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Everything posted by leerage

  1. What setting did you change or change it to? So far I haven't had any repercussions using that setting. The only thing I've tried is "LTE,CDMA" though. No issues roaming as well. Edit - Like you said, they are the same. When I change to "LTE,CDMA" in the *#*#4636#*#* menu and look under ##3282#, the preferred mode has changed to "LTE CDMA only". *#*#4636#*#* might be a better option for people who aren't rooted and don't know their MSL and as long as they don't mess with any other settings.
  2. I haven't compared side by side yet with a GS3 or iPhone 5. But what I have done is change the Preferred Network Type under the *#*#4636#*#* dialer menu. Normal setting is "CDMA + LTE/EvDo Auto" and the setting I've tested with is "LTE,CDMA". That will force the phone to LTE and fallback on 1x when out of range. Comparing those two settings, when using "LTE,CDMA" I can attain LTE quicker and hold on to LTE much longer than the "CDMA +LTE/EvDo Auto" setting. Before I was aware of this setting, I would have been one of those oblivious to the issue. But after changing that setting it is like night and day. Comparing the EVO LTE in the "LTE,CDMA" setting to a GS3/iPhone 5 is on my to-do list.
  3. I understand that. I'm sure there is more to it than just a simple threshold adjustment. I guess what I find odd is one can switch to LTE,CDMA mode and hold LTE just fine, even at weak signals and work just fine. Only problem is when you go out of LTE, you are stuck on 1x. If they could just mimic that but have it default to 3G when out of LTE range, problem solved. But things can never be that easy
  4. If it isn't a threshold issue, then what would need to be adjusted? From what I've seen the EVO LTE will only hold signal up to a certain point to which then it will switch back to 3G. Even though the LTE signal was weaker, it still could have performed better than the 3G it just switched to. If that threshold of preferring a stronger 3G signal over a weaker (but better performing LTE signal vs 3G performance) isn't the problem... what is?
  5. You can switch the EVO LTE into LTE,CDMA mode which will obtain LTE and hold it for much longer. That setting works great. Only downside is if you happen to get out of LTE range, you'll be on 1X. Just switch the mode back and you'll be on 3G. So basically HTC just needs to resolve the threshold issue with a software update. I don't think it is an antenna issue since we can force LTE and it work just fine.
  6. Here is the tower as of May 2011 from Google Streetview. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6da7quzlv8y3mux/untitled3.png Looks like a couple of things have changed on it but will probably need a better pic to confirm NV or not.
  7. It is kinda hard to tell from the pic. Since this is Florida, we should see Ericsson RRUs... but I'm not seeing them in this pic. Can you get closer and use a camera with an optical zoom?
  8. Of course the EVO 4G LTE doesn't have LTE. LTE means Lite. 4G Lite, its got half the speed of regular 4G for all of you that count megabytes.
  9. No, rooting will not fix the LTE connectivity issue.
  10. Well it is needed for LTE to hand off to 3G and vice versa. It is done in advance of NV work.
  11. If you use the *#*#4636#*#* from the dialer menu and change from CDMA +LTE/EVDO Auto to LTE,CDMA you will hold on to LTE signals much longer. I was just up in Manhattan KS testing this. I was able to hold on to LTE up until -130 dBm RSRP. This will still at least allow you to get voice and text as well. As soon as you fall out of LTE you will switch to 1X.
  12. Anybody able to get some pics of this tower(s) that have gone live in this area?
  13. Dish Remote App. Allows me to get into my DVR and watch my recorded shows or live TV. (I believe DirecTV has something similar.) Pretty much unusable on a burdened 3G connection. SiriusXM - This is usually ok 3G but will probably never buffer on LTE. LogMeIn - Sometimes can be painful to use on a burdened 3G connection. Should work excellent on LTE. I use this to remote into my work and home computers.
  14. Just looking at the 4G Switch app screenshots (the .99 cent app), it looks to be bringing up the same dialer menu as *#*#4636#*#* Edit- from the *#*#4636#*#* menu, i set mine to LTE/CDMA and I can only do 1X (since I dont have any live LTE towers around me.)
  15. Using that, will it still give you 3G when you go completely out of LTE coverage?
  16. Which dialer code are you using? *#*#4636#*#* or ##3283# + MSL ?
  17. I was hoping for an OTA today. It was one week ago when the source for 2.13 dropped. Hopefully soon.......
  18. There has been opinions from both sides but the consensus is that the EVO currently is not on par with the GS3 and iPhone when attempting to latch on to LTE in a covered area and continue to hold it as you move about. You can however switch to LTE only mode and detect and hold the signal better. So it looks to be a software issue and hopefully HTC will have this fixed asap.
  19. This is the usual HTC response on issues: If you can actually get through to someone knowledgeable and can help, that might be a different story.
  20. Here is a before and after comparision I did for Ericsson equipment: http://s4gru.com/ind...ter-comparison/ Trying to find a good shot of Samsung/Alca-Lu equipment. The Panels will look the same but the RRUs are a bit different. Edit - Here is Alca-Lu equipment from Baltimore:
  21. I'm not seeing any NV panels or RRUs on that site. Maybe its just my eyes....
  22. From what I remember reading on here, I think Sprint barely owns any towers. A lot of the towers around my neck of the woods are owned by American Tower and Sprint just leases from them.
  23. I'll be riding this one out. I got my EVO LTE off contract and upgrade isn't til August 2013. I've always preferred Sense so I probably won't switch to a GS3 and definitely not getting an iPhone 5. Will be interesting to see the side by side comparisons. I'm still waiting for LTE in my home town so I guess I'll hope the connectivity issues have been resolved by the time I get LTE.
  24. I'm just hoping it isn't strictly a hardware defect. I mean they haven't had any issues with the Rezound or Incredible 4G LTE to my knowledge.
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