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Posts posted by HTCandroid

  1. I'm not sure if the software, such as the launcher, has anything to do with the radios. That it, unless, they make the WHOLE UI the Nexus. I still won't do it cause I don't want to give up the Beats Boomsound and Zoes.




    From my understanding the boomsound will still work it just will not display the beats logo in the corner. As for Zoe that will be lost but I am sure there will be camera apps to simulate it.

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  2. Along with the release of the Google Edition of the HTC ONE, rumors say that the Nexus experience might come to regular HTC ONES.... This seems interesting, so they might give users a choice between Sense and Stock.







    Of this is the case I hope the software is available for CDMA carrier models and not just the gsm models since the phone is bring sold gsm unlocked.

  3. How do you verify through text? O.o




    It is steps to either go to sprint.com/verify and type in your company email(if your job provides a personal work email, ex. Firstname.lastname@workdomain.com) or print and fax the verification form along with recent proof, ex. pay stub, work ID, membership card(AAA or credit union).
  4. I'm torn between getting this and risk losing my discount...


    If I upgrade the main line what are the chances I'll lose my discount? I don't work for the company that I got the discount from. I used the other line to upgrade for myself... Decisions, decisions.




    Realisticly they will probably require you to verify again. When I was still working at the corporate store we would let every upgrade know the main line will get text messages to verify.

  5. In don't see bankruptcy in the cards. Sprint is in a better position to keep serving CLWR's debts than to lose most of its investment in bankruptcy. CLWR will be sold within 12 months. It's just a matter of to whom. And no matter who it is, it will take Sprint's blessing. Sprint owns 54% of Clearwire and has the ability to block any deal for control. Dish cannot be more than a minority holder without Sprint stock. Also, Clearwire cannot issue more shares without Sprint approval, either.


    We are essentially currently in a stalemate. So the status quo will be maintained for the time being. And come December, Sprint can purchase Clearwire via simple majority vote. Of which, Sprint already has 54%.


    Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

    What is the possibility of dish buying Sprint? I am in favor of Sprint remaining a US company but I also feel like dish would just ruin everything; in particular since Softbank has experience in this field. I cannot help but think dish would increase prices, not to mention it seems the average person does not like dish as a cable provider.

  6. No issues with gps but you will always find someone having some sort of issue with any device.  As far as updates, htc has always been pretty good with updates, the main issue with timely updates though are the carriers.  If your phone does not get updated in a reasonable amount of time, 99.9% of the time its the carriers fault.  Hell, look at the gnex on verizon, they treated that phone like it was a red headed step child.  Even the sprint version of the gnex got updated a hell of a lot faster than verizon's version.

    I should have asked this earlier, not sure if there is a real answer. Why is it that iphones get updates right away on sprint and version if 99.9% of the time its the carriers fault for them being delayed. Could it be part of the apple contract for the carriers to support the iphone? If so that means it is possible for other manufactures to get updates in a timely manor. I know verizon did the gnex dirty, ruined it for other cdma carriers(Sprint).

  7. Tri-band devices will go on sale this summer, with smartphones going on sale this Fall. Clearwire has already starting deploying their TD-LTE network. Sprint will start deploying LTE 800 in June and start firing it up in July in some places. The future is upon us.


    The Clearwire sale is not impacting their 2013 deployment plans.


    Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


    So worst case scenario, what happens to Clearwire's spectrum if they are forced to file bankruptcy? Or will Sprint just continue to fund them to keep them from liquidating? 

  8. If it has LTE Band 26/41 support (800/2600), I would get it. That is, if it's the real McCoy.Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

    Is there an idea of when we are supposed to start seeing the 800/2600? I know they are supposed to start deployment this year but it seems like it is still a long way off unless cell sites already have it in them and just needs to be flipped ON after the correct authorization. Also what will happen since the clearwire acquisition is: 1) being delayed, and 2) if dish blocks it and is forced to liquidate?

  9. This is all a matter of opinion.  Stock ics/jellybean are for those that consider themselves to be minimalists which is fine but to the mainstream consumer which is 99.9% of everyone, they are more attracted to "eye candy" and "cool" features that you can get out of the box.  Take a gs4/one with touchwiz/sense and a gs4/one with stock jellybean and ask a thousand random strangers to pick one and could guarantee that every single person will pick the version with added UI.  In this scenario if anyone picks stock android then its because thats what they specifically wanted.  Also, I am not sure what gps issues you are having but all my htc devices even when stock, never had an issue with gps performance and if it did, it was because of something I did to the phone and not htc.  Every manufacturer will have random issues with a certain percentage of devices

    True. I completely again with having the "wow" factor to appeal to the masses. I feel there should be more options outside of rooting. As for the GPS issues. The evo lte and one x GPS starts up and after a few minutes stops responding and foece closes. Google now is also stating that it doesn't know your location and to turn on GPS even though all the GPS settings are already turned on. This is happening on some of the HTC one's also. I just feel the vanilla is the way to go because they upgrade better. For example, the first evo began to have horrible battery after the first major update. The evo 3d had issues when changing to ICS. The htc evo lte began to have issues after jelly bean. The galaxy s (epic) became unstable after after the first update. The galaxy s 2 (epic touch) had issues after the ICS update. The galaxy s3 began after updating to jelly Bean. Everyone who had these issues were "common" consumers and Nome tech such as ourselves here. I can only assume that there will be issues when the next updates roll out to the s4 and the one. Not to mention HTC tends to lag in the update department, I have been an HTC fan for the last 4 devices so I am really hoping they get their act together and not disappear like people are claimim; not to mention their staff is jumping ship.

  10. Has anyone noticed battery drain when using the speakers? Whenever I play music with the speakers it'll drain about 1% every 8 or so minutes. With regular earphones it'll drain 1% every 14 minutes.



    Techincally you're note being forced to, is it always there? Yes. Can you set another screen as your homescreen? Yes. I have a regular screen as my home page and only go to blinkfeed when I wanna check out some news.


    It's not as intrusive as some people make it seem.





    Erm, you don't have to have blinkfeed as the home page..



    scroll to a non-blinkfeed panel.

    tap and hold on a non-widget/app area

    when the add panel/widget window comes up, tap and hold on the panel you want to set as home

    drag the panel to the 'set as home' icon

    Yes I am aware of not making it the MAIN home page. They should have put it in the form of a 4x4 widget. With my androids I go between 3 pages, none of which include any news app or widget. And as for flashing, I'm not the best rooter and bricked my EVO for several hours until I found a fix.


    On a side note, I worked for Sprint up until the middle of May so I am very familiar with how these work. (I was a sales rep but not the kind that does not know anything) I was supposed to get the One for free until they transferred me prior to launch(each store manager picks someone), if you are transferred you just lose out, district manager doesn't take that into consideration and transfers to fill other stores staffing needs.

  11. I am against being forced to have blinkfeed as a home page. Older android indeed needed manufacture UIs, but not since the update to ics do they needed it. One exception would be the note 2. I worry that HTC will still be around in a few years, plus if aren't great at updates; not to mention there are GPS issues all all of their main phones. Even my rooted EVO still has GPS issues, so flashing another Rom fixing it is a maybe.

  12. Htc just announced their Google addition of the One but sadly it looks like it is gsm support only. Are cdma carriers that evil? The Google additions of the htc one and s4 have my attention a lot more than the manufactures versions.

    • Like 1
  13. Well got my new phone, and guess what NEW PROBLEMS! This is so damn annoying.. Sprint customer service is so dumb, "take out the SIM card and clean it" really? I just got the stupid thing today! Maybe you guys can help.. It keeps bringing me to this Self Service screen that i have never seen before and this error message..



    Since you just got it today the network may still be adjusting. Try updating profile and prl. If you happen to know your MSL and MSID then punch in the dialer ##MSL# and repunch in your PTN and MSID. Sounds like the cell site is being fickle.

  14. So a new problem has started happening since the update. My GPS is broken! I can't get a signal lock inside or outside. I googled the issue and it seems that other people are having the same problem with only temporary fixes. Also Google Now is broken as well, it doesn't show any of the regular cards such as time to work, among others. Any thoughts or tips on fixing these two issues?




    I honestly think something is wrong with HTC. I have the same two issues with my evo. The GPS will lock and work but after a few min it stops working. Sadly, if I upgrade soon I might jump ship to Samsung. After last 4 phones being htc ...HTC touch(first touch), HTC evo, HTC evo 3d, HTC evo lte.

  15. Back when i had Evo LTE up until March, i was one of the few who updated and unfortunately got stuck to s-on for a longer period of timethen this came along called DirtyRacun, same team that got s-off using Panda here is direct link for DirtyRacun, read instructions, make sure u have the right system before trying, so like i said read instructions :) http://unlimited.io/jewel.htm *Edit= I noticed they removed windows 7 and 32bit system requirements and you must have Ubuntu 12.04 (and newer) 32bit[so basically you have to make a livecd of Ubuntu 12.04 32bit]  here is another option that was under original android development on EVO LTE on xda[s-Off] Facepalm S-Off for HTC Evo 4g LTE(but looks harder than dirtyracun)  or better advice move on from this phone since its known for poor radio/signal performance... the new HTC One is awesome or try something new like a S3, S4, or Note 2, all of these are great phones and in my opinion better than my old Evo LTE...,hope this helps

    Yes I came across dirtyracoon, unfortunately I don't have ubuntu.


    Honestly, I love my evo. I would get the one but the soft button arrangement bugs me since the home is not in the middle.(yes I'm being picky) Also, I honestly think I would not use blinkfeed despite all the good reviews about it. Reviews have said the s4 has too many features, for me I would not use most of them. I have read that all the features take up a lot of storage space since you cannot move apps over to the SD storage. If I had my way I would get the s4 Google addition :-) ...darn gsm only. If I go the note route then I will wait for the note 3, hopefully it will be octo core :-P All this is just my open opinion, both are great phones. I am in no way putting the phones down.

  16. To remove TWRP, you have to find the Stock Recovery and ROM for the EVO LTE. I can't really find the one that I found to fix my EVO LTE, unfortunately it took me a good hour or so to actually find all the files, and even then it was a bit of a process. Try going through XDA, that's where I found it last time.





    From my understanding and research, it is possible to turn s-off and then just load the 3.15 RUU. Some users report it turns everything to stock, turns s-on, and says "locked" and not "relocked" in the stock bootloader. Is this true? I was planning on using that route if true.



  17. I'd be careful, I've bricked my EVO LTE twice and it was a massive pain getting it back together! If you're going back to stock, and unroot, a piece of advice, remove twrp and flash over the stock recovery. It caused me many headaches having TWRP, and trying to get back to stock. Good Luck!




    I am very new at rooting, as of now I would not even know where to begin to remove TWRP. For the time being I am just leaving it the way it is. After this semester I will try recovery and I will keep you guys informed of my trial and errors haha. Thanks for the advice and tips. Good thing I am eligible to upgrade in the case I brick it and cannot figure it out.

  18. Can you manually put a new ROM on to your SD card and flash that via TWRP?


    Also, are you S-OFF? If so there is a decrypted 3.15 RUU zip somewhere on XDA. All you need to do is download that and rename it to PJ75IMG.zip and put it on to your SD card. Then boot back into bootloader and run that update.


    I was able to fix it by installing either meanbean or stock plus goodies. I am using stock plus goodies and like it so far. I am currently S-ON, though I want to figure how to turn it off so i can flash the 3.15 RUU when the next OTA is released to 4.2.2. I put the ROMs on my SD while on the TWRP menu by mounting storage, then just leaded installed through that. Originally I was trying to put the closest ROM to 4.2.2(nexus 4) but that is when I bricked it. After this week I will play with it to get S-OFF and flash a few ROMs before going back to 3.15 and OTAing to 3.16.


    P.S. there are still issues with navigation even when rooted.

  19. I know this is off topic but this is an active post with htc users. I recently bricked my evo lte. I can get to the bootloader and recovery goes to the twrp mode version, also it is S-ON. Do any of you guys have any idea how to fix this? Thanks in advance.

  20. your telling me, i just bricked my evo lte and have no idea how to get it back. it powers on, goes to bootloader, and i can get into the twrp bootloader but thats it. nothing loads

  21. Interesting.  I appreciate the feedback.  Probably not worth trying to exchange it for or anything; I don't use it too much in landscape, let alone with sunglasses on in landscape.

    Happened to me all the time with previous phone when using polarized glasses. Even yesterday a white Lexus looked purple-ish when it was white without classes.

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  22. Only a few weeks, and the problem started happening about a week and a half ago. I will bring it into sprint tomorrow, its just weird.



    I don't think it's just him.  I've been having issues with my ONE not getting emails or calls.  the gf on the other hand has the gs4 and hasn't had a signal issue to date.  Actualy, hers outperforms mine in almost every catagory.  I love the phone but the service issues are really becoming bothersome.  I didn't get any signal again until i got home, where i have an airave.  I've also had it resend a message to me 9+ times and hours or days later.

    just curious, what color HTC one's do you guys have? I believe the hand grip issue is a little bit better on the black versus the white model.

  23. Alright i factory reset the phone and it still wont connect through eHRPD.. So i get to use my new HTC One on wifi or 1xRTT.. This is getting old fast. Can anyone shed some light on what might be the problem? Is the phone or radio bad?

    How long have you had it? I would try to exchange it. If you are outside the exchange policy go through customer service and let them know you have taken it in. Sounds like a radio issue.

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