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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. unlimited data and no throttling for me!!!!!!! this was a not normal case but i was in dallas last fall on a business trip and ended up getting sick so spent the whole day in my hotel room streaming tv shows from my server at home. was my first time on LTE and ended up using a little over 30 gig :blink: once lte gets installed around here i can see myself using 15-20 gig per month. i use my phone a lot at work, where i can't wifi offload, to browse the internet and, once i have faster data speeds, stream videos.


    Shouldn't you be "working" at work rather than streaming videos?

    • Like 3
  2. Doesn't nTelos own other telecommunication networks, like cable, landline and other wireless networks? The whole business would likely not be compatible with Sprint. Perhaps if they wanted to just spin off the wireless division. nTelos also offers AWS roaming. Sprint would probably sell off nTelos AWS spectrum.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    Pretty sure TMobile/At&t/Verizon would be in the market for a bit more AWS spectrum...

  3. Ahh, so you are getting them to run a new copper line to your prem, that's pretty cool man. Verizon here will only lay out fiber to prem, and if you're a current copper user, as soon as something goes wrong, they'll pull the copper and put in fiber and upgrade to "digital voice".


    That's a smart idea, pricy, but smart, at least you'll have the load balanced between the equipment in the house. One idea is to make sure you use different SSIDs for the wireless access points, on unique channels.


    or only do wireless on one DSL line and leave the other for hard connections such as the AirRave, Vonage, a PS3, etc

  4. DT cant sell its shares for 18 months I believe. Does this mean any fi alized agreement is at least that far out? Also would it be worth it right away with the combined debt?


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


    DT can't sell it's shares in the New Company for 18 months.

  5. I thought VHS won because the Porn Industry wasn't allowed to use Betamax? I wonder had Verizon not been bought by Vodaphone, would they have considered UMB, or was LTE always in the cards? I also presume the 2.5/2.6 Ghz bands cannot be used for UMB, which is why they chose WiMax, that an they had to deploy something for the licenses.


    I thought WiMax in EBS/BRS was the fact that only WiMax supported the TD band pattern. LTE wasn't "approved" for TD usage, so Sprint/Clear HAD to go WiMax to meet the FCC build out requirements.

  6. Wow, the wording at the end of the letter is very strong...


    Given the comprehensive reviews of the alternatives, the Special Committee and board of directors determined that the Sprint transaction is in the best interests of the Company's non-Sprint stockholders.




    The Clearwire board unanimously recommends that you vote your shares FOR all of the proposals relating to the proposed transaction with Sprint by returning the WHITE proxy card with a “FOR” vote for all proposals. The failure to vote or an abstention has the same effect as a vote against the proposed combination. Because some of the proposals required to close the proposed transaction requires the affirmative vote of 75% of all outstanding shares, the votes of all of Clearwire stockholders are important. If stockholders do not approve the proposals related to the proposed combination, there is no assurance that your shares of Clearwire common stock will be able to be sold for the same or greater value in the future.


    We urge you to discard any gold proxy cards you may receive, as they were sent by a dissident stockholder. If you previously submitted a gold proxy card, we urge you to cast your vote as instructed on the WHITE proxy card as soon as you receive it. A vote on the WHITE proxy card will revoke any earlier dated proxy card that was submitted, including any white proxy card. If you have questions or need assistance voting your shares, please contact our proxy solicitor, MacKenzie Partners, Inc., toll-free at (800) 322-2885 or call collect at (212) 929-5500.


    I'm guessing that the Gold Proxy card was sent out by the combo of Crest and Aurelius Capital?

    • Like 1
  7. Protection sites are a whole 'nother animal. They will need to remain intact, but don't necessarily need to be WiMax. They can be any technology that their customers possess. Even Expedience.


    Sprint has native NV sites in about 85% of Protection Site locations. Sprint could even move Protection Sites to an NV site in those instances.


    In my opinion, in the Non Sprint coverage areas that have a Clearwire protection site, Sprint should just convert the site to full NV with all bands. Since they have to pay to run that site anyways, they might as well get full benefit and cut roaming in that area. Most of the overhead costs are already paid.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk


    That was my thought process too, and I assumed that from the post that I quoted, but I wanted to make sure. Clear has 4 Protection sites in my area, I know that one is shared between Sprint and Clear (along with every other carrier in the game). However, the other three are on non-Sprint towers. I'd love to see the WiMax Protection sites shuttered and TD-LTE deployed on the closest Sprint Towers.

    • Like 1
  8. http://www.fiercewir...down/2013-04-22


    Why is Sprint tying up its network for peanuts?

    Admittedly, I don't know the spectrum layout for Sprint PCS so it's possible that it might have a sliver that can only hold a 1xRTT carrier.


    However, even if that is the case shouldn't Sprint at the very least only allow M2M modules work on its CDMA-800? That way, it can eventually clear out PCS to use solely for LTE.


    Save the 1xA voice carrier in SMR (800Mhz) for rural coverage, get that roaming bill to Verizon down a bit. The voice carriers are 1.25Mhz FDD I believe, so they are very small, compared to 5Mhz FDD for LTE and I'm think 3.25Mhz FDD for EVDO.

    • Like 1
  9. Currently, WiMax will remain in operation until at least December 31, 2014. It may remain online even longer than that. Sprint will want to decommission the redundant Clearwire sites that are wasting money and move over to nearby Network Vision sites. However, I can't imagine them moving WiMax to a NV site for a short period. They will probably decommission WiMax with the site.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    For protection sites, wouldn't Sprint need to deploy BRS on one of it's towers to ensure the license is covered?

  10. Using that logic, why update the current CDMA Rev. A base stations?


    Sprint is replacing just about every piece of hardware at every tower. New cabinets, new cabling, new radios, new antennas, new backhaul, etc. Everything but the tower... All of these will support LTE as the new high speed network, and standardize the hardware between 3 OEM vendors. Sprint has a couple of devices that could drag back thru the FCC to support Rev B, but most users will be upgrading in the next 6-18 months and will have an LTE device.


    The very minor gains from Rev B isn't worth the work to upgrade all the base stations. Get those techs out working on the base station upgrades for the NV project and then the LTE Advanced upgrade in the next year.

    • Like 2
  11. I agree with you. I believe in time, especially under SoftBank, the TD-LTE layer on Network Vision sites will become pretty ubiquitous. The added cost of TD-LTE at a NV site is pretty minimal. If a site has fast enough backhaul, I think they'll add TD-LTE. And if capacity is needed, they'll expedite the backhaul.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    What does your gut say on timeframe, NV2.0 in 2014 or further out?

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