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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. Actually, I see one way to make this work (and a variant of this may have been suggested here)...


    Step 1: Take all of T-Mobile's PCS network and merge it into Sprint's and offer current T-Mobile customers with AWS only devices select new PCS based devices free (like for like upgrades). TM customers with 1900Mhz devices that can support the G block will be re-certified to work on Sprint's core network. Immediately shut down all GSM/WCDMA/non-CDMA and create multiple 5x5 LTE carriers in the PCS spectrum. A 5x5 FD LTE carrier is more than enough for current mobile device usage and allows more carriers for redundancy.


    Step 2: Spin the rest of T-Mobile into a subsidiary that runs what is left of it's network on AWS spectrum, keep the no contract, budget carrier, etc. Staring spinning this spectrum to at&t/Verizon in a deal that they won't oppose Sprint/rural carriers getting a significant chunk of 600Mhz and/or LTE roaming agreements. They get the customers in that area too. Eventually the problem goes away as spectrum is purchased.


    Step 3: NV 2017 Build the ever living shit out the 600Mhz spectrum, allow roaming/spectrum sharing with rural partner carriers (Sprint always owns the Spectrum, but $0 leases it to the other companies to build out the physical network to Sprint standards). Sprint gets native usage of the network too.

    • Like 1
  2. Nowhere near, because you have LTE which is the common data technology element and VOLTE which is the unifying voice framework. They don't have to reband, they don't have to buy any subsidiaries and they don't a clash of cultures.


    VoLTE is still years from replacing CDMA 1x in Sprints network. As we all know here 1x signal is usable further tha EvDo which is usable further than LTE. The airlink isn't as robust and you can't lose all those fringe users. I'd be shocked if Sprint turns off CDMA 1x before 2020. SMR is going to help, but it is not a magic bullet and there is only 5x5mhz. You get additional spectrum in the sub 1Ghz and VoLTE becomes more of an option.


    You have handsets on each carrier that don't support the others frequencies and PCS is the only common spectrum. The new company would be forced to divest and it would probably end up being AWS or if they got to keep all the PCS/AWS, then they'd be blocked from bidding in the 600Mhz auction. Sprint has but itself in bed with the BRS spectrum and is not giving it up.


    I used to think a SprinT-mobile merger would be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I was convinced by the great minds here about how much work it would really take. By the time a single LTE network would be in place, it would be like Sprint's current legacy network.

  3. Ergen wants to be running the show and that won't happen anytime soon. I have said it and I will say it now, I want him to have Clearwire under the proviso that Sprint and T-Mobile are allowed to merge. A combined Sprint/T-Mobile/Metro will have 96M customers and plenty of spectrum, even without BRS spectrum. Their spectrum needs would be in the 600Mhz band.


    Merging those two networks would be on the lines of merging Sprint and Nextel. Completely different technologies and spectrum, maybe in 5 years once NV is done and Tmobile is stable.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm not sure if anyone asked... but will CDMA ever get turned off? With almost all towers going LTE and voLTE and TD-LTE, it seems like CDMA won't be needed in the future. And once CDMA can be turned off, wouldn't Sprint be able to use those spectrum to provide better service as well?


    As more people move over to LTE, Sprint can shutdown the EvDo carriers in current spectrum and reutilize for additional LTE carriers.

  5. Now, this is going to sound stupid as I don't fully understand the tech, but what would require Sprint to stick with FDD LTE? Would TDD LTE not be efficient on 800 MHz, or is the band simply not "rated" for it? My understanding is that the asynchronicity of TDD LTE makes it more spectrally efficient for data tasks.


    I believe it relates to how the FCC has designated the spectrum. FDD has defined uplink and downlink areas, where as TDD is just a block of spectrum with the uplink and downlink sharing it.

    • Like 1
  6. Okay I preordered it. But do we actually get it the 27th? Also why do new people get another 100 off and the activation wee waived? Talk about non retention


    New subscribers are new money, existing subscribers are planned on money. Do anything to get the new subs in.


    Unless a customs issue occurs like the HTC EVO LTE, preorders get their devices either launch day or sometimes a day or so in advance.

  7. The real issue is what happens when a single provider gets all the spectrum in a band. See AT&T and Cellular in a number of places.


    Or Verizon and cellular spectrum post Alltel purchase. Whoever decided that a single company could have both sides of the cellular spectrum for a given area should have their head examined!

  8. Jim Gaffigan:






    My 4yr old boy asks me about what the towers do and I explain it to him the best I can that I understand and a 4yr old can comprehend. It is tough finding 14 different ways to say the same thing because his next question is always, "Why?"

    • Like 1
  9. It was in Waco. Yes, I did report that. However, it was not scientific. I was parked on CDMA 800 Channel 476. I initiated a phone call and went back to the Engineering screen. It changed to a PCS channel. I assumed at some point during the call, it handed off from SMR to PCS. But it's possible that it changed when I went into my dialer before the call was placed.


    I wished I had done more testing back then. But I jumped to a conclusion that hand off had occurred. I haven't had CDMA 800 since.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    Do we have any highly technical users in the Chicagoland area that could conduct some testing?

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