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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. But that brings up an interesting point. Isn't it more expensive to have DirecTV for TV and _____ cable company for internet?


    For the service I received, no. At the time Comcast cable was lacking many HD channels and the STBs were terrible. Moving to DirecTV I got the channels I wanted and almost all in HD, I got top quality STBs and much better support. I paid about $20/month more out of pocket, but the service level more than enough made up for small cost increase.

    • Like 1
  2. This is good, because even with LTE on every site, there's only so much you can do with 5x5 carriers. At some point the capacity well will run dry.


    If e-penis is a game you wish to engage in, my advice is to hold off for a TD-LTE device.


    Sprint is quite well positioned for multiple 5x5 LTE carriers in SMR and PCS+G spectrum. AJ has said that most markets have existing spectrum for a second 5x5 LTE carrier. Also, as LTE usage increases, EVDO usage will decrease where those carriers can be re-purposed into LTE.


    While the pipes in BRS spectrum will be huge, i wouldn't expect to see them outside of major markets and PCS spectrum constrained areas for 2 or 3 years (from launch).

  3. Don't always assume that. Being in a somewhat rural area but with cable readily available all over even in areas where Sprint is roaming on VZW. A huge majority of the people I know that have satellite TV have a cable modem sitting next to their router. Cable TV has just become overpriced in many areas and the cable companies have fallen way behind the times with their equipment.


    Very true, I was an urban dwelling DirecTV customer with a Comcast cable modem.

  4. At this point in time, the best that Dish can do is to:


    1. Bite the bullet and wait for the Softbank/Sprint merger to complete and then try to buy the Clearwire network + some EBS leases from Sprint. I hope they elect this route.

    2. Try to merge (not acquire T-Mobile)

    3. Just get it's spectrum hosted by either Sprint or T-Mobile.

    4. Sell its spectrum to AT&T


    I think Charlie has burned any bridge with Sprint at this point if the SoftBank deal goes through. The only way Sprint hosts the Dish Spectrum is on their own terms, not Charlie's ego driven megalomaniac terms. Same thing for buying the Clear network and EBS licenses, it will be at Sprint terms. Charlie will never go for that.


    T-mobile/metro PCS need to get their post merger shit in order before another merger.


    at&t just got a ton of WCS spectrum for their expansion, I'm not sure they are in the market for more 2Ghz+ spectrum.


    I think Charlie's best bet is having T-Mobile host the spectrum, but their site density/rural coverage is junk. The major satellite TV users are rural because they can't get traditional cable.

  5. I was very surprised in the Q&A that it was suggested that Masa Son giving the presentation in English showed desperation on the Softbank front. I saw it as a great business decision, the people who are ultimately making this decision are a majority English speaking, American shareholders. Speaking to them in their language, telling them the truth about the two proposals in their native tongue is speaking directly to them. Explaining why the softbank proposal from 6 months ago is still worth more than the inflated Dish offer was great!

    • Like 4
  6. http://webcast.softb...0_02/index.html


    Watching the video now, great!


    Wow, simply awesome!!! Softbank laying the smack on Ergan/Dish


    Holy crap, Masayoshi Son is very well spoken and seems to be incredibly intelligent. They way he is breaking down these complex transactions, complex networks is great. It doesn't seem like he is reading a teleprompter or being fed info, he is just shooting from memory.

    • Like 6
  7. Hello. I'm searching for a Galaxy Note 2 on Sprint, and I came accross the ebay best buy mobile solusions website.... Has anyone had any experience with this before? The reason I ask is because they have the phone for eligible upgrade line for only $149.99.... way cheap.

    According to best buy customer service, they are new phones unless otherwise specified.

    Any thoughts?


    Sounds like amazon wireless, only caveat is that if you have an older service plan/contract, you have to move to a new plan.

  8. Well, my whining worked. The tower closest to my home (XXXXXXXXXX, M43 between Mulliken and Sunfield) is suddenly "on." I turned off my WIFI this morning and saw the 4G icon and had to do a speed test. It runs a consistent 3MB up and down with bursts of speedy brilliance.


    Bunch of happy here.


    Nice, I drive past that tower all the time. Sensorly map it and get pictures up on the sponsor in progress thread. Also, please edit your post to remove the site ID, that is sponsor only info.

  9. Basically the same as 3g give or take a half hour or so battery time. That's a non factor on the newer 4g phones out due to all in one antennas instead of duel ones.


    Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2


    I thought the Nexus still had separate LTE and CDMA chipsets? I remember people bitching about its terrible 1X/3G due to a VIA chipset.

  10. OK folks over by Frandor/lake Lansing road, I got a very faint 4g at the Lansing Pediatrics office across from Eastwood Towne Centre. I had our long enough to get 6 Sensorly points, but I have no clue where it is from. The water tower on Abbott and the Grosbeck towers haven't been touched. I've thought about the MLK/Filley tower, but I drove that way and got no LTE. Start hunting those east side towers and find out the source of that signal!


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forum Runner


    Ok, more intel, downtown at the Romney building, I now have solid -100dBm. I'm betting it is the tower by Frandor, off Clippert between Mich Ave and K'zoo St. Can any east side folks snag some pictures of that tower?

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