then Apple would be making them against the developer of the software which violates the patent. That would be Google. Apple isn't doing that. They are using the broken patent and customs system to hinder imports of hardware from foreign companies. Any objective view of the situation should be able to see that Apple isn't waging a protection of intellectual property battle. This is all an extension of the personal vendetta that Steve Jobs stated he would carry on to his last breath and Apple's last dollar.
  8. Once your cumulative total donations reach $100 then you get upgraded to Premier Sponsor and you never lose that level.
  9. From Mike Elgan's post about Apple's "Thermonuclear War" (as Steve Jobs called Apple's planned assault on Google); Source:http://www.cultofmac.com/128254/here-comes-apples-real-thermonuclear-war-against-google/ With Apple's announcement yesterday you can be pretty sure that Google Maps will be gone from future iterations of iOS.
  10. Odell

    EVO LTE Heat

    It's possible it is the processors but I don't seem to notice the extreme heat levels when playing games or doing other processor intensive activities. I notice it when I am doing more radio heavy activities, like uploading photos, or in areas of poor signal.
  11. It's funny how unreleased tech always seems to work so much better than whatever it is you're using now.
  12. From the running list thread - http://s4gru.com/ind...t-running-list/
  13. Well Google got into the mobile OS business but I see your point. The main difference I see is that Apple isn't trying to compete on innovation and creativity but they are using the broken patent system to harm their competitors. I also think that Apple's attempt to completely remove Google from the mobile OS space is harmful to the lower income communities which Apple has no interest in serving. Right now I can go to a carrier like Cricket or Virgin and get a servicable Android phone for $70 with an affordable monthly data plan. Apple doesn't produce a handset for that market nor does it indicate that it has any plans to.
  14. Interesting read. It gives a little perspective to these patent lawsuits against Android devices. http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-really-is-going-to-try-to-kill-google-2012-6
  15. Odell


    On the upper right hand side of each friend's post there is a drop down arrow. You won't see it until you put your cursor within the post. Click the drop down arrow and you can choose to see All, Most or Only Important updates from that person. You can also choose to unsubscribe from their posts which means you won't be de-friending them but you won't see their posts anymore in your news feed. If you want to know what's going on with them you will have to go directly to their page. If your new router is dual band you an also use the 5GHz wifi to connect your Evo since it's likely not many of your neighbors would be on those channels.
  16. The map in this post http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-91-philadelphia-southern-connecticut-are-scheduled-to-be-in-the-second-round-of-sprint-network-visionlte-deployment-in-2012/ shows that what Sprint calls the Southern Connecticut market also includes some areas that could be considered "Central Connecticut" to some. Not sure where you are in relation to that map but it's worth a look. As pyroscott said, if you are outside of the areas in that map then you will be in 3rd or 4th round.
  17. That post should be a sticky somewhere as a must read.
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