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Everything posted by leerage

  1. He needed a cell phone, sprint showed coverage there so I added him to my account. Simple as that. I actually didn't really know much about Nex-Tech providing the native coverage for Sprint until joining S4GRU. His contract is up next January so if we do have to pay an ETF in June, it wont be too bad. Lesson learned I guess. Verizon finally just got EVDO there so I guess if he has to get on with them so be it.
  2. Wow this is crazy. My dad lives in northwestern kansas in a town served by Nex-Tech. If it does happen to be Nex-Tech severing ties from Sprint, will Sprint let my dad out of contract?
  3. You can go through the process to see how much they will give you for a device. You are not obligated to follow through with it. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  4. HTC is giving me $100 for my touch pro 2 so im pretty sure they will give you $100 for either of those devices.
  5. It says coming soon. Hopefully its happens quickly otherwise i will have to buy the silver to make sure i get the $100 back haha
  6. Ugghh... Sprint is "Out-of-stock" on Black HTC Ones. Same thing happening with AT&T.
  7. You can use the app posted above SignalCheck (consider the pro version, it is awesome) or use the debug screen. Looks like you have a EVO Shift, open up the dialer and try ##DEBUG# .... if that works choose 1X Engineering and look at SID and Band # you are connected to
  8. I will be preordering online. I'm currently at work doing a maintenance so if it last past 12am I was going to check if the preorder site was live.
  9. 50 bucks?? I'm gunna go tell everybody! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-zDK_WoO-w Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  10. Make sure to enjoy your vacation though... much deserved!
  11. Here was a summarization from AJ about the dual antenna system. I think this is a similar dual antenna system setup like the iPhone 5 if I am not mistaken.
  12. Has the dual antenna system on the One got you intrigued? I'm interested to see how the One will perform compared to the GS3 and Note2. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  13. I would think so. If not you can just pre-order online. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  14. Best buy will have it for $700 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/HTC+-+One+4G+Mobile+Phone+-+Silver+%28Sprint%29/8352107.p;jsessionid=BDE51CCC1237DE8D68D6CB8EE837F9D7.bbolsp-app03-161?id=1218870774830&skuId=8352107&st=htc%20one&cp=1&lp=2&contract_desc= Like muffinman, I believe I read $549 from Sprint as well. That was the same case with the EVO LTE when it came out. Bestbuy tried selling for $700 and Sprint sold it for $549.
  15. So who all is going to pick up the one on the 19th? I'm pretty sure at this point I am. Thought about maybe starting a thread to compare One performance vs EVO LTE in regards to LTE. Performance as in sitting in one specific location and testing the RSRP of the One and EVO LTE at the same time, picking up and holding a LTE signal while moving around, etc. I'm hoping it is improved with the One in all those areas.
  16. Digi, was your fix you made on XDA just a flashable that restored a missing .apk? If thats the case, maybe update to the latest, flash recovery so the patch can be flashed then revert back to stock recovery?
  17. You should see what HTC will give you for them
  18. Do you have an old device to send back to HTC? I signed up for the HTC $100 deal and surprisingly they will still give me $100 for my TP2. That should help some if you are buying off contract.
  19. With HTC Dev you can still flash ROMs. Yes, certain partitions are locked down but that's by design. If HTC unlocked all the partitions or actually gave users S-OFF through HTC Dev, that is just asking for trouble. At that same time though for me I want S-OFF just because I know what I'm doing.
  20. What was the RSRP of the signal? I'm presuming you were right on the edge of a signal and once it was low enough it fell back to 3G. Then cycling the radio forced it to scan again, then the same thing happens. The EVO LTE is definitely not a good RF performer compared to other devices but from what you described sounds typical of being in a low LTE signal area.
  21. From the time stamps it looks like on the morning of 3/25 it was hitting roughly 25 down. Then the timestamps of the 55+ down look to be on the afternoon of 3/26.
  22. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2902-how-to-spot-sprint-panels-and-rrus-ericsson-style/
  23. They do offer to some customers to buy out the rest of your contract. Call them up and ask if you can push up your upgrade. Might be kinda expensive with a year left to go though.
  24. On paper it looks to have an improvement but we will definitely know good or bad once the handset gets in S4GRU users hands
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