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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. Worst case email Dan Hesse's office and see what the Exec branch can do.  You should have been notified that a phone on your account had a bad ESN and been given options in February.  Further more you shouldn't have been told in May that it was clean.

  2. Was just wondering if NV work might slow down when the Nextel decommissioning starts? I'm sure Sprint wants to get the equipment off the towers as quickly as possible so they can stop paying leases, power costs, backhaul costs, etc. With crews already busy on the rollouts of all the carriers, do you think they might prioritize the Nextel work a little over NV to get the cost benefits sooner?

    I'm guessing the t1s and power bills are much higher than the tower lease. I wouldn't expect a nv slowdown.

  3. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-softbank-eyes-t-mobile-193643098.html


    :td: Music to to that rat bastard Charlie's ears I'm sure. I wonder what, if anything, Sprint would get if SoftBank walked away from the deal. 


    Between the clowns at Crest, Mount Kellett, et al on one side and Charlie on the other, I certainly figure that it's conceivable that at some point that Son could throw his hands up and say, "To hell with this." The only thing with T-Mobile USA is that it wouldn't give Son his economies of scale in regards to 2.5GHz TD-LTE.

    If Sprint walks away from SoftBank, Sprint has to pay a fee to SoftBank $600m I think.  If SoftBank goes with T-Mobile and actually grows their coverage, they will "sprint" passed Sprint into 3rd place and climb the mobile operator ladder...


    This has been a gut fear of mine since the Dish bids started.  Dish will destroy Sprint...

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  4. I will have to disagree on this one. I like stock Android...or CyanogenMod...much better than skinned experiences, and OS updates at this point, when executed correctly, have a positive impact on device speed, rather than the other way around. And I don't want to wait two years between OS upgrades.


    Which means I probably need to add an engkneering screen tool to the list of apps I should write for the Nexus 4...because I'm sure the data is there skmewhere.


    sent via my SIII on Tapatalk 4 beta



    Clean stock OS with all the garbage removed is the way I roll... I hang around S4GRU too much to not have any Engineering screens.


    I wish I could have the best of both worlds...


    I started on Android with the OG EVO and I loved Sense! I did not like AOSP as Sense had so many more basic features, however, AOSP has basically added all those features.  I think starting with GingerBread, AOSP really started to get it right and have just kept up with everything.


    I next went to the GS2 and GN2, I never liked TouchWiz, it is so clunky and ugly, like they are trying to sell to a kid or teenager.  I'm been on CM nightly/experimental builds for both of these devices because TW just doesn't suit my needs.  Storage is one of the biggest things for me and AOSP is just so much smaller.  Digiblur's completely stripped down GN2 TW ROM is still over 630MB while CM10.1 & GApps are about 260MB.


    I wish that AOSP would put all the engineering data available as public APIs so that developers could write their own engineering screens for rooted users.

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