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Everything posted by Rukin1

  1. FUCK YES. if it's Sprints, I'm going to pay for all gas money and we're all gonna get shit faced
  2. 1X/3G aka 3G/CDMA Reach further than LTE From what I experience. I Know voice reaches further. I get 800smr from like 6 miles away or 5.
  3. I'm happy with infinity Instead of 1GB or 20GB
  4. Go figure it'd branded ATT. But yesir
  5. Didn't even know. Thanks for the information
  6. It would make the app unique and awesome. I'm glad you're developing it . netmonitor is no longer updated. So any problems it has, well you know lol. Just keep up the great work
  7. There was a store here. and in the malls. They're both gone lol. Idk if theres anything left of usc here
  8. Ya I was on evdo and got 1.65MB down in my place and I hardly get any service.. lol I've never gotten such speeds inside... ever But I was on CDMA only
  9. eh I stream netflix and I torrent movies not through sprint, but my internet provider . I don't really use 4G much except emails, apps that use data, the play store, and some other things. But I hardly watch anything on youtube or HBO/netflix unless I'm not at home or on a trip of some type.
  10. Lol. The names need adjusted sometimes. mine said some weird ass names but showed i was connected to the proper tower. I know the NV, it shows the proper tower location and it shows which one you're connected to and which towers you've connected to. I think it'd be cool to see you add a version of your own into a tab in the app Maybe an exclusive for people with the pro app
  11. What market is that? So many wires!! A sprint only site. The bottom/top rack have antennas removed/added since this picture. I took new ones, but it was too dark.
  12. I had 2 un plug my airave. It caused the same problems.
  13. I know. a year from now 16GB is going to nothing. 32Gb is going to be hardly enough. Apps are always getting bigger in size
  14. LOL damn you guys got so many years on me :/ Gosh not fair!
  15. Jesus lol are you in your 40s???? Phew loo
  16. I have a record player older than both of us combined
  17. Comedian Joe over lol
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