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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. I think I have mom talked into knitting me the @DevonMonk gargoyle. #awesome

  2. crap, have to leave in 5 and i'm still in sleepwear. *slurps coffee down*

  3. That was one of the better sex scenes I've read and it didn't use the word "core" once. #angelsink

  4. Does she look apologetic for mauling my hand? http://t.co/g6MWOrof

  5. Thanks to @riley_walker13 I have Maroon 5 stuck in my head. *sings She Will Be Loved to his cats*

  6. Crap, time to get ready for work. Must put the book down.

  7. I seem to have arisen early. *hisses at the sunlight and makes coffee*

  8. Was going to be good (ish) and go to sleep but then @JocelynnDrake inadvertently pointed out Dropkick Murphys music. Hooked me immediately.

  9. I see the lovely @chelseahamill in an Alabama t-shirt and wonder how she got it. I see them daily here. This state is crazy spirited.

  10. Forgot I had an episode of Elementary to watch. Now I'm craving cereal.

  11. Having to be at work at a quarter til confuses my time sense of when to leave.

  12. If water can run without legs, why can't I fly without wings?

  13. I'm sitting here in boxer shorts and there's 2 cats on either side of me like bookends staring at me. It's making me nervous.

  14. Must finish coffee and get ready for work. Any second now. Yeah. *clicks another link*

  15. Since the doorbell made me get dressed early, I shall proceed with the Making of the Coffee ritual.

  16. Also, Microsoft, why have all my icons migrated over to the 60" tv? Irritating software.

  17. Hmm, the current @XBMC beta doesn't seem to disable power saving on windows 8. Monitor keeps shutting off while watching a movie. Annoying.

  18. I thought I'd outwit her today by putting the coat high up on pillows. Nope. http://t.co/NjT6c2ex

  19. OK, that movie was perfect for what it was. Huge action stars just having fun. Lots of one liners from their famous movies.

  20. Sylvester Stallone is still pretty ripped.

  21. Now Jimmy Buffet blew out a flip flop. My coworker thought he stepped on a pop tart. Generation gap. Cans don't have pop tops now.

  22. Mom just called and asked me to count how many windows are on the front of the house. I suspect wreath hanging is in the future.

  23. Been through the desert on a cat with no legs. *sings to self* http://t.co/v26pKJf8

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