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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. Hmm.. post a screen shot when you get a chance. Is it a nightly or something similar that is still in the early stages of testing?


    I've been working on nothing but hammering away at the Samsung-specific stuff for the past few weeks, but I might have to set that aside temporarily to let my frustration with it settle down. Not much progress and zero cooperation from Samsung. :(



    Yeah, it will be in the nightly tonight I think. The initial change was in a nightly from a week ago that broke everything. I'll get some screen shots posted soon.


    I emailed you the screen shots

  2. Mike,


    Just wanted to give you a heads up that the CM10.1 Samsung Note 2 families are in the process of a massive change to the RIL.  I'm testing a build right now and SignalCheck is identifying the connection type, but not displaying EV-DO data.  1xRTT appears fine.  I'm still having issues connecting to eHPRD and LTE, so I'm not sure how those will preform.


    I think we might need some updates soon.


    Edit in:  Got LTE and eHPRD working via a flash to Stock and then back to CM10.1.  The ROM is currently reporting no data for LTE, but is reporting data for 1X and 3G.  Only 1X data is displayed in SignalCheck, however, the app is correctly identifying EVDO/eHPRD/LTE for the 3G/4G connection type.

  3. You seem to value competition.  But in the mobile space, Apple is trying to squelch competition or litigate it into submission.  What do you think of that?


    I miss the mobile industry before the iPhone.  Too many Joe Blows who do not need smartphones have them now because of the paradigm shift brought on by the iPhone, and that has caused lots of problems for wireless networks.



    While I agree with you on the Apple and squelching competition, bringing the SmartPhone to the average person was a great thing.  I look at it the same was as the PC brought computing into the home, rather than work/university.


    While the iPhone is the smartphone for dumb people, it advanced the smartphone revolution light years to the average citizen.  I think that it has also caused Google/Samsung/HTC/Microsoft/etc to push much harder and faster at the innovation game.

  4. Same for CM10.1 on LTE (when working, grr RIL changes) no more cancel/restart to get downloads flowing.


    If this is not resolved before launch, it could be ugly as more markets pop up.


    Been an issue since LTE was lit up in Lowell, MI back in February, and possibly before.


    Any update on the tickets you opened?

  5. Not sure what you mean, but just because there are scans means only a step to getting 800SMR.  Not a lick of 800SMR around my area no matter the SID as I've been scanning for any SID on 800SMR, regardless of being very close to 3G/4G accepted and active sites.

    That's exactly right, once a site is accepted for SMR, a phone will connect to it.  My hidden channel comment was in regards to SID 22429 that is currently being used for testing, I didn't phrase that very well, sorry.

  6. I see this issue.. my post was too big or something got cut off.   There's more....  well to make it easier let's just say what's not 800SMR scanned now:


    Here are the only 4 800SMR SIDs that are not in the scans:


    22429,Sprint Nextel,Boise ID; Brigham City UT; Jackson Hole WY; Salt Lake City UT; St. George UT

    22433,Sprint Nextel,Pendleton OR; Sandpoint ID; Spokane WA

    22449,Sprint Nextel,Charlotte Amalie VI; Ponce PR; San Juan PR

    22450,Sprint Nextel,Charlotte WV; Lynchburg VA; Roanoke VA


    Basically everywhere, but those 4 SIDs are ready for SMR 1xA once it gets out of the hidden channel :)

  7. Dish/Charlie's released a press release refuting Sprint's claims regarding their offer for Clearwire shares now:





    So Ergen is setting himself up to litigate again. Nothing new for that assclown. Sprint has to get ready for the lawsuit, or go on the aggressive themselves. I advocate for the latter.


    Preparing for lawsuit hell, NV to stall, and SoftBank to back out :(

  8. I have no clue what I did to my GN2, but it no longer connects to LTE.  I'm a CM10.1 user and after a nightly flash last Friday morning, my phone turned to junk.  I wiped everything and reinstalled CM10.1, but still just spotty 3G and 1X stuck on CDMA.  I'm going to try and find time to get back to a Stock TouchWiz rom today and see if I can get it working again.


    Edit in: Found many others were in the same boat with me do to a RIL level change in a nightly.  I went back to stock today and was able to get back on LTE.  I'm going to toss digi's SMR PRL back on then go back to CM this afternoon.

  9. What I found works is that you stop the update and hit the update button again, your will be corrected. Some how it is a problem that plagues everyone. I have experienced to, not every time though. On wifi it is different, but on the cell network it happens.



    Yep, you got it right.  Just hit cancel, and then update and accept again and it'll go fast.  Weird...


    Wow, that totally works, I'm not sure if I should be impressed how easy it is to fix or pissed off that it has been an issue for so long and not fixed.  Average Joe end user will not like this solution and be very pissy...


    I am starting to wonder if it is related to google's new music streaming service (which is quite good).


    Overtaxed google pipes serving up a lot of new music I/O.

    Naw, this has been an ongoing issue that I initially thought was just due to lack of towers.

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  10. Jeff, the app was showing "1X 800" on the top left, correct?  If you are near an 800 site again, try disabling all LTE alerts but keep the 800 alert on.. see if you get it then.  When I was trying to test it out, the LTE alert was overriding the 800 alert, but I thought I fixed that.  I don't have any live 800 in my area, so its tricky for me to test.



    Unfortunately, I won't be back over there until probably Father's Day weekend.  If I find any other SMR sites, I will test this or I will let you know in a couple weeks.

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