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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. I suppose coffee is in order. When is it not though? #yawns

  2. Aside from being bad ass, the name of the song reminded me of one of @KevinHearne's characters. http://t.co/zMlk1IMY

  3. I hope one day to be able to visit Ireland. It always seems so pretty in film. Plus, I love Irish pubs.

  4. There's like 800 people at walmart and one line open. The fuck people, it's after 11pm, go home.

  5. I suspect I enjoy @ZMarriott's #merlin tweets better than I'd enjoy the show. Saves me the trouble of watching it.

  6. Coffee time. Possibly my favorite time of day. Except the rare nap time.

  7. Why does the cat wait until I'm comfortable in bed to go stink up the litter box? Evil!

  8. I feel great for about 4 hours then splat. Can't keep my eyes open and I've got cotton mouth.

  9. View from my truck as I back out of the drive. http://t.co/FFYxl1aO

  10. Heh, it's colder in Alabama than in Seattle right now. Weird weather.

  11. Cee Lo does do a nice version of "Mary, Did You Know?".

  12. Is it 10pm yet? Things to do at home.

  13. Ach..have 15 minutes to shave and what not. *sips coffee instead*

  14. Also, sad that @Dropbox bought @audiogalaxy. I hope they continue letting you stream music from your own machines. I can't upload 239GB. -_-

  15. Well, shit. Did not plan on taking a trip to the airport this morning. So much for sleeping in. *makes coffee*

  16. Listening to Jesse Ventura talk to a scientist about the dangers of aspartame while I'm drinking a Diet Coke.

  17. The temptation to make coffee is nearly overwhelming but its near midnight.

  18. Watching Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura will definitely make you paranoid.

  19. USF anthropologists find evidence of 98 deaths, more graves at closed Florida reform school | Fox News http://t.co/8O20Xk2V via @foxnews

  20. After watching all this conspiracy stuff I'm likely to have some weird dreams.

  21. Something about this sentence: "Unlike other stem cell technologies, the pee-based brain cells didn't form tumors when implanted into rats."

  22. Wow, the Internet has made it possible for people with rampant paranoia to feed their fantasies. Some crazy shit out there.

  23. The subs on this film are excellent but holy crap, the Japanese talk fast. I have to speed read to keep up.

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