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Everything posted by Odell

  1. I found those instructions and tried them as well back when I was setting the Airave up. It still didn't work. I would never get a green light on "Mobile". Like I said, it's no big deal for me now. If I ever get to the point where I really need cell coverage at home I will have another go at it. Thanks for helping though!
  2. I have an Airvana and I've never been able to get it to work. I've tried all the port shenanigans on my router and every tip I could find on the web. It's sitting in it's box in the corner. After reading the difficulties folks have with text messages on this thing I would rather live with the spotty cell coverage in my house since I have a landline for phone calls and I just use WiFi for data while in the house.
  3. As far as I can tell looking at the maps, the closest NV tower to the address you provided is about 2 miles away and there is lots of wooded area between the tower and that location. In fact that address looks to be about equidistant to 2 towers with lots of wooded area in between. It's very similar to my home location in relation to the towers. I get very poor Sprint reception in my neighborhood and inside my house. My daughter is on T-Mobile and she gets poor reception when she comes over. It is not likely that Sprint will be building more towers in that area so that just happens to be an area where coverage is not that great unfortunately. There is probably not much that Sprint can do about it. Another carrier may be your better option.
  4. That bolded line alone should make folks want to become sponsors. Not so that he will do the same just for you, but because you want to contribute to support someone who gives of his time and effort for us. And this is what I figured would happen next.
  5. Odell

    EVO LTE Heat

    I thought this was a family forum. Now I gotta minimize the screen when I walk away from my desk? For S4GRU? For shame!
  6. Odell


    Someone awhile back had mentioned that they were having WiFi connection issues. Well today I experienced the same thing while here at home. I couldn't hold a signal for more than a few seconds even sitting right next to the router. The only thing that helped was changing the channel on my router. I haven't lost signal once since I changed the channel. I downloaded WiFi Analyzer from the Market and determined that my neighbor was on the same channel. I chose a channel with no one else on it and things are holding fine. I can't say for sure that was the problem but that's the only thing I changed.
  7. Odell

    EVO LTE Heat

    I think it really depends on the type of videos you're watching. The ones you watch in the bathroom with the volume down low so your wife can't hear really tend to generate a lot of heat.
  8. Odell


    Robert can you also test my old G1? This way I can know how far I've come in my cellular journey. It won't actually be of any real world use to me but hey, any information is good information, right?
  9. Odell

    EVO LTE Heat

    Tell me about it. I had gps issues with CM6 and 7 on my old Evo. Heat, battery, etc. This only seems to manifest when the radios have to work a little bit more than usual.
  10. Odell

    EVO LTE Heat

    Yes. Unrooted
  11. Odell

    EVO LTE Heat

    I only mentioned the auto upload as it is indicative of a radio issue. Turning it off won't significantly impact my overall heat issue.
  12. With over $100 billion in cash reserves, that was like office party expenses to them. "Take it out of petty cash"
  13. Good investigative work muffinman! (typing that name feels really creepy)
  14. Odell

    EVO LTE Heat

    The only thing that is really starting to bother me about this new phone is the heat issue. It appears as if the radios are getting extremely hot, especially when reception is low. I had the same reception issues with my old Evo but never the accompanying heat. Sprint reception (voice and data) at my home is spotty at best. I normally keep my Wi-Fi radio enabled so when I get home it automatically connects. Yesterday I turned the WiFi radio off at work to test something and never turned it back on. I got home and started doing several things around the house and never even took the phone out of my pocket. After about an hour I reached into my pocket to grab the phone and it was HOT! It was hotter than I've ever experienced in a phone and it was centered under the glossy portion of the backplate. My battery temp widget was reporting over 42C. I immediately tried to shut the device down and it was really unresponsive. Of course I couldn't do a battery pull but I finally got it off and left it off for a couple hours. Everything seems back to normal. But I do notice greatly increased heat if I am in spotty coverage. I also notice it if I am taking several pictures in a row or shooting video that immediately uploads to my Dropbox. Is anyone else experiencing anything similar?
  15. I tried another member's suggestion of disabling the auto timezone and I haven't seen the message since.
  16. That's not really fair. The guy is only posting what the internal communications are showing. He can't control if the corp follows through on them or not. Folks just need to take what's reported as unofficial until you hear it from Sprint directly.
  17. I seem to remember something about uploading directly to the board increases his costs. I could be wrong. I've found imgur to be one of the simplest for uploading and posting files to boards and such. One benefit of imgur is that the URL for the pic is basically anonymous. It reveals nothing about the user that posted. If you need that sort of thing.
  18. I haven't seen this setting. When I go into Apps and try to get rid of Play Books all I am able to do is uninstall updates.
  19. Welcome to the club. Glad to have you around. Hmm that place sounds like some woebegone town. Who would want to be from there...
  20. I never commented but I did google "Epyx FastLoad". I initially thought it had something to do with firearms. A C64 with Epyx Fastload sounded like some sort of bad-ass weapon I would be in awe of. After I googled I was still in awe...just a little less so.
  21. One problem with these leaked internal communications is the over-eager among us get all geeked up as if it's the gospel and then when it doesn't come to pass they get all butt-hurt and act as if Sprint is misleading them and letting them down again. Forget video of people lined up outside of stores waiting for devices; I want to see video of dudes huddled around towers running Speed Test over and over again. "Dude my ping was 125ms! Dude, that's nothing! I just got 95ms ping with 1.78mbps d/l! Aww, man, my ping sucks donkey balls!! I f'ing hate Sprint!!"
  22. Correct me if I'm wrong but word of this text message to customers is based off the Inside Sprint Now post and not anything officially announced by Sprint, right?
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