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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. All depends on the site and the load.  I know the new LTE site that covers my work now becomes unusable everyday around lunch hours.  I end up having to turn LTE off around this time otherwise data just won't work.  Guess this site is just getting slammed.

    Naw, all other data is fine, just Google related stuff is getting the slowdown and it happens at multiple LTE sites morning, noon, night

  2. That is great information Robert, thanks.  That app download went for 30 minutes, then the last like 10MB came down in a flash, true LTE speed.  Now my twitter app, Plume has 20 mins to go with 11% downloaded.


    Also, I'm doing this from an active NV deployment area all through the same 4G core, so maybe they are still doing work at the core level.

  3. I think this has been mentioned/discussed, but I couldn't find a topic on it...


    Is anyone else experiencing incredibly slow response/download from Google services on Sprint LTE?  With a very stable LTE signal, I can try to update an app from the play store or download an email attachment and it is like my data is flowing over the 1X voice channel.  I'm currently updating the MaaS360 app that I have to use for my Corp email and with 8% downloaded in about 7 minutes, it says I have 41minutes left and that is going up.  I try to get pictures that my wife sends me of the kids, 1-3 MB and they rarely get passed the loading stage.  I will make changes to my gmail account via Android app and it takes 15 minutes for them to show up on the Web or I will respond to the email and the Gmail app sits at sending, but the Website shows the response.  Google Now gives me a toast notification that is "No Connection."  When wifi is available, if I flip to that, everything loads crazy fast.


    I just ran a speedtest while that MaaS360 download was going on, 93ms ping, 2.00Mbps down, 3.50Mbps up.  Web pages load fine, Podcast downloads, corp email and other apps load up fine.


    Has there been any talk or rumblings about traffic shaping on Google services?  I know Sprint will be managing their network much more tightly post NV.

  4. The only tech I wish death on is iden. CDMA has coverage performance advantages over LTE you dont realize until you go to a low signal area where only 1xRTT will function.


    I hope cdma sticks around but i am excited for the VoLTE future potentially uniting all American carriers to a single roaming footprint.


    Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk 2

    Could a device be created with enough antennas/amps/etc to support 600(maybe)/700/750/800/850/1700/1900/2100/2300/2500?  Not to mention the potential of Dish 2200 LTE.  Due to the varying spectrum used, I don't think you'll ever see a device that can used used on any US carrier...

  5. It's the exact numbers that are going to be important. Even if inside speeds are half of what you stated, it's gonna be perfect and indistinguishable unless you do a speed test.


    If PCS can reach inside, that'll be good enough because Sprint is gonna eventually add more 2x5 LTE carriers, leaving one 2x5 block for 2x1.25 voice carriers, and speeds will be plenty fast.

    Actually in 5Mhz FDD, if 1xA takes 1.25Mhz FDD, you could fit 3 carriers, unless the guard bands were too big.

  6. I'm starting to wonder if something is up in the core of Sprints NV network as my data issues have gotten much worse in the last week.  When I'm at home, the closest tower to me is NV LTE live, probably half a mile away and the data speed/consistency is just all over the board.  I can be on a social network and try a refresh and time out, then 5 seconds later its fine, then 5 seconds later its out.  All the time with 4 bars (CM10.1 so real LTE data) and -80ish dBm from signal check pro.  If I try to do a speed test, sometimes it completes, but a majority will hang and never finish.  At work I'm connecting to a more distant tower, but maintain -95 dBm to -102dBm, which is 1-2 bars.  Just trying to stream an online radio show 9am-11am is constant drops or buffering.  I can't get a youtube clip to load or pictures on my twitter app. 


    Google Apps and the Play Store appear to be the worst offenders, regardless of connection or location.  They are almost always excruciating slow, can't load up a 1meg jpg from email or update my apps.


    I'm going to start watching the Status screen on my phone much closer.  I just noticed today that SignalCheck and my bars don't change, but the Signal Strength screen takes me to 0 dBm a couple of times per minute.


    I'm one of the biggest proponents saying "The network is under construction, need to let it finish, etc" but something just doesn't feel right.  None of the sites in my area are microwave backhaul, they are all AAV from what I remember, so I wouldn't think the issue is there.  I'm just shocked to be looking at a pretty solid signal and not see data flowing or a 64kb radio stream buffering.


    It's time to play the waiting game and see when more towers are accepted and see if that helps.  It very well could be that with the sparse towers that every LTE device is trying to use the little bit of LTE that is out there and as the rest are activated it will alleviate the strain.

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  7. I agree that they need to wait until all the sites are done. But then again I sit here with a decent LTE signal, the site pulls 12-14 in the morning even more if you are close to the site of course. Wait till lunch and it goes dead with 1x speeds and 5000ms pings. I don't want to believe it is overloaded with such a small customer base here but this same pattern has happened 4 days in a row so far. Don't know what to think.


    Sent from my little Note2

    I've noticed in Lansing, MI that at peak times I get slower, but no where near what you've posted.  I'm also typically around -100 - -110dBm for my LTE signal so I'm hitting some distant towers.  At home, i'm typically -90dBm and run into some signal oddities, but I think I'm right on the border between two of the three sectors and I bounce between them.

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