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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. One wonders why @ilona_andrews is frowning at the twitterverse.

  2. I don't get why everyone is using this MyCalendar app for Facebook. My @htc devices already sync birthdays from Facebook.

  3. I need to get caught up on Castle. Think I'm a season behind.

  4. And it's raining out. Perfect.

  5. I just washed these clothes and hadn't bothered putting them up cause I feel like crap. Wtf cat? http://t.co/5cQmfkbd

  6. I expect a funeral in one of the 2 last episodes. Sad stuff. Prefer not to ponder my own mortality.

  7. I was kind of hungry until the cat decided to stink bomb me.

  8. OK, verdict? Cinnamon syrup in coffee is gross. Think I'll just order a case of vanilla next time.

  9. Ugh. Hate being sick. So rarely do I get anything it always catches me off guard.

  10. Sometimes my subconscious insists I write things like that down. When I was probably 12 or so it was "without love, sex would be violent"

  11. With all this sinus crap, I sound like Darth Vader. Do not underestimate the power of the dark side of the sinus.

  12. This cube steak would double as a good chew toy. *gnaws on a bit*

  13. If you're curious its here (also, they expect you to speed read): http://t.co/G8WQDQJm

  14. As soon as I read "I've got a theory." in Cold Days, the song from Once More With Feeling popped into my head.

  15. I'd suggest they use my cat's shit to interrogate prisoners but that would be cruel and unusual punishment. *lights more incense*

  16. .@Jess_Haines I'm attempting to figure out how many vampire movies I own now. Its complicated because they don't all have the word vampire.

  17. No, "Unknown caller" I won't answer the phone for you.

  18. Someone needs to design a microusb port that's easy to plug in without the lights on.

  19. I bet just about every time @htc tweets, someone asks them about Jellybean for whichever device they love.

  20. Although this blows the awesome meter off the scale, I can't stop staring at Jonathan Frakes' right nostril. wtf?! http://t.co/y4DxgrGw

  21. Sava Savanovic, Vampire, May Be On The Loose In Serbia, Council Says In Public Health Warning: R... http://t.co/OxmzJUgN via @HuffPostWeird

  22. After staring into my mini fridge for some minutes I've come to the conclusion that I'm out of coffee creamer. *looks sadly at coffee*.

  23. No, I don't believe in too much information.

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