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Posts posted by jefbal99


    You have your background on torch mode so you can't see them.


    Sent from my little Note2



    Not sure what you mean by torch mode, just running default cm10.1 screen settings. It's on auto adjust so brightness is based on the light around me


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forum Runner


    I can't get past their ugly layout and big blue blocks on the threads. I like simple and black background on most things. Makes it easy on the eyes.


    Sent from my little Note2



    What blue blocks?








    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forum Runner

  3. Considering that network vision will be pretty close to done by the end of this year will a little work going into 2014, U will have no problems having lte, voice on 800 and lte 800 by the time u goto school up in moorhead,mn. Dakotas are a third round market and will be starting soon, it is a small market. So it won't take long once it starts


    Not quite sure where Moorhead, MN is, but if you are within 100Miles of the Canadian border, then don't count on any SMR services until the FCC and Canadian equivalent come to an agreement on interference.


    Eh' date=' that's alright. I think with the way it's going I'm going to switch to T mobile soon anyway since hspa+ is as fast or faster than sprints LTE. Sprint is literally slower than dial up speeds I had out in the country ten years ago in downtown GR most days. I can't even look up directions or a phone number unless I have 10 minutes to wait.[/quote']


    Enjoy t mobile 2g edge/gprs when you leave the city or drive anywhere.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Forum Runner

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  5. Thought I would share this. My Note 2 is on the right. Wife's coworker got phone on left from family member overseas. Original box and screen protector etc all say Note 3. After these were taken, she put in a Walmart Family Mobile sim in and was able to use the phone.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


    Can you pull the back cover and get some pics of the model/battery/etc?

  6. Anybody on the southwest side of Lansing or maybe Diamondale with a quality camera? I need a HQ pic of the top rack of the Tower on between Lansing Rd and Billwood Hwy near the State of Michigan Secondary complex. You can get close to the tower off from Lansing Rd, turning right/north into an old Home builders lot just before News Rd.


    I believe this tower has new NV antennas and Samsung RRUs, but the picture from my Note 2 is way too grainy when I zoom in. I need optical zoom, not digital zoom. You may be able to get close to the tower via Billwood Hwy, but the access road appears to be the end of a private driveway, just past the Lake Trust Credit Union.

  7. Tmobile starts with NYC and sprint starts in middle of nowhere. Someone has got the priority right.


    Sprint has completed some form of NV work on over 11,600 of its over 38,000 towers nationwide, covering a majority of the markets Sprint operates in. If you became a site sponsor you could see how wrong your statement is regarding New York and Sprint in general.

    • Like 2
  8. I've been getting 4g on the south edge of kentwood all week from dutton to cutlerville along 68th street and up 131 to 196 amd down to fuller ave here in GR. However it hasn't been overly fast as it has barely registered over 1mb download speeds in spots and the most I've gotten was 4. And it will barely penetrate into a building like a house and is nonexistant inside a big building. Hope this gets better or it wont be any better than their 3g. Anyway, fyi.


    you are probably getting service from a very distant tower and are on the edge of its coverage area. If you donate and become a site member, you can see what towers have been upgraded.

  9. I understand what you are saying... I suppose I should have added another thought vs crews moving around. I have noticed on sensorly that places like Clare MI, and Standish MI are fully functioning... so I suppose the fault lies with the planner who scheuled the first phase of the upgrade to start in these areas, rather than the higher population density demographics, where you know, sprint has lots of customers who are impatiently waiting, for the "bread and butter"... to be put on their plate before the few hundred people in the BFE get theirs. I can tell you first hand that at least 15-20 people I know have moved to verizon out of sheer disgust, of what is mentioned above. I've done eveyrthing in my power to convince them my LTE service is great, and it will be here soon enough... but my comments fell on deaf ears. I get it... I just feel like many of the sprint customers are uninformed, have no idea about sensorly, this forum... In fact, yesterday on Mlive, there was an article about the LTE coverage in MI, and I linked sensorly to hopefully educate a few people who otherwise would have had no idea... as the article clearly stated Sprint had no LTE in MI, which I informed them was not at all true.


    Sprint has a plan and is executing it, let people go to verizon and enjoy capped data and an over saturated network.

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  10. It actually does not make sense at all to wait on cell sites in a specific area when others cell sites in other areas are ready and waiting to be worked on. This 1) waste the time of the contractors who could be making money by working, 2) delays the rollout as that means towers that could be upgraded are left sitting there while contractors are waiting on others towers to be ready, and 3) delays network vision project.


    The shotgun approach that sprint is doing may be inconsistent but it's far better than sitting on their asses and doing nothing. ATT and Verizon or T-mobile may have that luxury of waiting to complete an entire area but sprint has a failed legacy network that must be replaced as soon as possible. They cannot delay this project as it's their bread and butter for the future.


    Just a few notes to continue this post...


    Different subcontractors install each piece, you have to worr about backhaul, tower (antennas/RRUs), cabinets, cabling, etc. You don't have a single group that does everything for a tower, so they spread them out to hit as much as possible.

  11. Only devices I ever remember having to preflash something else to flash a new rom were the Samsung devices affected by the SuperBrick bug in the last 16 months. Until the Devs figured out how to make safe recoveries and updater scripts.

  12. The point was that you could aggregate two 5x5 carriers to create a 10x10 carrier. Sure the 5x5 SMR LTE carrier should stay on its own to provide better indoor coverage and I would not aggregate with a PCS LTE carrier. Call it a bad example if you want. You pointed out saying that Sprint would never do 10x10 because in many places it didn't have a 10x10 of contiguous spectrum. What I am trying to say is that you don't need a 10x10 of contiguous spectrum to deploy a 10x10 LTE carrier in the future because LTE Advanced allows you to aggregate two 5x5 carriers in non-contiguous spectrum to create a 10x10 carrier.


    I would make the argument that you can make a 10x10 LTE carrier from two 5x5 carriers in the PCS spectrum (one from PCS D and one from the PCS E block which are not contiguous). Again call it a "measuring contest" or what not but the point is that in anything that Sprint has planned for the future needs to have flexibility. What Sprint decides to end up doing, we don't know but to assume it will "never" happen is absurd. I wouldn't look at what Samsung did with its 5 MHz bandwidths as a measuring stick to what Sprint has planned for the future. Obviously the HTC, Motorola and LG phones were tested for 5 and 10 MHz bandwidths for a reason. If there were absolutely no plans for the future for 10 MHz bandwidths then it wouldn't have been tested in the first place.


    I just doubled checked my posts to ensure my memory was correct, but I did not say that Sprint would "never" use a 10x10 channel, everything I stated was about the current and near future environment. Given that Sprint's current LTE implementation is not LTE-A, but LTE Rev9, the only possible way that a 10x10 carrier could be implemented would be in contiguous spectrum. I never mentioned LTE-A because it is like talking about cold fusion. It will be great if/when it gets here, but until then it is pie in the sky. Speculating about all the possibilities of LTE-A in the next 5 - 10 years is kind of pointless right now as there aren't even chipsets that support all aspects to be considered LTE-A yet. No current Sprint LTE device is capable of utilizing carrier aggregation, heck the NV build out isn't even 1/3rd complete. Once Sprint has devices that can support CA and the NV build out is complete, and Sprint announces that it is actively upgrading towers to LTE-A (rev 10 or 11?), then we can debate the merits of 10x10 LTE-A via CA in non-contiguous PCS.


    Worrying about fatter pipes and having measuring contests with Verizon and AT&T wireless are pointless. Also, please read my posts better before assuming you read something...

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  13. By good chunk of LTE devices you really just mean the Samsung devices only. The Motorola, HTC and LG devices have all supported 5 and 10 MHz LTE bandwidths. I understand for the time being that 5 MHz LTE bandwidths are what Sprint will be deploying for additional capacity. With LTE Advanced, you don't need to have a 10x10 of contiguous spectrum that you are argue is needed to create a 10x10 LTE carrier. The idea is that you can take two 5x5 LTE carriers from different spectrum (Ex: 800 and 1900 MHz)and aggregate them to create a fatter pipe. This to me is something that I can see as feasible for Sprint in the future if they so choose to. With RRUs only able to support 5 MHz bandwidths this is a limitation that does not allow for future growth. I can see not needed to test 15 and 20 MHz bandwidths but 10 MHz bandwidth is in no way out of the question.


    I don't really agree with trying to create a fatter pipe from two different pieces of spectrum. If you are connected to SMR, it is because you don't have access to PCS (distance or obstruction). I'm not sure on LTE-A, but if sprint aggregated PCS and SMR, then you leave PCS coverage, can you use just the 5x5 SMR LTE on its own? Once again, it just seems like a "measuring contest" to get 10x10Mhz.

  14. It's more about future-proofing the network ahead of time.



    Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2


    How is a 10x10 channel future proofing the network? It is just a wider carrier, the only real point I see is to allow an under utilized sector to give a smaller number of users higher bandwidth. I would much rather see multiple 5x5 channels...


    The same reason that two guys with 5 inch penises do not equal one guy with a 10 inch penis. And LTE is a penis measuring contest, right?






    pretty sure you hit the nail on the head with that one...

  15. I am kinda shocked that Sprint didn't request that all the OEMs RRUs be tested for 5 and 10 MHz channel bandwidths. I can understand not needing to test 15 and 20 MHz channel bandwidths since that wouldn't occur until several years from now or if ever but I don't think that 10 MHz channel bandwidths would have been too far fetched for the near future. It seems like it wouldn't be too difficult for Alcatel Lucent to add 10 MHz channel bandwidth support with a Class 2 Permissive Change request on its RRU. With Alcatel Lucent covering some of the largest metro areas in the US, they will definitely need to be able to support 10 MHz channel bandwidths.


    A good chunk of the Sprint LTE devices are only certified for 5Mhz LTE Channels. 5x5 LTE is not going anywhere and will probably be the Sprint norm for SMR and PCS spectrum. My guess is that only larger channels will be in the BRS spectrum, but that is TD, not FD, so apples and oranges. Sprint can clean up 10Mhz of PCS A-F for an additional 5x5 PCS LTE carrier in many markets according to AJs data in other posts. However, I don't think Sprint has an available 20mhz contiguous PCS that is unused for 10x10 FD LTE.


    Why are so many people on this forum hung up on 10x10 Mhz LTE? Two 5x5Mhz LTE carriers can support the same number of users, just a half the theoretical max bandwidth.

  16. Does anyone know why the progress in midland MI seems to have gone to lets light it all up to nothing new here? half the city still without LTE the other half seems spotty in lots of places...


    Both East and West Michigan Markets are still under active deployment. Sprint could be waiting on a backhaul vendor or they may just be scheduled at other towers. I believe midland was a coming soon, with no date attached.

  17. Yea sorry it was early at work lol. I don't understand if the next galaxy s4 only does 1900 lte. Nobody wants it. Are they shutting off 1900mhz? Or is it because 800mhz will theoretically go farther and doesn't support the 2600mhz.


    1900Mhz is the PCS band and it is not going anywhere, PCS is Sprint's bread and butter. The initial LTE rollout is occurring in a in the PCS G Block, a 5x5 Mhz block of Spectrum that was allocated as part of a rebranding plan. I think it had to do with the Nextel Spectrum in the 800Mhz block and shuffling that, but I'm not sure. Sprint will also be able to utilize its existing PCS spectrum in the A-F blocks for LTE when needed. All the existing equipment on the towers supports this and it will take an LTE carrier card install. PCS Spectrum is what your current 3g connection is based on and can travel quite far. I get LTE on PCS from a tower about 4 miles away, but it is inconsistent. In flat areas with "boomer" towers, PCS signals have been seen to travel 10 miles.


    The SMR (800Mhz) is being reused from the pending Nextel shutdown. Sprint will have a 5x5 LTE carrier and a CDMA 1xA voice carrier in SMR range. SMR spectrum travels further and penetrates buildings much better than PCS. However, Sprint only has about 14Mhz of SMR and it is not nationwide. In the Southeast, Sprint has much less SMR as SouthernLink was the iDen provider in that area. They are keeping their iDen and have announced a roaming agreement with one of the GSM carriers. I think Sprint has enough SMR in that area to still do the CDMA 1xA voice and a small 3x3 LTE carrier.


    The BRS spectrum in the 2600Mhz range is coming from the Clearwire purchase. BRS travels the least distance and penetrates buildings the worst, but Sprint has access to 60Mhz and can create some very large carriers that will have huge capacity. Sprint will initially deploy these as "hotspots" similar to a wifi hotspot in areas where the existing LTE needs some help. Clear is already deploying LTE on its own towers and Sprint can request them to deploy on any of its own towers.


    With all that info, Sprint is currently only deploying devices that support LTE in the PCS range. The speculation is that tri-band devices that support SMR/PCS/BRS LTE will appear around the end of the year. Many people were hoping for dual band LTE devices in Q1/Q2 of this year because of the Nextel shutdown in June, but it looks like Sprint is skipping dual band LTE for tri-band LTE. There is a great list in the FAQ of Sprint devices that support CDMA 1xA in SMR for voice services. Any device in the last year along with a smattering previous of that.


    Hope this info helps.

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