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Posts posted by HTCandroid



    And to be clear, that was no knock against you. It was a criticism of the article and its writer, who really seems late to the game and under informed. I am puzzled, in particular, by this quote:




    Unless I am missing something, how does support for the new 802.11ac Wi-Fi standard have anything to do with Sprint?




    I'm not offended at all. Yes I caught that to. Wi-Fi is Wi-Fi, the last few days authors have been getting sloppy and not knowing their information.

  2. I also took a pitcture of the site. I'm no networking expert but it looks like there are missing parts at the ends, like covers or something.


    could it be they are waiting for backhaul? When it was up and running and I did speed tests right under it the average was only 15Mbps which seems a little low to me for a newly active site. does that have to do with the 5x5? When I speed tested the first Lakewood site I was averaging 27Mbps.



    Its sad to see sprint still opting to sell phones with only 1900 MHz LTE support. If the sgs4 released later on this year contains 800 and/or 2500 MHz LTE support as well, I'm afraid the HTC one won't sell well on sprint. I highly doubt the HTC website would be incorrect.


    Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2


    Remember most people don't know about network vision or what it entails when it comes to selling, they just want to see 4G on the top with faster speeds.

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  4. I'm excited about this HTC one because the speakers are facing forward, and there's two not just the one. I've been saying they should do front facing stereo speakers since the touch pro 2. That phone looked like it had it but only the earphone and microphone, the speaker was in the back.




    Are you referring to the One as a rebranded DNA? A quick comparison of the specs may be similar, but after that, this is a different phone altogether.


    sorry I should have been a little more clear. If you follow who quoted who, I was referring to the next EVO. I forgot which one of us said but they said possibly a 5inch EVO. So I was thinking just a rebranded DNA as the next EVO with an add sd and kick stand, and MAYBE this ultrapixel camera.

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    99.999% customers do not think like that. They think about here and now only... If the device is different enough it can work fine though. If the 800 was ready now it wouldn't be an issue, but there is zero chance they hold out for a year and skip out on an S800 device this year....


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


    this is true. ive seen people buy a phone even though they were told the new one will be out soon. They just oh ill get the new at the 199.99 price. That to was explained how its every two years(some of you more often with family accounts). After a month or so after the new phone comes out they go back and give a long face that they should have waited. However there are some people that do wait.

  7. I can't say I've ever been disappointed by the Evo LTE. Certainly, it was a huge improvement from my Epic 4G, even as far as RF was concerned. It may not do as well as the S3, but that doesn't make it bad in my opinion.


    If something changes and this phone ends up with 800/2500 support then I'll be like "Take my money! Take my money!". Otherwise, I'll wait it out with the Evo LTE.


    the draw back if they did add the 800/2500 is it won't be utilized until sometime in 2014(correct me if I'm wrong), by then the new flagships will be coming out by then.



    So, if I am a potential customer, why buy now? I should wait on the prospect of newer, larger handset coming out just a few months later.


    Unless that message is telegraphed in advance, that is a bad business model. In this market, surely you can see why...




    so basically a rebranded DNA with a microSD and a kick stand.

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