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Posts posted by HTCandroid



    I wonder if the Zoe feature can be set to do the 'burst' photo feature, but not take video.


    Honestly, I have never found a use for the video capture feature on my current OG EVO. Also, captured video takes up a lot of space on the memory.


    As for the Blinkfeed, as long as I can set it to news and sports sites, instead of Social Networking sites, I might find a use for it.


    Themuffian is correct about burst shot. Zoe is more for the short videos with several editing features.


    As for blinkfeed you can do sports and a large variety of news.

    • Like 1


    Can't wait to mess with the ir function. I haven't been able to find my remote for years and it would be nice to fix some settings on it. As for the zoe pictures I'm not sure if I would like them or not. If I can toggle them or choose when I want the phone use it then that would be great!


    You will be able to turn zoe one or off. What's nice about doe is you can easily fix pictures if someone wasn't look or smiling at the camera. It can also do stills like what you would see in a skate or surf magazine, like action shots, but on a single image.

    • Like 1
  3. We can only hope so! :D


    I know as of right now is that Zoe feature is looking pretty awesome! The blindfeed is really cool for those who will use it. I don't see myself really using it as of now, however that could change. The IR control is pretty cool to, it can do TV guide for pretty much all cable providers and even if your TV is set up with a regular HD antenna.





    If apple can basically do this every single year no reason why htc can't do it. There shouldn't any reason why this phone should be announced in February then released a month or two later. Right now, even though the gs4 has the One beat when it comes to features it seems like the general consensus is that most would still prefer the one of the gs4. HTC is basically giving away sales with their lack of urgency, but hey what do I know, I am just some dude posting this on a forum. I am sure they are paying someone big money to make these kinds of decisions. As far as a release date on sprint I wouldn't be surprised if its released in may, thats my guess anyway.


    Edit: I am just gonna go ahead and throw out a date of may 4th, you heard it here first. LOL!!!


    Disclosure: This is just a guess, I have no bases other than this phone isn't coming out any time soon on sprint IMO.


    That's star wars day! May the 4th be with you!

  5. just looked on sensorly and there is a super faint spot of LTE at disneyland.



    Yup, that one has been there for a while now. :(


    Sadly it's true, no growth. I'm always in that area and would love to see some LTE. When I visit that area everyone I visit is on sprint so improved 3G and LTE would make a lot of people happy. They all switched to sprint because of me and now I'm always hearing about their data speeds. I keep telling them SOON but soon is SO close yet so FAR! =/



    I don't think they would disappear, just reorganize and restructure the way they do business. That's what most companies do.


    What they are doing with the One is a great start, a page from Samsung and Apple's book.



    I don't expect HTC to break the bank but I do expect things to turn around once the the One is released. A global launch is the right strategy and even though they probably won't move as many units as the gs4 they should do better than they did last year with the One X. What's key though is that they continue to publicly support their devices through updates but more importantly marketing. It seems like HTC is turning into LG when it comes to how they do business. Minimal marketing and when that doesn't work they just release another device to take its place then provide minimal marketing again. Its like an endless cycle.


    Awesome. I am glad to see device unification even though That was an apple thing first. Hopefully in A few years it will become HTC/Samsung duopoly haha. I'm definitely on board with the HTC One



    In San Diego and the lower part of OC and River/SB markets, the middle connectors at the bottom of the panel have not been connected. Meaning no 800. Which is to be expected at sites within the IBEZ.


    However, sites in Las Vegas, San Diego, OC and River/SB seem to have a different AlcaLu RRU that is larger, almost like a cube. It is either a new RRU type, or it could be two RRU's together with a shield/housing covering them making it look like one.


    These are decidedly different looking to what I've seen from AlcaLu in past deployments. I was used to seeing what you've posted above.


    Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk


    An LA site on Alondra and Stage doesn't have the middle cables plugged in. Does that mean the 800Mhz isn't plugged in?

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