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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. This is twice now that I've had to turn around and go back home for my phone. Getting senile, I am.

  2. At work for 30 minutes and they send me on an hour break. I'd rather have just come in late. -_-

  3. Was just about to listen to @IMKristenBell sing On the Road Again with Willie Nelson when the cat woke me up by licking my lip. Blech.

  4. Somewhat tempted to get these LED shoe laces. Juvenile but geeky. http://t.co/FhXirexc

  5. I'm wishing I'd stopped for gas on one of the warm days. Almost out.

  6. Just asked Robert Reeves if he knew @JWatson_Wx. Yeah, I was bored at work.

  7. Today marks day 7 of my eBay issue. The buyer has yet to respond so I get to close the case tomorrow and finally sell my TV. #painintheass

  8. Jackie Chan still wins. I have 72 movies with him. O_o

  9. In an effort to become more organized, I ordered an over the door coat rack. I like getting packages in the mail.

  10. So, had a mishap in the wash. They used to be light blue. Now they're more like cloudy sky. Artistic I say. http://t.co/rTFyMhxA

  11. Happy holidays everyone. Hope all enjoy whatever gifts they get.

  12. .@Jess_Haines glad to hear that. I have yet to see it. Have to dragoon someone into going with me.

  13. I'm feeling awfully restless but I don't have anything to do. -_-

  14. I dearly wish my cat would stop crawling up on my chest and FARTING!

  15. Dinner is in the fridge but eh. Its probably chicken.

  16. I've gotten so used to @SwiftKey that I keep expecting Windows 8 to autocomplete words. We need a Windows version.

  17. I wish I could shake Jackie Chan's hand and learn his mad skills via osmosis.

  18. Working on the energy to go eat something.

  19. Damn, break is over. So tired now. Want a nap.

  20. It creeps me out when someone says things like "she has her grandmother's eyes". Was her grandmother done with them at least?

  21. blech, have 6 minutes before I must leave and I'm woefully unprepared to sally forth into the chill.

  22. Josh Brolin did a fantastic job playing a young Tommy Lee Jones.

  23. Now that's a high walled litter tray. Time will tell how well it works. http://t.co/4971OdWa

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