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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. Cripes, it's 69F in my room. Might have to turn the a/c off.

  2. Just realized I forgot to reinstall Scrivener after installing Windows 8. Hope I can find my product key. *digs through email*

  3. Trying to remember which @StevenBrust book had Vlad enter the land of the dead. All my books are in storage.

  4. I could drown in a margarita from Chili's about now.

  5. Hmph. Looks like I'll just have to go see Skyfall by myself. After a cat nap. Literally. Nap with cats.

  6. I felt a sudden relief upon realizing that the post office is closed today. That means I can postpone something until tomorrow.

  7. This is just crazy. Deadly blast devastates Indianapolis neighborhood - Yahoo! News http://t.co/EcbxfdsB

  8. When did Philips start branding their employees? http://t.co/CZFZUKBS

  9. Pizza smells divine. Needs to cook FASTER!

  10. So far @ce_murphy has made me crave donuts and @HunterFaith has made me crave steak and Cajun food. What's next?

  11. Attempting to read my ebook between the valley made by my cats ears. She's insisting that "in your face" is the best place to lay.

  12. Attempting to create ART in photoshop. Been years since I've done this. Bit harder now that I need reading glasses to see wtf I'm doing. -_-

  13. Ahhh, it's bright outside. What is this fiery ball of light in the sky? *hisses*

  14. It also locates your device using GPS. You can remote wipe etc. Pretty damned good for $3.

  15. wtf, why is Taco Bell trending? -_-

  16. Crud, time to get ready for a Friday night at work. Joy. As busy as last night was, tonight is liable to be a nightmare made flesh.

  17. Reading @HunterFaith's Jane Yellowrock books over again to catch up. She has me googling hinged snake fangs. I'm utterly creeped out now.

  18. Just found my fonts collection from when I used to do graphic design. Some 5000 fonts. O_o

  19. My ex wife is using my son's facebook account to message me. Tres weird.

  20. Standing here in boxer shorts and black socks, I suddenly felt like @JohnCleese in A Fish Called Wanda.

  21. Irritating that @tassimo keeps sending me ads but still hasn't shipped my coffee I already ordered.

  22. Libra: "you could toss your schedule aside today..." but then I'd probably get fired and have to find a new job. Tempting.

  23. Just deleted a voice mail from the ex wife. It said "moved to trash". This made me giggle.

  24. OK, @wilw has made me Google "IPA" and now I know more about India pale ale than I ever needed to. Thanks Wikipedia.

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