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Posts posted by HTCandroid

  1. Alright I contracted their technical support via chat.



    Jeff: Thank you for visiting Sprint. What questions can I answer for you today?
    You: Yes, As of last night I am unable to use the internet, make/receive calls or text messages. I have to drive to down the street to connect to a different cell site to be able to make calls and texts
    Jeff: I do apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
    Jeff: Let's move this chat and make it a window of its own. That way, you'll still see this web page while we chat. Please click 'Yes' to move it now.
    Jeff: Thank you for moving the chat.
    Jeff: Let me refer you to one of our Customer Care specialists. They will be equipped to assist you with your coverage related concern.
    Jeff: '
    You: thank you
    Jeff: The transfer process will only take a few seconds and once it’s completed you’ll be in touch with a specialist. Is there anything else I can assist you with?
    Jeff: With your permission I’m going to initiate the chat transfer process, Ok?
    You: that is alright
    Jeff: Excellent! It’s been a pleasure assisting you. I’m going to transfer you now.
    Jeff has left the chat
    You are being transferred, please hold...
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Agent Sophie G. enters chat
    Sophie G.: I understand your concern and apologize for the inconvenience.
    Sophie G.: Before we begin, I'll need information from you that allows me to access your account. Please provide me with your:
    * Name
    * Wireless phone number
    * PIN (6-10 digit)
    You: me, 555-555-5555, xxxxxxxxxx
    Sophie G.: Thank you.
    You: no problem
    Sophie G.: Is this an Employee Referral Account?
    You: yes
    Sophie G.: To better assist you with your question, I will transfer you to an Employee Account chat specialist.
    If you prefer, you can request support by:
    * Email by sending a message to employeephoneprograms@sprint.com or
    * Phone by calling 1-888-876-8381.
    You: I thought that was just in the situation that I need to make changes to the account.
    You: I am having issues with the cell site near by. If I email it can take hours to get a response and I can not call because my handset can not make/receive calls or texts
    Sophie G.: I do understand that but me there is certain details which need to access from your account to get it checked and we are not authorized to access Employee or Employee Referral Accounts from here.
    Sophie G.: So, please transfer me to Employee specialist.
    Sophie G.: It may take few moments to transfer your chat to them.
    Sophie G.: Please stay connected.
    You: thank you
    Sophie G.: You are welcome.
    Sophie G. has left the chat
    You are being transferred, please hold...
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Jeff: Thank you for your patience. I will be with you shortly.
    Agent Sean F. enters chat
    Sean F.: Hi there!
    You: Hello
    Sean F.: I'm sorry for the trouble. I'll be glad to check into that for you.
    Sean F.: Please bear with me a moment while I access your account.
    You: no problem
    Sean F.: Thanks for your patience. Could you please provide the address you're experiencing the issues at?
    You: address
    Sean F.: Great, thank you. It appears we may have an unreported issue in the area. I can definitely submit a network pinpoint to have the area investigated. Before I do that though we can try a few steps with the phone to be safe.
    Sean F.: Let's power the phone off for a few moments and I'll retrigger things from here. I'll let you know when you can start reloading it.
    You: alright it is off
    Sean F.: Ok, good deal. Should just take another moment for this part.
    Sean F.: Alrighty, there we go. I have everything refreshed so you can start turning it on now.
    Sean F.: Once it's reloaded, updated and ready let's try a quick test call to 888-546-0314 to make sure it's up and running properly.
    You: I received and error message: The network is busy. Please try again later.


    • Like 1
  2. Hey, I am curious. If a cell panel goes out on a none LTE accepted site will that initiate and upgrade when they go out and fix it? I have an issues that started happening a few hours ago. My phone can not make/receive calls or texts yet my phone still cuts in and out of LTE from a different site that has accepted LTE(LTE cutting in and out is normal as the site is pretty far). I am assuming that my phone relies on the closest site for 1x and Evdo and tries to get LTE from that further site. My only conclusion is that the site closest is down. I had to drive to a different LTE accepted site to make a few texts.

  3. Cost to damn much and they would just raise the price on membership prices again. Look how much a 24hr pass is a month. Add an IT dept that has the brains to add WiFi and all the APs need not to mention all the bandwidth people would suck out of them but cross your fingers cause I have been waiting for that day to come.


    They wouldn't necessarily need to add an IT department. They could get a business solution through say ATT, Comcast, Timer Warner, Verizon, etc. Usually with more business classes they get on call ITs. I have a buddy that works for a 3d party IT company that goes and fixes down internet service. Since he is on call most of the employees are salary based for legal reasons. Overall, I do agree that it would cost entirely too much.

  4. You, and anyone else on S4GRU, can call me Noah, if you prefer that. Usernames seem so, impersonal.


    Just start signing your posts at the end like AJ. We refer to him as AJ instead of WiWavelength, which sounds like a decepticon from Transformers!  :lol:

  5. Wifi everywhere? I have no such problems so I figure I better ask just to make sure you have ruled out your router as the culprit. 



    That is a setting within your WiFi settings. If your phone is quiet for a time, it will disconnect from Wi-Fi (and 3G for that matter) in an effort to conserve battery.


    Sent from my HTC ONE



    My one does this also. Very annoying.... I have my WiFi set to always on during sleep, btw in advanced settings. Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4


    I have the sleep setting turned on. However, it does it all the time while I am in the middle of doing stuff. I will be web browsing and then Chrome will give me the no network mumbo jumbo. Yes, it is all WiFi networks: school, home, friends houses. My HTC One is completely stock with no roots or 3rd part launchers.

  6. Now that SoftBank owns 78% of Sprint I wonder when making phone does for color, exclusivity, etc Son says "if you give Sprint the advantage we will buy more at SoftBanks end. Favoring Sprint in the US in exchange for increased business in Japan

  7. What in the world is up with that square under the camera?





    Nvm I just looked it up, it's supposed to be a fingerprint scanner. It's hideous! 


    No stylus like the HTC FLYER no deal! That size has to have a stylus. Anyone else think the Samsung Galaxy Mega is a waste?

  8. Supposedly HTC is skipping the 4.2.2 update in favor of the 4.3 update.






    I'm not too bothered by this TBH, the phone still performs well. No lag, no glitches or weird things. I can be patient :P





    4.2.2 and 4.3 don't really bring features that the 4.1.3 already have or that I would use so waiting is not really a big deal for me.

  9. Is it not in the app drawer for you?


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2


    The download app is not in the app drawer on stock android on the htc one or the htc evo lte. The only way I have found is going to downloads through the stock browser.


    Band 26 includes 850 and smr, so that should not be a problem supporting, plus all CDMA phones support 850. 
    Most( possibly all) the AWS has already been sold to Tmobile just a month or so back. 
    Sprint has mentioned the use of 700Mhz as apart of their LTE roaming platform for rural companies. Their deal with Cspire actually includes 700Mhz A-C roaming. 



    Buy  them and then sell off the spectrum that is not usable.

    • Like 2
  11. For the sprint version of the One for example, there isn't an actual unlock code but they will unlock the device for you over the air through an update that they will push to the device.  The only catch is that the device will have to be activated on your account for a minimum of 90 consecutive days and of course your account will have to be in good standing.  A few weeks ago, someone over on xda figured out how to manually make the same change but you will have to be rooted to do so(not sure if rooted option works on the gs4).


    just to make sure I am grasping this correctly. If I had Sprint push the unlocked OTA update then I would be able to slap another sim and use that service after making sure that network supports the same spectrum ranges?

  12. How about adding enough carriers to finally meet "true 4G" LTE-A standards of peak speeds of at least 100 Mbps? Or raising the data caps on hotspots and tethering beyond the current paltry 12GB?



    "Junk" status, really? If that's true the ratings agencies don't know what they're talking about. If you count wholesale subscribers, their subscriber count is rapidly growing. There seems to be a new Sprint MVNO every other day...



    This is why I've been saying a Dish-TMUS deal is the most likely outcome. It's T-Mo or bust for Ergen, and I don't see the FCC and DoJ turning such a deal down. The feds won't let a Dish-DirecTV merger happen, and there's no love lost between Dish and SoftBank at the moment.


    With all that spectrum, I would be super happy if they gave hotspots and tether plans that were unlimited and throttled say to 5Mbps. Throttling is not a bad thing if it is not throttled down to 2g/3g speeds like what tmobile used to do. If will keep bandwidth relatively free and keep customers happy with usable speeds.

  13. I'm currently in Sunnyville on vacation and SignalCheckPro showed this.





    The voice part means that I'm picking up 800MHz, right?


    What do my screenshots say about my 4G LTE connection?


    And man, the LTE situation here is much better than back at home in Orange County. Unlike in the OC, I get and maintain LTE even inside malls, shops, and buildings.


    That is weird that it is showing 800 for LTE. The LTE has to be  in the 1900 range while the voice/text can be in the 800 range. As for LTE in the malls and buildings, the coverage can be boosted by either it is more concentrated or there is a serving cell site near by allowing the waves to penetrated into the structure. I sadly have to admit that lately OC has been frustrating, everywhere I go it is either unusable 3g or unusable 4g, good connections fade very quickly and only appear near freeway on ramps. I hope it gets a lot better. So far there has not been any phone releases supporting LTE 800 or 2600.

  14. That's the thing, once the notification pops up, when "onscreen", you can grab it and flick up to unlock the phone and launch that app as if you had clicked the notification as normal. It's really quite ingenious. And yes, I was playing with the Sprint version. Unsure if it was any different from other versions.


    Oh, don't mind AJ. He can be a bit of a curmudgeon, but that's only because he feels that, for example, the "spectrum crunch" is caused by things like streaming media solely for vapid entertainment purposes... and not for any legitimate-seeming reason. He'd rather only those that need smartphones have them, and... some days, I'm kinda with him on that.


    Who else but AJ?  :P



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