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Everything posted by jreuschl

  1. Maybe a groundhog was running around trying to find a good angle to get rid of his shadow
  2. Plus, I'm sure HTC will make an effort to announce the new One before the S5 is released. My comments on the S5: - Ultra low power mode is smart. - Great they brought the water resistance to the S5. - The fingerprint scanner better work well or they'll have an embarrassment vs. Apple and the iCopy crowd will have a field day. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  3. Apparently it is water resistant, which is nice.
  4. I have to agree with you. Normally it works OK but if the 800 signal is low, the call quality for me on 800 is worse than 1900, at least on my Note II. Since 1900 signal has improved since NV, I may actually just accept the blocked PRL...
  5. Anyone know of a live video stream like Samsung did for the S4? I know Engadget and other sites will be live blogging.
  6. How could a PRL have anything to do with dropped calls especially on a specific phone?
  7. Was at the Bradley Center on Sat night and LTE speeds were from .8-2.5 mbps. I'd say that isn't too bad considering how bad data was before when I was at games. Was a decent crowd for once for a Bucks game, too However, in the 4th qtr I wasn't able to get data connectivity. Not sure if that was a fluke or really overloaded.
  8. I had breakfast in Lake Geneva today and the coverage was pretty poor. I see the tower closest to "downtown" is 3G complete but not 4G, hopefully work going on. I had 1-0 bars of 1x800 inside Egg Harbor Cafe.
  9. Yes, use Sensorly, don't trust the Sprint maps. Sensorly actually comes from a user's phone. Make sure you use the map trip option to share the coverage. Milwaukee isn't LTE complete, yet Sprint just takes a gallon of paint and spreads it in the whole region
  10. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5456-factual-coverage-comparison-verizons-lte-comparison-but-using-sensorly-data/ I found this thread interesting. SWmich4G put together maps from Sensorly comparing the four carriers. Looks like Sprint has done a good job in WI catching up to Verizon.
  11. I'm sure this has been beaten to death on here but two questions: 1. Why did Sprint not focus just on the major metro areas and then upgrade other areas later like T-Mobile did? Lots seem to be going goo gah over how great TM is but they don't say how horrible they are outside of metro areas. 2. Why are they waiting to do 800 LTE, TD LTE, until after the initial upgrade? Is it because the phone technology wasn't available yet until now?
  12. Another one near Union Grove, too. I'm sorry for the Madison folks that the towers around the Capitol are 3G only. I'm actually a little surprised at the number of towers south of I-94 that are still 3G-only. They've been that way for a while. Probably wanted to focus more on Madison and Milwaukee. I'm sure backhaul has a lot to do with it, too. Also, what is the procedure that a tower becomes 800 official? Most of the towers that are listed as 3G/4G are broadcasting 800.
  13. Sorry, just a single band device! (Note II) Here is one test. I did drop to 3G a couple of times but stayed on 4G for most of it. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  14. I was at the auto show today and did get 4-6 mbps inside. I thought that was decent given the amount of people there. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  15. On call on 800 I guess the 'problem' will never be corrected then since it is a per-phone issue based on above. I've been on 800 all day in WI and Chicago and no issues with texts either. Sorry to the unfortunate ones! Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  16. 800 seems to work fine for me. I bought mine on launch day, if we want to compare production times. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  17. It took about 3 months but Sprint pushed 2011 PRL to my phone. Updated the hiddenmenu.apk file and updated it back to 24016. Is there some way to freeze an app to prevent an automatic PRL update in the future? Edit: I think I found the answer: Freeze system update and Sprint DM services
  18. LTE is launched in Madison and Milwaukee and we get really quiet around here!

    #cutthroatkitchen Why doesn't the guy try to bend the bent pan back?

  20. I would imagine band 41 would take a while in WI because ClearWire didn't have service here (Wimax) before.
  21. Delafield is not 4G yet. As I've mentioned before the towers are on top of power lines so it ls likely a ground mount option. Wonder if this also applies to the tower at I-94 and F, since that also is still 3G. I do get up to 2.3 mbps on speed tests though. Maybe I'll have to freeze my ... off and take a picture of the base station.
  22. I now have LTE inside of Costco in Pewaukee so another tower likely went live. Woo-hoo! Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  23. Wonder how long it will take for Verizon to update their poster board ads comparing carrier coverage? LTE signal has improved over the last week or so at my parents' house near 93rd and Howard in Milwaukee. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
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