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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. It's coffee time. Way too early to be up.

  2. Friend coming in the morning to go shopping cause she's afraid to drive in Huntsville. That's 6 hours from now. Odds are she'll be late. Zzz

  3. What a time to realize I've forgotten to shave an entire cheek on my face. #oops

  4. Shadow cat snoozes under the covers. http://t.co/IuHX2Ffq

  5. I'm hoping to avoid the ritual hauling of decoration boxes out of the attic by being at work.

  6. I suppose I shall crawl out of my warm cocoon and make coffee. Things to do. Namely hang a bloody huge tv on the wall.

  7. Police raid home of 9-year-old Pirate Bay user, confiscate her ‘Winnie the Pooh’ laptop http://t.co/NR9xMP3O

  8. If that TV weighs 69 lbs, My left butt cheek is made of green cheese. Unlatched the bottom and swung it forward. Weighs a TON.

  9. Hour and a half to go. Place is still mobbed. A feel like a zoo exhibit in summer.

  10. They apparently have 22 of these televisions to sell. I bet even after 22 tickets are gone they'll still make us wait til 10.

  11. Letting the food digest before I assault the walmart ramparts. http://t.co/H6yzzmMa

  12. I can smell the turkey cooking. Mouth is watering like Pavlov's dogs.

  13. I guess we can go with the default answer of "magic" since the laws of conservation of mass went out the window with werewolves.

  14. Inexplicably sleepy. Usually I'm up for another 3 hours. *curls up with cats*

  15. I bet @HamillHimself gets tired of the Luke, I am your father jokes. ^_^ He's probably also a good sport about it.

  16. Neighbor is outside deep frying a turkey. He's wearing shorts. And nothing else.

  17. Walmart, I am in you. So is EVERYONE ELSE in the city.

  18. That TV will be mine. Yes, my precious, mine all mine.

  19. 4:25am. Just finished @HunterFaith's Death's Rival. It's full of win and I can't wait to see what comes next :)

  20. Had to read this chapter title several times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. "Free Dick Dot Come". I'm sure it'll become clear...

  21. Want to keep reading @HunterFaith's latest but must get ready for work. Wahhh!

  22. Just woke from a bizarre dream about being at a vets office and seeing lightning strike and tear a path down the street. O_o

  23. Although I do find that when I'm unsure about direction, editing makes me consider where I am and usually spurs my imagination to move on.

  24. I love it when a plan comes together.

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