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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. Heh, there's 2 people "watching" my TV on ebay. Da fuq..you going to wait til the last minute and bid?

  2. 2 minutes left on break, then 5 more hours of work. #yawn

  3. For some reason @LindseyStirling reminds me of Mia Sara in that movie Legend.

  4. Laying here dreaming I'm on a walkway and piranha are jumping up on either side of me snapping at me when my cat licks my cheek. EEP!

  5. The side porch moans when it's windy outside. I kind of like it. Wooooooo

  6. Home. Face stuffing time. Nom nom.

  7. My oldest sister is thinking about moving here. Mom just asked if I'd consider sharing an apartment with her. I'd prefer a house.

  8. The keys were located, safe and sound in a McDonalds trash can.

  9. Installed the android ebay app so I can obsessively watch my listing sit there and do nothing.

  10. The Red Queen is so creepy. Little girls make scary bad guys. O_o

  11. 1.5 hours of work left. So worn out from being ill. Blech.

  12. Fun fact, migraines make me vomit. #ugh

  13. and those tweets came out backwards. *shrug*

  14. I wonder if @ce_murphy would have a clue where this is. It says Erin Island but it doesn't look like Ireland to me. http://t.co/l9GEAWjh

  15. Huh, IMDB says Belfast.

  16. Had to look up hydrocodone to see exactly wtf it was. It's an opiate.

  17. Hydrocodone is AMAZING. That is all.

  18. Made it to the gas station without running out. Now to make it through the lines. Geez people. Don't everyone get gas at the same time.

  19. My cat just gave me a wtf look because I sneezed twice. Cough drops make me sneeze.

  20. My aunt has taught mom's new kitten to fetch (more or less). She has it on video.

  21. Could have used a second day off to get over this creeping crud. Off to work I go.

  22. This episode reminds me of that movie The Thomas Crown Affair.

  23. Then again, hot water might have the same effect.

  24. My cat: you kiss my face all the time, why can't I kiss yours? Me: I don't use tongue.

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