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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. Still have 5 minutes and I'm ready to walk out the door. Does not compute.

  2. ok, word count reached at 3:40am. *yawns* Now for reward time. Craving carrots too. O_o

  3. Learned a bit about eastern screech owls in the process of writing. Neat birds. Hell of a natural camouflage they have.

  4. Damn, so going to be late for work. Have 7 minutes to get there. *brushes teeth and runs like the wind*

  5. first known as crapaud (a French word meaning "toad" in reference to the original style of play by people crouched over a floor or sidewalk)

  6. I really like the word nefarious. #randomthought

  7. Now if I could just get her to pose holding a good globe in the snowy mountains...

  8. I kind of like this one but I'm not sure when I'd ever get to wear it. http://t.co/O53JHO8O

  9. Ah, apparently @KelloggCompany did make "peanut butter and jelly" Pop-Tarts back in the 80s. Guess they weren't popular enough to keep.

  10. Found a house for sale on my family road in Ipswich, MA. Its only $765K -_-

  11. Heh, one of my ancestors was named "Noble". He was born in 1577 in England.

  12. OK, made it all the way back to 1520. Eyeballs burning. Enough genealogy for one night.

  13. Well, crap. Was barking up the wrong family tree. *snips off a branch*

  14. Just found my greatx3 grandfather's civil war draft record. O_o

  15. Just found my great grandfather's world war I draft registration card. Wild.

  16. Still waiting to see if my aunt suggests we go see Breaking Dawn pt 2 tonight.

  17. Wandering dammit. Stop auto correcting incorrectly. Le sigh.

  18. So Egypt is asking the US to end Israeli aggression against Gaza. We're getting a reputation for butting into other people's wars. Sad.

  19. Ah ha! Dad was born in 1944. Found a US Public record for him. Progress.

  20. Well, 2 of the 4 @Jess_Haines books I ordered shipped today. Guess it's an "as they become available" thing.

  21. He tells this horrible story about his parents dying to make a girl feel better about being raped. Wtf?

  22. Having eaten an entire large pizza by myself, I feel much less stabbity. Yes autocorrect, stabbity is now a word. Deal with it.

  23. People are making me feel stabbity tonight. Must be something in the air.

  24. Now to go find out how much its going to cost me to send something to the ex in ALASKA. -_- No, its not a letter bomb.

  25. Drinking Morning Blend even though its afternoon. I'm such a rebel.

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