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Posts posted by HTCandroid

  1. Really? That's a first for Sprint to allow such a thing! I'd like to see a screenshot please.



    Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2

    I have the evo 4g lte and in rural areas it does that. With signalcheck it showed 1xRTT but in the top status bar showed 3g.
  2. For those of you who got LTE where you live, did your service get really awful while they were upgrading your tower?  Since Friday I can't make any calls without it cutting in and out, then dropping.  3g is practically nonexistent (.10 Mbps).  I did Sprint chat Saturday and they said they were uppgrading my tower and it was expected to be completed the next day.  It's still down so I chatted again and they said the estimate is this Friday (making it 8 days total of no service).  They told me that I could get a credit for however many days my service is down.  I literally cannot make a phone call.  When I straight out asked if they were putting LTE on my tower, they couldn't tell me.  It's so frustrating.  I live in Orange near the corner of Taft and Glassel.

    I never had issues with calls and texting at my house and for about 2 weeks my phone would go in and out of roaming and bam! I'm in between 3 LTE sites....just wish the one closest was in the map for soon. LTE performance is around 2-3 mbs when it actually stays connected.

  3. Thats all? I have it set to that, i was just hoping that i would be on it a bit more.


    I dont know if its the network or the One but i have had to cycle airplane mode every 10 minutes because it gets "stuck" uploading on the 3g but wont download at all and eventually drop the 3g all together leaving me with nothing. Its a pain when im trying to navigate here in Eugene Oregon on vaca. But when i cycle airplane mode it will get a normal 3g signal, for a bit..


    Sadly, I would try a hard reset. Those are weird symptoms for the One to have.

  4. If/when the EVO LTE gets the new update, do you guys think they will add sense 5? If so do you guys think it will be a lesser version how the EVO 3d got a lesser version than the EVO LTE?



    I have never done a sero upgrade online. I have always done it over the phone OR at a corporate store (ymmv depending if the reps know wat they are doing)


    Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2


    I know to only upgrade over the phone or in store. I should have been more clear. Is it possible to just swap devices online or do you have to do the same process as upgrading?

  6. Is anyone here on SERO PREMIUM 500? Can you go back and forth from logging in to sprint.com or do you have to contact customer service or corporate sprint store?

  7. I know on the evolte the sprint optimizers automatically turn on the WiFi, even if you manually turn it off. To fix it, I turned it off. It felt like I wasn't in control of my phone.

  8. end of life for the device


    Ahhh. I'm hoping HTC is better about the updates since this is basically the first time they standardized a phone on multiple US carriers(I think they will). Considering that was a large complaint among us rather "techy" people.

  9. Has anyone noticed the screen does an interesting contrast change when in direct sunlight. I saw it happen yesterday when I was outside photographing, when I put my hand over the proximity sensor, to see the phone better, the contrast changed the colors became a little more dull. When I removed my hand from the proximity sensor the colors became brighter, and the contrast was more dramatic. I had the phone at 50% brightness so it wasn't the brightness going up.


    I thought it was interesting, and what probably lends to the phones readability in direct sunlight.






    When I had AT&T I had a Nokia Lumia 920 that did the same thing. I didn't notice this on my HTC One. I'll check it out when I go outside next! Thanks for the heads up.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2


    This may sound silly but was the auto brightness turned on? Some phones will show it is set in the middle with the auto checked. That means it is in auto and if it was turned off the phone would go to the middle setting.





    I'm sure there are all kinda of different patterns we could observe, but I think first and foremost it just boils down to availability - back haul, permits, and access. I doubt that if one or more sites in a particular market had all of these things ready, they would hold off on upgrading them so that they could do a site near a Sprint store first. That being said, I'm sure it's extremely frustrating for Sprint reps to try and explain that the service is good in the surrounding area, just not in their store yet.


    I can tell you first hand the schedule is not to get sites near the stores up first. In many cases the mobile data isn't even usable except for wimax devices which the only available one now is the s2. There has been several cancelled accounts due to slow speeds or lake of usable mobile data. Hence why many will argue sprint still offers unlimited because it isn't usable.



  11. Do so at your own risk. If you do, you may be subject to arrest by the mattress tag police.



    LOL I think I'll probably leave it for the moment.





    You can try this.

    1-Power off the phone.

    2-hold volume down + power button.

    3-show barcode.


    I know it does this on the EVO LTE to show the IMEI, SN, and MB(not sure what SN and MB are). It shows the numbers and scannable barcodes. If the HTC One shows them then you should be safe to remove the sticker.

    • Like 1
  12. Sprint doesn't need to switch to anything other than the CDMA/LTE system they're currently using, Verizon uses C-SIM which are SIM's that interchange between CDMA and LTE. Sprint can implement a similar system.


    Switching to WCDMA isn't possible because of the spectrum crunch PCS CDMA is currently under, specifically in markets like Houston and Chicago. So I don't see SoftBank doing that unless they also acquire T-Mobile down the line.


    I think Sprint and T-Mobile sharing networks could be a good idea as well, and I may look at doing posts at how that's possible in the long run here someday.


    I see. I am glad you touched on that topic of Sprint and Tmobile. I read an article when Dan Hesse announced future consolidation and Sprint+Softbank deal was announced. The author predicted that in the future Sprint and Tmobile may merge along with the smaller carriers to take on Verizon and At&t capping the market at three top compititors. The author also used other European and Asian markets as evidence as industries typically capped out at three major players.

  13. Let's see what SoftBank's policy is once they likely take over.


    I am not too educated when it comes to network technology, but wouldn't it cost Sprint a lot of money to switch to gsm? I am assuming most of the radios in the sites are not compatible. If you would so kind, please enlighten me about the differences if possible.

  14. The entire problem with Ziegler's column is that you're paying $400 extra over the life of the contract for the privilege to have an unbloated device. For most people, that isn't worth it. Most will deal with the bloat and keep the extra $400 in their pockets. Only T-Mobile is different in that it's cheaper for a SIM Only plan.


    $574.99 x ($90 a month x 24 3GB) = $2739.99 for AT&T

    $579 X ($70 a month x 24 unlimited) = $2259 for T-Mobile


    If only sprint used sim cards. Then you can activate on sprint as you go for the same $70 a month.



    too bad there isn't an unlocked cdma/gsm/lte that would work across all 4 primary us networks!


    Stop day dreaming haha. If phones worked like that on all 4 I would never buy a subsidized phone again.



    Nothing a sim adapter couldn't fix, or a new SIM.


    It would be VERY interesting to see what would happen :)


    New sims for iden haven't been available for about 2 years.

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