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Posts posted by HTCandroid

  1. Does anyone here with an HTC One also have an active iDEN line (or know someone with an active iDEN line)? If so, S4GRU staff would appreciate it if you could run an experiment by swapping the iDEN line SIM into the One and checking for LTE connectivity.




    Aren't all the iDen sims the standard size? The HTC one is a micro I believe, so cutting it would make the iDen handset useless.




    I'm hoping the insurance I purchased for the EVO LTE will transfer to the One. I need to ask that question.

    btw: glad I purchased the insurance, I replaced the EVO 2x. 1st time it was bent from being in my pocket. :)

    2nd time it had a problem with the touch screen. There was no fee for each of the issues.


    Who do you have insured by?



    That is outstanding!!


    Last week, I actually gave BB a shot first to pre-order the One. After waiting 10 minutes to speak to someone and then getting very little real help, I concluded these are not the guys I want handling my upgrade. I drover around the corner to the Sprint corporate store nearby and got it all done there. I know every store is different, but these are folks I've worked with before and they handled me competently.


    The only decision I have left is whether to insure this phone or not. Never have before and this will be my fourth HTC phone through Sprint.






    I always recommend putting it on at first. After using it for a few weeks you can decide if the phone is strong enough without it or waiting for a case to come in.



    Well in my house i use a Airwave. I can get away without it but the speed and signal is not great. I suppose i am pulling off that tower's 3G cause there is no other tower close to my house. the Next tower is like 5 miles away.


    Now the wait will be till they put up the panels etc and get the tower going so i can see if sprint is worth keeping or not


    Sticky situation your in there. Hopefully everything works out. I've always had good experiences. The site that serves your area must not be running the 800 for voice. From what I can tell through experiencing pre on the 1900 is speeds are greatly reduced in doors vs out doors and distance. With the two serving my area of is rare to see more than 4mps in doors. Outside of my house I get around 7-9mps. When I'm right in front of a site I got 33mps and the other at 20mps.

  5. Thanks that is the tower closest to my house. The tower is like 1.5 miles from my home by direct line. I do hope i can pick 4g lte off that line on Fl blvd ince it is just 1.5 miles away :)


    Depends what the surrounding buildings are. I am in OC and my phone toggles between two sites. I am about 1.5 miles from one and 1 mile from the other. My room happens to be equally weak for the two sites about -111dBm. I am waiting for the closest site to be come active.


    I am accustomed to those voice functions by pressing and holding the search button on my 3D. If Google Now will do the same thing by my holding down the home button on my One, that will be a pretty smooth transition. Although I have a feeling there must be another screen tap involved, because I'm assuming the long hold on the home button will bring up the card and not immediately prompt for a voice command. A fairly minor issue, I'm sure.


    That's when you say "Google" and then say what you want. I was used to how the EVO 3d was also, when I first got the EVO LTE there was no Google now, the voice had to be an app which was a bummer. I believe the HTC one Google now will work similar to the EVO LTE and all the nexus devices.

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    What I was trying to get at was that there's no button the main function of which is a task switcher, but I believe you are correct about the home button. For that matter, I understand tapping and holding the home button brings up Google Now. While I'm not too familiar with Google Now, I'm hoping it will be quick from there to start a search or voice search.


    Google now will make calls, text, navigate, search with only using you voice. I personally love Google now. It also gives you traffic, weather, restaurants, lounges, etc.

  8. Soooo i have been looking around and im still not finding a date for the one. I thought it was the 19th but now they are saying the end of the month. Is it that hard to give a damn date??


    As of right now everything is pointing for the 19th, not sure why there is not much showing that. Mainly sprint site wants people to preorder via website or on htc.com.

  9. Has anyone else noticed that Engadget and a couple of other sites have stated that Sprint's HTC One will support WCDMA on 700mhz and AWS? Do we think that's a mistake? As far as I know there are no deployed WCDMA 700 networks, and even if there were I can't imagine why Sprint would integrate such a rare band into their version of the product. It's very odd.


    Since we know HTC had to make a specific model for HTC so they could have just added to it to make it work, it was probably cheaper to leave it in similar to the nexus 4 supporting few games of late from the similar parts from the optimus g. If this is the case, it may have the hardware but will never use it.

  10. Indeed, as long as we get it before the 30th. Im going to try a some of the stores around town tomorrow and see if i can get a black one.


    HOLY HELL! Does that really say 19 hours of talk time or is that a typo?


    Wouldn't be surprised since its packing the new Snapdragon 600 chipset.

    • Like 1
  11. Hey ladies Newport has LTE at 17th and Irvine. Doesnt look like anyone has mapped it and it sure is spitting out a signal for miles. It's on the La Cave building I think!


    I always drive past that spot and my phone never switches to 4G. I know someone who has a note 2 and says 4G comes in and out, I am trying ton convince him to map but he doesn't care to map =/


    This is probably a newb question. What is the difference between a "cell" and "EvdoA" when looking at the results in speedtest.net app? I am think it means the EvdoA is from the site where as the cell is a picocell.

  12. Can this promo also be used with persons on/under a sprint employee line?

    Just a reminder, it looks like today (April 4th) is the last day to sign up for the $100 gift card.


    Also, I wonder if they have any way of verifying whether the devices we send in are actually active on our account at the time of purchase. Anyone have any thoughts? I mean, I don't have a problem activating my Mogul when I make my preorder, but I don't know if they might argue that the time of purchase is when it ships.




    Can this promo also be used with persons on/under a sprint employee line?


    You're not the only one. I loved that on my original Epic (it was on the top, but essentially the same), and absolutely hate the USB locations on my Arrive and Photon Q. In fact, this is such a big deal to me, that the location of the USB was a make or break deal with this phone.


    The only thing I wish was the headphone jack on the bottom.

  14. You guys gotta realize att is billing HTC like how apple bullied sprint. Att probably said since here in the US we are the biggest carrier to carry your company saving phone, make it worth our while. If not then Sprint and T-Mobile are the only sellers. Lets face it att will for sell more individual units solely based on their size and number of customers they maintain, not to mention One X customers that are loyal to HTC. Not other US carrier carried the past main flag ship, either a variant(EVO LTE) or lower models(One S and One V).

  15. I don't know about this. The Galaxy SIV IMO looks just like the s3, so in hand, it'll feel like the same device. On the other hand, the One looks very neat and I think it has potential. I have an external SD card, so buying the HTC One would render my external card useless. Also, I dislike how much HTC locks down their devices. I love being able to mod the look and feel of the software. Hands down, Samsung is better in this field. Not only that, but Samsung always seems to yield better modem performance. On the HTC evo 3d (which I returned within my 14 day period) and the evo lte (which I opted out on) both have rather weak radios. Other thing is lack of a menu button. Come on, HTC.


    I'll probably stick with my S3 for now and see what comes out later this year (hopefully the next Nexus on Sprint?) ;)


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


    Htc is known for having strong radios. The 3d was great. The evo lte was a programming issue that wouldn't keep a weak lte signal. The s2 had horrible radios. As I stated earlier I got the chance to play with the s4 and it feels a lot better than the s2 and s3. Sadly yes the one will make current sd cards pointless. I'm just excited about the dual front facing speakers. I've been saying they need to do that since the HTC touch pro 2.

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  16. My buddy is mapping LTE around Angel Stadium and Disneyland. Looks like at least one tower in that area went live.


    I'll be at the Angels game tonight. I hope that signal penetrates inside the stadium as well.


    And wish me luck I come home alive. Doyer fans (aka Raiders fans) will be invading the OC.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


    I was right there last night with no LTE but over 1.5mps 3G. Hopefully it went live today.

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